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This page contains a list of the evidence in Miles Edgeworth's organizer for each case in Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth.

Turnabout Visitor[]

Prosbadge icon SD Prosecutor's Badge
• Type: Other
• Obtained: One of my possessions.
Proof of my profession. However, I prefer to keep it in my pocket.

AAIME Crime01 Scene Notes Crime Scene Notes
• Type: Documents
• Obtained: Discovered in my office.
Bullet went clean through the victim's abdomen. The body was found at around 2:05 AM.

AAIME Victims Revolver Victim's Revolver
• Type: Weapons
• Obtained: Discovered in my office.
It can be assumed that this gun is the murder weapon. It was issued to the victim.
↳Issued to the victim and believed to be the murder weapon. Only 1 shot fired.

AAIME Secret Safe Secret Safe
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered in my office.
Each prosecutor has one in their office. Only they know of them. Trial evidence use.
↳Each prosecutor has one in their office. Only they know of them. Prints were wiped.

AAIME Stolen FileAAIME Stolen O-Series File Stolen File → Stolen 0-Series File
• Type: Information → Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered in my office. → Discovered in the hallway of the Prosecutor's Building.
One of the files that were written upon in blood was stolen by the culprit.
↳Pages pertaining to a case tried 10 years ago by my predecessor are missing.

AAIME Master Key Master Key
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Received from Ms. Maggey Byrde.
This can open every office door. Its use is controlled by security staff.
↳This can open every office door. It was stolen from the security office.

AAIME Mr. Portsmans Office Mr. Portsman's Office
• Type: Information
• Obtained: Discovered in the hallway of the Prosecutor's Building.
Ms. Byrde unlocked the door, but master key was stolen, so she could not lock it up.
↳Ms. Byrde says she unlocked this door, but her prints were not found on the doorknob.

AAIME Basketball Hoop Basketball Hoop
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered in the hallway of the Prosecutor's Building.
It's sitting in front of Portsman's office. There are signs that it's been moved.

AAIME Note left by Victim Note Left by Victim
• Type: Documents
• Obtained: Discovered in the hallway of the Prosecutor's Building.
Found under the door, for the absent Portsman.

Turnabout Airlines[]

Prosbadge icon SD Prosecutor's Badge
• Type: Other
• Obtained: One of my possessions.
Proof of my profession. However, I prefer to keep it in my pocket.

Gkwallet Travel Wallet → Mr. Hicks's Travel Wallet
• Type: Other
• Obtained: Discovered in the lounge.
Picked up off the floor in front of the elevator. It isn't mine, so whose is it...?
↳Picked up off the floor in front of the elevator. There is but a passport inside.

Gkakbeybody Crime Scene Notes
• Type: Documents
• Obtained: Discovered inside the elevator.
Body found at 6:15 AM inside the elevator stopped at the first floor lounge.
↳Body found at 6:15 AM inside elevator on 1st floor. Was hit on the back of his head.

Skymagazine Sky Magazine
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: One of my possessions.
Details meals, movies, and other services inside.

Photo of Mr. Hicks Photo of Mr. Hicks
• Type: Photographs
• Obtained: Discovered inside the elevator.
Found in the victim's pocket. A souvenir picture, perhaps?
↳Found in the victim's pocket. This was taken at a museum in Europe.

Mr. Hicks's Cell Phone Missing Cell Phone → Mr. Hicks's Cell Phone
• Type: Information → Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered inside the elevator. → Discovered in the Flight Attendants' Room.
The victim supposedly had one, but it has gone missing. Did the killer take it?
↳The killer took this from the victim. It was found in Rhoda Teneiro's personal locker,
↳The killer took this from the victim. There are pictures stored on this.

Gkgoyoukun1Gkgoyoukun2 Captain Ugo Piggy Bank
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered inside the elevator.
Usually on display at the in-flight shop. Found at the crime scene with blood on it.
↳Found at the crime scene. Culprit must've shattered the display case to take it.
↳This was taken out of its display case in the in-flight shop after the turbulence.

Grape Juice Footprints Grape Juice Footprints
• Type: Information
• Obtained: Discovered in the lounge.
Spilt during the turbulence. Looks like footprints and something being dragged.

RefuelinginzhengfaCargo from Zheng Fa Refueling in Zheng Fa → Cargo from Zheng Fa
• Type: Information → Evidence
• Obtained: Received from Ms. Cammy Meele. → Discovered in the Cargo hold.
Made a brief stop from 4 AM to 5 AM to transfer cargo and refuel at transfer point.
↳It was loaded onboard during the refueling between 4 and 5 AM at the transfer point.

