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Klint van Zieks's final will was evidence in the trial of Barok van Zieks for the murder of Tobias Gregson. In it, Klint confessed to being the killer known only as the Professor, and revealed that Mael Stronghart was his blackmailer. It was hidden inside the sword Karuma by Genshin Asogi in order for it to elude Stronghart's grasp.


Klint van Zieks' Will
"I pen this, my last will and testament, in the final moments before my inevitable and willing death. The hour is 11 p.m. and I sit at my writing desk in my office; my good friend Asogi stands at my shoulder. He has expressed his intent to invoke the dying ritual of the duel, that I may depart this world with honour. An honour of which I am utterly undeserving. The Japanese are a truly merciful people. I, Klint van Zieks, lord of the manor of the van Zieks estate, hereby confess to the following: I am the killer who has come to be known in society as “The Professor”, guilty of four counts of murder. I will not here discourse the corruption rife among the aristocracy, which is to me, as one of them, so apparent. However, six months ago, I took the life of a member of the House of Lords at the heart of the depravity. A demon who habitually sacrificed the common man to further his own interests, abusing his position of power. The law is impotent against such vile avarice. Only a fellow demon can rid society of this menace. That demon was my quarry, upon whom I willingly set my great hound. But though I am a hunter of some experience, I am a poor felon, it seems. My guilt was at once recognised by another, and I became subject to his extortion. He held over me the threat of exposing my wicked crime to my beloved wife and brother. Under that threat, I have done this man's bidding for months now, killing those he demanded I kill. As I watched my former mentor perish before my eyes at the jaws of the hound I commanded...I realised that I had lost the last shred of decency within me...and sunk to the level of a wild beast. There is no path back to the light. Be it I or my dear friend Asogi who dies this night...I am eternally damned. To my extortioner, Mael Stronghart...may you feel the jaws of the beast at your throat every time you swallow. As I confront the prospect of my demise...I feel bitter regret for my younger brother. Barok, you have always looked up to me, and now, you follow in my footsteps to become a prosecutor. It is my fervent wish that my unspeakable deeds should not hinder your advancement. I ask not for understanding, for none could understand my depravity. I ask only for forgiveness. Asogi is a fine detective, and a hunter worthy of respect. He has agreed to honour my final two wishes. The first is that this document survives. The second...I cannot commit to paper. I have confessed my sins to my wife. May she find resolution in my death. With my eternal gratitude to my Japanese friend, I rest my quill."
Klint van Zieks

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