Ace Attorney Wiki

Gyakuten Kenji 2 and Layton-kyōju VS Gyakuten Saiban have been announced! If wiki activity from Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth has told us anything, it's that we really need contributions from people who will import these games once they're released in Japan. So tell as many people as you can about this upcoming game and this wiki!


Ace Attorney Wiki

Evidence categories[]

Is the intention for this to be the start of evidence categorisation? What sort of additional categories would we be thinking of adding? - Strabo412 (talk) 23:35, 28 June 2023 (UTC)

This category mainly still exists because of a couple of articles about substances that technically aren't pieces of evidence in themselves, but still kind of feel like they should exist (potential personal bias here from making the atroquinine page, I guess). Maybe as an alternative it's fine to remove this category and reinsert the affected articles back into evidence, I dunno. As for evidence categorisation more broadly, personally I'm not really sure how we'd go about doing that, if we were to pursue such a project. Some subcategories were attempted by kitten charmer but they all to my knowledge fell victim to intractable edge cases, vibes-based implementation, etc. Capefeather (talk) 19:21, 29 June 2023 (UTC)