Generic letter (AAI) Ms. Meele's Testimony
• Type: Documents
• Obtained: Received from Ms. Cammy Meele.
"Mr. Akbey Hicks was there in his seat when we took off again at 5 AM."

Iflysuitcase GoYou Suitcase
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered in the In-Flight Shop.
This was used to transport the body. It was designed by Ms. Rhoda Teneiro.
↳The Bloody Cloth was found inside. Highly likely killer got this from the cargo hold.

Bloodycloth Bloody Cloth → Borginian Cloth
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered in the In-Flight Shop.
Found inside the suitcase, its beautiful pattern has been soiled by blood.
↳World-famous export of Borginia, its beautiful pattern has been soiled by blood.

Suitcasereceipt Suitcase Receipt
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Received from Ms. Rhoda Teneiro.
Bought at the in-flight shop and left in attendants' room. The timestamp says 5:40 AM.

Autopsyreportaai Autopsy Report
• Type: Documents
• Obtained: Received from Detective Gumshoe.
Instantaneous death resulting from blow to back of head. Bruising: head to mid back.

Alifredcertificate Alif Red Certificate
• Type: Documents
• Obtained: Received from Mr. Zinc Lablanc II.
Document written in Borginian. Proof the statue was loaded onboard in Europe.
↳Document in Borginian. Says statue was loaded onboard in Europe, but statue is a fake.

Alif Red Statue Alif Red Statue
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered in the Cargo hold.
Piece of art being shipped by Mr. Lablanc who claims it is worth 10 million cents.
↳Fake piece being shipped by Mr. Lablanc. It was smuggled onboard in Zheng Fa.

The Kidnapped Turnabout[]

Prosbadge icon SD Prosecutor's Badge
• Type: Other
• Obtained: One of my possessions.
Proof of my profession. However, I prefer to keep it in my pocket.

GatewaterLandPamphlet Gatewater Land Pamphlet
• Type: Documents
• Obtained: One of my possessions.
Map and explanation of park attractions listed.

BadBadgerHead Bad Badger's Head
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered in the Isolation Room.
Costumes separate into head and body. This head was left in the Isolation Room.

BlueBadgerBible Blue Badger Bible
• Type: Documents
• Obtained: Received from Ms. Kay Faraday.
Book detailing info on the whole Badger family.

BadgerPhotoRally Badger Photo Rally
• Type: Documents
• Obtained: Discovered in the Isolation Room.
There's only 1 of each Badger in the park. Try to get the whole Badger family!

StolenCostumes Stolen Costumes
• Type: Information
• Obtained: Discovered in the Wild, Wild West Area.
The kidnappers stole three costumes: a Blue, a Proto and a Bad Badger.
↳Blue Badger = Lauren Paups
Proto Badger = Lance Amano
Bad Badger = Oliver Deacon

PreliminaryFindings Preliminary Findings → Mr. Deacon's Murder Notes
• Type: Documents
• Obtained: Discovered in the Wild, Wild West Area.
Victim: Oliver Deacon. Seems he was shot dead.
↳Victim, Deacon, shot from ABD through shoulder.
↳Body was moved. Shot from ABD through shoulder.

Mr.Deacon'sPendant Mr. Deacon's Pendant
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered in the Wild, Wild West Area.
It's shaped like a horse. "Colin Devorae" is engraved on the back.

Blue Badgermobile Blue Badgermobile
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered in the Wild, Wild West Area.
Mobile shop on three wheels. Was parked inside Wild, Wild West area garage.

Badger costumeVictimscostume2 Victim's Costume
• Type: Information → Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered in the Stadium. → Discovered in front of the Main Gate.
He was likely wearing one due to the footprints' shape and the lack of blood.
↳Worn at the time of the shooting. Gunpowder burn is proof he was shot from point blank.

Loveletter Love Letter
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Received from Mr. Ernest Amano.
Letter for Lance Amano. The sender is the "Tender Lender Loan Company".

Colindevoraedossier Colin Devorae Dossier
• Type: Documents
• Obtained: Received from a precinct police officer.
Details Oliver Deacon's real name and history.

Broken Prop Sword Broken Prop Sword
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered in the Kidnappers' Hideout.
Was used to jam the handle to the hideout's door.
Culprit hit me in the right temple area with this.

