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This page contains a list of the evidence in Ryunosuke Naruhodo's court records for each case in The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures.

The Adventure of the Great Departure[]

University Collar Pin
Proof that I'm a student at the Imperial Yumei University. I always wear it on the collar of my uniform jacket.

Post-Mortem Report
Death occurred a little after 2 p.m. and was caused by loss of blood from a gunshot to the chest. The bullet did not pass through the victim's body.

Photograph of Victim
A photographic print that shows the victim. He was shot from the front in the chest and subsequently died.

Waiter's Business Card
The head waiter's business card. A sketch of the restaurant's layout is on the back.
↳A sketch of the restaurant's layout is on the back. On the front, it's stated that Hosonaga-san is a police inspector.

Crime Scene Photograph
A bottle of carbonated water and a steak lunch can be seen on the victim's table.

Medical Report Card
A medical report card from Hotta Clinic that was found in the victim's pocket.
↳A record of dental work. On the day of the murder, the victim had undergone dental treatment and been prohibited from eating or drinking anything but water.

Photograph of Handbag
A photograph taken by Hosonaga-san after the incident occurred. It shows Miss Brett's handbag on a chair by the victim's table.

Carbonated Water Bottle
The carbonated water the victim and Miss Brett shared on the day of the murder. It was on the victim's table.

Jezaille's Report
A report detailing an unknown poison that Miss Brett has been researching during her time at Yumei University.

Plate of Steak
The meal Miss Brett ordered for lunch. It was removed from the victim's table after the incident.

The Adventure of the Unbreakable Speckled Band[]

University Collar Pin
Proof that I'm a student at the Imperial Yumei University. I always wear it on the collar of my uniform jacket.

Paper Seal
Kazuma would stick this over the doors of the wardrobe for me. It says 'Keep out' in Japanese, though I'm not sure the Russian crew can actually read it.

Crime Scene Photograph
The Russian word for 'wardrobe' in purple ink. It would appear to have been written in the victim's final moments.

Article About Revolutionary
An article on the front page of a Russian newspaper. The headline reads: 'Revolutionary Vilen Borshevik Flees Russia via Shanghai'.

Article About Ballerina
An article on the back page of a Russian newspaper. The headline reads: 'Renowned Prima Ballerina of the Novavich Ballet Disappears from Shanghai!'

Kazuma's Diary
A diary Kazuma was keeping of his trip to London. According to the last entry he made before his death, he spied what appeared to be a 'speckled band'.

Post-Mortem Report
A report from the SS Burya's medical officer, giving the cause of death as a cervical spine injury. There were no traces of external injury or poison.

Mark on Floor
A piece of a small glass object and what looks like a scuff mark made by Kazuma's shoes were found by the victim's body.

Ship's Log
A record kept by the crew assigned to the first-class cabin area. There are virtually no entries from 2 a.m. until early this morning.

Pavlova & Darka Photograph
A photograph of Miss Pavlova and her 'friend' - a kitten named Darka. The tiara she would wear on stage can also be seen.

The Adventure of the Runaway Room[]

An armband I inherited from Kazuma. It identifies the wearer as a defence lawyer throughout the Empire of Japan.

Autopsy Report
A report prepared by the Scotland Yard coroner. It gives the cause of death as internal haemorrhaging as a result of a single stab wound to the abdomen.

Crime Scene Photograph
A photograph of the victim taken on the omnibus. The knife in his abdomen is clearly visible, but his face is partly obscured from view by an old, crooked hat.

Defendant's Leather Gloves
The leather gloves the defendant was wearing at the time of the incident. There is a bloodstain on the right glove.

The eight-seater omnibus that was the scene of the crime. There were passengers both inside the carriage and on the roof deck that night.
↳The scene of the crime. There is a bloodstain visible on the frame of the skylight when it's open.

Murder Weapon
A largish knife that was found lodged in the victim's abdomen. Its quality and fancy ornamentation suggest it must be quite valuable.

Debtors' Ledger
A catalogue of people who had borrowed money from the defendant at a high rate of interest. It includes the victim, who owed twenty guineas.
↳Among the defendant's list of debtors is Bruce Fairplay, who would have been due to repay his loan imminently.

The Adventure of the Clouded Kokoro[]

An armband I inherited from Kazuma. It identifies the wearer as a defence lawyer throughout the Empire of Japan.

Local Map
A street map of the local area showing where the victim was found.
↳A street map of the local area showing locations that are relevant to the case.

Iris's Postcard
A card for Inspector Gregson with a message on the back from Iris.

Secondhand Book Receipt
A receipt discovered in Mr Natsume's room for some books that he had purchased from a secondhand bookshop before the incident occurred.

Case File
A file containing an overview of the case and details about the victim. She was found with a knife in her back and is currently in hospital, yet to regain consciousness.
↳The pavement where the victim was found lies just outside Constable Beate's beat, the border of which runs down the middle of Briar Road.

