"A Desperate Heart" is a music track from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice that is played during trials. It is a dark, brooding track that plays during dramatic moments. The Japanese title is similar to the title of "Pursuit - Corner the Culprit".
"A Desperate Heart" is normally saved for times when a protagonist is faced with an especially hopeless situation, such as when Trucy Wright and Maya Fey's trials are about to end in a conviction in The Magical Turnabout and The Rite of Turnabout respectively, or when Phoenix Wright falls into despair over Fey's kidnapping in Turnabout Revolution. The one exception occurs in The Foreign Turnabout, when the track plays as Ahlbi Ur'gaid announces his decision to believe in Phoenix as his lawyer and tell the truth about the murder he is accused of, thereby saving them both from a conviction under the Defense Culpability Act. Turnabout Storyteller is the only main story episode in which this track does not play.