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Fingerprints on a pool ladder were a piece of evidence in Phoenix Wright's investigation into the murder of Jack Shipley.

The mysterious fingerprints[]

Main article: Turnabout Reclaimed

While Wright was examining the showgrounds of Shipshape Aquarium, Pearl Fey noticed unusual fingerprints made by Marlon Rimes on the show pool's ladder, mainly in that they were gripping the left side of the ladder but were from his right hand. Unsure of what to make of this find, Wright simply committed it to memory on the off-chance it would become useful information.

The next day, after Rimes confessed to being responsible for Shipley's death, Wright presented the set of fingerprints to prove that Rimes was gripping the ladder from above, thus he was actually attempting to rescue Shipley in vain, revealing that his death was simply an unfortunate accident.