Model Gun Missing Model Gun
• Type: Information
• Obtained: Discovered in the Kidnappers' Hideout.
Was ripped from the Bad Badger costume. It's capable of firing blanks.

Paups Pendant Ms. Paups's Pendant
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered in front of the Main Gate.
It's shaped like a pair of wings. "Lauren D." is engraved on the back.

AAIME Victims Revolver Revolver
• Type: Weapons
• Obtained: Discovered in front of the Main Gate.
Used to kill Deacon. Was originally stolen from guard by victim during escape.

Mirror FragmentsMirrorfragments2 Mirror Fragments
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered in front of the Main Gate.
These were found inside the victim's costume. Why were they there in the first place?
↳Different from the mirrors on the walls. Very thick and has a design on the back.

Turnabout Reminiscence[]

Prosbadge icon SD Prosecutor's Badge
• Type: Other
• Obtained: One of my possessions.
Proof of my profession. My mentor said it was more chic to keep it in my pocket.

KG-8 Incident file KG-8 Incident Overview
• Type: Reports
• Obtained: Received from Mr. Manfred von Karma.
Received from my mentor as reference about KG-8.

Generic letter (AAI) Det. Gumshoe's Testimony
• Type: Documents
• Obtained: Received from Detective Dick Gumshoe.
Was in hall on guard duty. Other than gunshot, didn't hear a sign of a struggle.

Handgun Handgun
• Type: Weapons
• Obtained: Discovered in Defendant Lobby No. 2.
Was Faraday's evidence from Embassy staff killing case. It was found in his hand.
↳Found in Faraday's hand. Bullet that killed Rell was fired from a few yards away.

Yatagarasu Key 1 Knife
• Type: Weapons
• Obtained: Discovered in Defendant Lobby No. 2.
I believe Faraday brought this as evidence. It was found in Rell's hand.
↳Weapon used to kill Faraday. Has the secret ability to change into key the Yatagarasu sent.

Byrne & Rell crime scene Crime Scene Notes
• Type: Documents
• Obtained: Discovered in Defendant Lobby No. 2.
Notes pertaining to Byrne Faraday and Mack Rell.

Plastic bag Plastic Bag
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered in Defendant Lobby No. 2.
One of the bags strewn on floor of Lobby No. 2. Has Faraday's blood on it.

Fountain pen Mr. Faraday's Fountain Pen
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered in Defendant Lobby No. 2.
Fountain pen used by the left-handed Faraday. Looks like it has a quality nib.

Annualbonusenvelope Annual Bonus Envelope
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Received from Detective Dick Gumshoe.
Det. Gumshoe's annual bonus of $5. Literally had no money on him until he cashed this.

Swissroll Swiss Roll
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered in the 3rd Floor Lobby.
Swiss roll dropped by the mysterious young girl. Says "Courthouse Special" on it.
↳Swiss roll dropped by the mysterious young girl. It's priced at 2 for $6.
Detective Gumshoe and Kay bought this Swiss roll together.

Generic letter (AAI) Det. Badd's Testimony
• Type: Documents
• Obtained: Received from Detective Tyrell Badd.
He heard the gunshot right before the trial was about to start again.

Gumshoe's handprint Det. Gumshoe's Fingerprints
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered in the Hallway.
Left on the hallway bench. Black smudge emits the scent of sweet sugar.
↳Left on the hallway bench. Det. Gumshoe apparently sat here as he ate a Swiss roll.

Balloon piece Balloon Piece
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered in the Hallway.
I just know I've seen a pink balloon around... Found on windowsill of the hallway window.
↳Balloon popped by Kay. The Judge misheard its popping for a gunshot.

Promise notebook Promise Notebook
• Type: Reports
• Obtained: Received from Ms. Kay Faraday.
Exchange diary between Mr. Faraday and Kay.

Perfume Ms. Yew's Perfume
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Received from Detective Tyrell Badd.
Perfume given to Badd by Yew. Same perfume as the one spilled in Lobby No. 1.

Faraday Journal Mr. Faraday's Organizer
• Type: Reports
• Obtained: Discovered in the Courtroom.
Faraday wrote his strategy for winning in here.

Yatagarasu Key photo Yatagarasu's Key
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered in the Courtroom.
Photo of key the Yatagarasu sent. Unusual shape.
↳Photo of the key the Yatagarasu sent. Turns into knife.

Video tape (PW) Surveillance Video
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered in Defendant Lobby No. 2.
Video of the Embassy staff member's murder. Gunshot is especially impactful.