A large but commonplace folding knife. It was found lodged in the victim's back.

Crime Scene Photograph
A photograph of the scene taken by a policeman just after the incident occurred. A large knife can be seen thrust into the victim's back.

Crime Scene Photograph #2
A second photograph of the scene taken by a policeman just after the incident. It specifically shows the victim's hand.

The Fourth Book
A book entitled 'The Lion's Pride' discovered in the victim's hand at the scene.
↳A book entitled 'The Lion's Pride' discovered in the victim's hand at the scene. The back cover is badly burnt. (This update to the description is entirely optional, and can only be achieved by examining the burnt corner on the back before it is specifically pointed out in court.)
↳A book entitled 'The Lion's Pride' that was in the victim's hand when Mrs Beate first ran over to see what had happened.

Warrant Card
A small folding wallet that identifies London bobbies and contains the rules of conduct to which they must adhere.

Anniversary Bouquet
A present for Patricia Beate from her husband, Roly. The shock of seeing the stabbed victim caused Mrs Beate to drop the rose where she stood.

Mr Garrideb's pipe. Apparently it fell to the floor during a domestic dispute he had with his wife and broke.

Fragment of Metal
This small piece of metal looks like it might be the tip of a knife blade. It was stuck inside the bowl of Mr Garrideb's pipe.

The Adventure of the Unspeakable Story[]

An armband I inherited from Kazuma. It identifies the wearer as a defence lawyer throughout the Empire of Japan.

Music Box Disk
A metal disk used to play music in a mechanical music box. The piece of music, which remains unidentified, is stored on the disk by means of small protrusions.
↳A metal disk used to play music in a mechanical music box. On the reverse side is a note that reads, 'For McGilded'.

White Cat Photograph → Pawnbroker's Ticket (Box)
A photograph depicting a sweet little white cat, obtained from Gina while interviewing her in her prison cell.
↳A redemption ticket issued from the pawnbrokery owned by the victim, Mr Windibank, in the form of some hand-written notes on the back of a photograph.

Gina's Representation Papers
The paperwork signed by Gina to put me in charge of her defence. Showing this to Scotland Yard detectives gains us access to the crime scene.

White Cat Photograph #2 → Pawnbroker's Ticket (Coat)
A photograph depicting a sweet little white cat. I feel as though I have another print just like this one...
↳A redemption ticket issued from the pawnbrokery owned by the victim, Mr Windibank. There's what looks like a bloody fingermark on it.
↳A redemption ticket issued from the pawnbrokery owned by the victim, Mr Windibank. The blood on it has been identified as Mr Mason's.

Blood Samples Portfolio
A sample of blood analysed with a special chemical indicator developed by Mr Sholmes. Different people's blood turns different colours.

Iris's Story Manuscript
A long, unpublished story that Mr Sholmes deposited at the pawnbrokery of the victim, Mr Windibank. It's entitled 'The Hound of the Baskervilles'.

McGilded Case Notes
Notes collated by Miss Susato about the McGilded case that we worked on two months ago.

Today's Paper
This morning's paper, purchased by Iris. Gina's case features prominently.
↳This morning's paper, which contains an article about government secrets being leaked to foreign agencies.

Autopsy Report
A report prepared by the Scotland Yard coroner that confirms instant death due to a single bullet wound from the back. There are no other signs of trauma.

Crime Scene Photograph
A photograph of the victim found murdered in the storeroom. It shows the single bullet wound in the man's back.

Crime Scene Floor Plan
A plan of Windibank's pawnbrokery, the scene of the crime. It shows the relative positions of the main shop and the rear storeroom.

Windibank's Gun
A gun belonging to the victim, Mr Windibank, that Gina was holding when she was found unconscious. There are signs of a single discharge.

Skulkin Brothers' Gun
A firearm found in the possession of the Skulkin brothers upon their arrest. There are signs that a single round was fired.

Photograph of Gina
A photograph taken automatically by the Red-Handed Recorder showing the scene a short time before the murder took place.

Post-Shooting Photograph
A photograph taken automatically by the Red-Handed Recorder showing the scene after the murder had taken place.

A fold-up device that allows anybody to enjoy seeing things in three dimensions simply by looking through the eyepieces.

Sholmes's Pouch
The pouch Mr Sholmes was wearing around his waist at the time of the shooting. One of the glass phials is smashed and there are scorch marks around it.

The Third Bullet
A projectile we discovered lodged in Mr Sholmes's pouch. It caused one of the phials to explode, injuring Mr Sholmes.

Small Music Box
This strange music box only appears to be able to play a single tone. It was deposited at Windibank's two days before the black overcoat.

A compact machine for the rapid creation of small flaps in larger doors, to allow cats to come and go freely.