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Asinine Attorney: Japan is the the first short story scenario in The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve. It is set shortly after The Adventure of the Great Departure. Taketsuchi Auchi tries to press charges against Kazuma Asogi for cutting his hair.

Before the trial[]

8:47 AM

Kazuma Asogi arrives in the defendant lobby, having traveled by steamship and an overnight train. His best friend, Ryunosuke Naruhodo, had been cleared of charges ten days ago by himself with Asogi's help, but Susato Mikotoba had sent him a telegram that told him about another complaint and there would be a trial on the fifth. Asogi hadn't broken the seal on the envelope he'd been sent, as he had just arrived. The prosecutor from the last trial had raised an objection three days afterward along with additional charges. Asogi suggested these charges are the prosecutor's idea of revenge, having been defeated by a student in the presence of many court officials. Asogi says using the law like that made him no better than actual criminals, and that he was one of the reasons the public distrusts people in the law. Before Susato could confirm something with Asogi, the bailiff called for them to enter the courtroom.


9:00 AM

The judge declares court to be in session. The prosecutor, Taketsuchi Auchi, says women like Susato shouldn't be in court. But she says he was the one who made a complaint, since this is a special case the judge makes an exception. Kazuma Asogi is ready and recalls the original verdict where the real criminal confessed, but Auchi says that's not what the complaint says. Asogi is actually charged with assault, the only one not surprised is Auchi, he is suing Asogi for cutting off his topknot and considering it reckless assault since he used a katana in a courtroom! The judge does seem to agree that it was unnecessary and Asogi realizes he may have gone overboard so he apologizes. Despite his bow, Auchi still wants him to go to prison for six months because his hair won't grow back. Although Mikotoba agrees but Asogi could not believe this, he doesn't want to accept the charges as his study abroad would then be canceled. Mikotoba objects that Asogi's katana couldn't reach the prosecutor's bench. Auchi had testimony and evidence, so the judge allows witnesses to take the stand.

Satoru Hosonaga takes the stand along with Ryunosuke Naruhodo. Hosonaga introduces himself as a barber. Naruhodo tried to tell Asogi about being a witness earlier but Asogi kept shushing him. Naruhodo doesn't think Asogi cut Auchi's hair, Hosonaga adds that Auchi goes to the tonsure shop he works at but his hair has completely stopped growing ever since it was cut, so not being able to wear a topknot was a fatal blow to Auchi despite it only being ten days. During the cross-examination, Naruhodo suggests that mentions that Asogi gets a swollen head and starts bragging about weird things after eating beef stew. Asogi gets mad when Naruhodo says his clan's secret art of sword drawing allows him to slice melon in half from seven meters, but it's hard to find fruit in December and Asogi just announced that it would be possible to commit the crime. Auchi decides to present a twist rope made of paper from Japan, it's what his topknot was tied with, and it's sliced from a very sharp blade but it proves that it didn't touch his hair. To prove this, the judge has the bailiff get some Japanese paper, Taketsuchi Auchi's hair is a topknot again.

It seems like Kazuma Asogi can go to the Great British Empire now, but Auchi objects to this. Many Japanese people have signed up for the study abroad, it would basically make them ambassadors, but Asogi apparently used so dishonest means to get this far. Satoru Hosonaga confirms due to an investigation of his. The selection process for the exchange student was split into several stages and was conducted mainly by the Ministry of Justice, there were three exams: one written, one practical, and one negotiation skills. All the candidates received a score at the end, Hosonaga managed to receive some secret documents saying that Asogi was in the runner-up position. The judge wants Asogi to prove his skill by cross-examining Hosonaga. Naruhodo refuses to believe that Asogi would commit fraud unless it he was that passionate, an anonymous letter was sent to the prosecutor's office accusing the Ministry of Justice's selection panel. Hosonaga slightly drugged high ranked people at the tonsure shop, he took a photo of the documents and gave them to prosecutor Auchi but has an extra copy after being reminded by Naruhodo's suggestion, the judge demands it as evidence despite Auchi's protests.

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