Turnabout Ablaze[]

Prosbadge icon SD Prosecutor's Badge
• Type: Other
• Obtained: One of my possessions.
Proof of my profession. However, I prefer to keep it in my pocket.

Embassy guide Embassy Guide
• Type: Reports
• Obtained: Discovered at the Theatrum Neutralis.
Two countries share this building with borders.

Steelsamuraisautograph Steel Samurai's Autograph
• Type: Other
• Obtained: Received from the Steel Samurai.
Autograph with a sketch of his face and weapon.

Coachen crime notes Notes on Coachen's Body
• Type: Documents
• Obtained: Discovered at the Babhalese Embassy, Secretariat's Office.
COD: single stab to base of neck. The body wasn't badly burnt by the fire.

Yatagarasuskey3 Yatagarasu's Key
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered at the Babhalese Embassy, Secretariat's Office.
The Yatagarasu stole this from this embassy 7 years ago. It is also a knife.

Allebahstian knifeBabahleseknife2 Knife → Babahlese Knife → Allebahstian Knife
• Type: Weapons
• Obtained: Discovered at the Babhalese Embassy, Secretariat's Office.
Covered in victim's blood, the blade matches the wound. Butterfly motif is noteworthy.
↳1 of a set of 3 ornamental knives. Covered in victim's blood, blade same as wound.
↳The blade is definitely Allebahstian. Was this carried across country lines?
↳Blade determined to be Allebahstian. The flower motif's petals are separate.

Primidux Statue Babahl's Primidux Statue
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered at the Babhalese Embassy, Secretariat's Office.
Both countries claim to own real one. Nat. treasure. Only Amb. and Secret. can touch.
↳It was a fake, but was swapped with the real one. Is originally from Allebahst.

Partial documents Cohdopian Paper Document
• Type: Documents
• Obtained: Received from Franziska von Karma.
Accounting doc related to smuggling. Proof someone in 1 of the countries is ringleader.
↳Doc related to smuggling of Babahlese ink. It appears to point to Mr. Coachen.

Knife hilt Babahlese Knife Handle
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered at the Babhalese Embassy, Secretariat's Office.
Swapped with the real murder weapon's handle, its blade has yet to be found.

Counterfeit money Counterfeit Bills
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Received from Franziska von Karma.
Made with Babahlese ink, they are in circulation in Zheng Fa. It's hard to tell they're fake.
↳Bills circulating in Zheng Fa. Made by Coachen. They were all burned up in Babahl.

Babahlese Ink Babahlese Ink
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Received from Ambassador Colias Palaeno.
Special whitcrystal oil-based ink. Limited export because of some specific reason.
↳Special whitcrystal oil-based ink. Limited export because of its use in counterfeiting.

Demasqueiisnote DeMasque II's Note
• Type: Documents
• Obtained: Discovered at the Allebahstian Embassy, Ambassador's Office.
Request for the theft of the Primidux Statue with a map to where the statue is.
↳Request to steal the Primidux Statue. Same shape as notepad in Babahl office.
↳Request to steal the Primidux Statue. Handwriting matches that of Manny Coachen.

Samurai sword Samurai Sword
• Type: Weapons
• Obtained: Discovered at the Allebahstian Embassy, Ambassador's Office.
Weapon that's used on stage. Is thought to be what killed DeMasque II.

Steel Samurai photoshoot Photo with Steel Samurai
• Type: Photographs
• Obtained: Discovered at the Allebahstian Embassy, Ambassador's Office.
Taken in front of Allebahst's Statue before murder.

Passionflowers Passionflowers
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered at the Allebahstian Embassy, Ambassador's Office.
Two large flowers in bloom. The vines are supported by stakes and are still growing.
↳Two large flowers in bloom. Ambassador Alba takes great care in growing them.

Stage show spear Samurai Spear
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered at the Allebahstian Embassy, Ambassador's Office.
Weapon that's used on stage. Larry hit it against a wall and bent it. It's hollow.
↳Because he bent it, Larry couldn't do the "Early Summer Rain Jab!" special attack.

Allebahstsprimiduxstatue Allebahst's Primidux Statue
• Type: Evidence → Weapons
• Obtained: Discovered at the Allebahstian Embassy, Ambassador's Office.
Both countries claim to own real one. Nat. treasure. Only Amb. and Secret. can touch.
↳Both countries claim to own real one. Nat. treasure. Signs it was moved during murder.
↳Bloodstained weapon used to kill DeMasque. Originally from Babahl's secretariat's office.
↳Used to be real, but has been swapped with a fake from Babahl. Was used as a weapon.

