Ace Attorney Wiki

The Kurain Master's talisman was a piece of evidence in Phoenix Wright's investigation into the murder of Misty Fey.

The talisman is an inro with the Kurain Master's symbol, which Misty had been given when she became Master, and held a photo of Mia and Maya trying to fix the Sacred Urn. She took the talisman with her after her self-exile from Kurain Village. She showed it to Bikini to prove her identity.

While it is never stated out loud if this is the case or not, a likely reason as to why the talisman was not removed from the crime scene, which was otherwise cleared out from any visible evidence, despite the object having been left in fairly open view, is due to the fact of it being red among the white snow background, as the killer had a disability preventing him to see such color combination, which also made him miss another trace.

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