Ace Attorney Wiki

Iris Wilson
Well, if you ask me, I think you should try wearing something different every now and then.
Ryunosuke Naruhodo
Oh really? Like what?

An attorney's armband was a defense lawyer's main piece of identification for legal purposes during the infancy of Japan's modern court system, before badges were introduced. There was also a prosecutor's version of the armband, which was large enough to fit around Taketsuchi Auchi's robes. Unlike the modern attorney's badge, the armband did not use an ID number system, instead embroidering the lawyer's own name on the back of the object; as such, Kazuma Asogi's armaband had his name written on it even when it passed on to Ryunosuke Naruhodo.

After an incident involving Kazuma Asogi on the SS Burya, Ryunosuke Naruhodo inherited Asogi's armband and made it his mission to continue where his friend had left off, and become a lawyer in Great Britain. Despite being smaller than the prosecutor's armband, it would still frequently slip through Naruhodo's arm, forcing him to readjust it every now and then. He was also prone to damaging it, much to the dismay of Susato Mikotoba, who would fix it.

When Susato Mikotoba acted as the defence attorney for her childhood friend Rei Membami, her father Yujin Mikotoba provided her an attorney's armband of her own, though it was never added to the court record.

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