Colindevoraedossier Stand-In Request
• Type: Documents
• Obtained: Received from Ms. Wendy Oldbag.
Request for Ms. Oldbag to stand in for Mindy, the Pink Princess actress who fell ill.

Letterfromastalker Letter from a Stalker
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Received from Ms. Wendy Oldbag.
For Ms. Oldbag. Has mistakes from bad penmanship.

Undershirt Lady's Undershirt
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Retrieved by Missile.
Found in office fireplace. There's only 1 person here who would own such a shirt.
↳Found in office fireplace. Ms. Oldbag was drying it in the fireplace next door.

Samuraidogs Samurai Dogs
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Received from Ms. Wendy Oldbag.
Present for embassy staff. Ms. Oldbag took and ate a few from the dressing room.

Lantern Silhouette Lantern
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Received from Detective Gumshoe.
Runs on whitcrystal oil, which burns green. It's a Babahlese souvenir.

Pick Pick
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered at the Open-Air Stage.
Found at the Open-Air Stage, it looks like a guitar pick. It's also wet for some reason.

Perfume Ms. Yew's Perfume
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Received from Ms. Kay Faraday.
This was left behind by Calisto Yew 7 years ago. Kay has been safe-guarding it.

Fountain Spouts Fountain Spouts
• Type: Information
• Obtained: Discovered at the Rose Garden.
Part of the Rose Garden pool. Auto-refills the water when the water level is too low.

Photo of Yatagarasu Photo of Yatagarasu
• Type: Photographs
• Obtained: Received from Detective Tyrell Badd.
Taken from a building nearby at the moment of border crossing during the fire.
↳Photo taken after the first fire on the 4th and 5th floors had taken place.

Fires in Babahl Fires in Babahl
• Type: Information
• Obtained: Received from Ambassador Colias Palaeno.
Two fires broke out in Babahl today.

Generic letter (AAI) Amb. Palaeno's Testimony
• Type: Documents
• Obtained: Received from Ambassador Colias Palaeno.
Spilled Babahlese ink onto back wall while burning files in fireplace. Left ashes there.

Wire Wire
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered at the Babhalese Embassy, Secretariat's Office.
A good length of wire that was found wound up inside Babahl's grandfather clock.

Revolvingfireplacewall Revolving Fireplace Wall
• Type: Information
• Obtained: Discovered at the Babhalese Embassy, Secretariat's Office.
There are signs that the revolving fireplace wall on Babahl's side has been used.

Crossbow bolts Hair Sticks → Crossbow Arrows
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Received from Ms. Shih-na.
Hair sticks with a candy stripe pattern on them. There is some dirt on the tips.
↳Thought to be hair sticks, they're passionflower support stakes from Allebahst office.
↳Neither hair sticks nor support stakes, they're actually crossbow arrows.

Trumpcard Trump Card
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Received from Detective Tyrell Badd.
Evidence from KG-8. Card containing orders from boss of smuggling ring to Coachen.

Video tape (PW) Video Tape
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Received from Detective Tyrell Badd.
Evidence from KG-8. Faraday had obtained it once, but Ernest Amano had it stolen.
↳Evidence from KG-8. Footage showing Coachen entering the KG-8 Incident's crime scene.

Counterfeit plate Counterfeit Plate
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Discovered at the Allebahstian Embassy, Ambassador's Office.
This was found from within the fake Primidux Statue Alba smuggled into his country.

Alba wound Amb. Alba's Wound
• Type: Information
• Obtained: Received from Ambassador Quercus Alba.
Mr. Alba claims it's proof he was stabbed by DeMasque II, so it was justified defence.

Steel Samurai photoshoot 2 Commemorative Photo
• Type: Photographs
• Obtained: Discovered at the Theatrum Neutralis.
Taken at Theatrum Neutralis. The murder weapon can be seen in Mr. Alba's bouquet.

Securityfootage Security Footage
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Received from Franziska von Karma.
Footage of the entranceways into Babahl and Allebahst from the Theatrum Neutralis.

PushcartPushcart2 Pushcart
• Type: Evidence
• Obtained: Received from Franziska von Karma. → Received from Detective Gumshoe.
Steel Samural pushed this to Allebahst from the dressing room. The bulge is unnatural.
↳Steel Samurai pushed this to Allebahst from the dressing room. There is blood inside.