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Gyakuten Kenji 2 and Layton-kyōju VS Gyakuten Saiban have been announced! If wiki activity from Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth has told us anything, it's that we really need contributions from people who will import these games once they're released in Japan. So tell as many people as you can about this upcoming game and this wiki!


Ace Attorney Wiki

As long as we draw breath, the Wheel of Fate turns... Spinning big crimes and little crimes together. And when the Wheel stops... You die.

A noodle stand was a piece of evidence in Apollo Justice's investigation into the murder of Pal Meraktis. The stand was apparently passed down through 15 generations of the Eldoon family, with Guy Eldoon being the most recent owner.

The noodle stand murder[]

Main article: Turnabout Corner
Noodle stand

The Kitaki family got a health check-up performed, whereupon it was discovered that a surgery performed by Pal Meraktis to remove a bullet from Wocky Kitaki had not actually been completed. Kitaki's fiancé, Alita Tiala, hurried to the Meraktis Clinic and informed the surgeon that Kitaki was coming after him. She tried to force him to hand over Kitaki's medical chart, which had her name on it from her time as a nurse. Meraktis flew into a rage and strangled Tiala with a lamp cord until she passed out. Meanwhile, Wesley Stickler stole Trucy Wright's panties and jammed it into the tailpipe of Meraktis's car to hide them.

Meraktis confronted

Kitaki confronting Meraktis.

Thinking she was dead, Meraktis intended to dump Tiala into the river that ran through People Park. However, his car wouldn't start due to the exhaust pipe being jammed. He stole Eldoon's noodle cart, took out all of the bowls, and hid the unconscious Tiala inside it, leaving the bowls inside the reception area of his clinic. However, when Meraktis arrived near the river at People Park, Kitaki confronted him, carrying a knife.

Death of Meraktis

Pal Meraktis, dead.

Tiala woke up just as Stickler arrived on the scene. The latter approached from the north and saw one of the signs on the stand, which read "NOODLE". Stickler, who had just stolen Plum Kitaki's bloomers, threw them out and called out to the other two men, causing the two to turn their heads toward him. Seeing her chance, Tiala pulled out a pistol and shot Meraktis in the right temple. She then escaped without anyone seeing her.

Stickler intervention

Stickler's false alibi.

The next morning, Eldoon discovered that his noodle stand was missing, and came to the Wright Anything Agency for help. Phoenix Wright put Apollo Justice up to the task, among other small cases such as finding out what had happened to Trucy's panties. Justice eventually found the stand in People Park, and was roped into a murder trial when Tiala requested his services as a lawyer, as Wocky Kitaki had been charged with the crime. Stickler was called as a witness during the trial, and claimed to have approached the scene from the south. However, from that vantage point, the sign that he could see would have read "ELDOON". It was eventually revealed that he had lied about his location to create an alibi for his theft of Plum's bloomers. His testimony was dismissed until Justice later used it to argue that the shot had come from inside the noodle stand. He figured out the true nature of the murder, and his client was exonerated.

Mr. Salty

The Noodle Stand's mascot, Mr. Salty.

During the investigation of the poisoning of Drew Misham, Justice found a sketch of Meraktis and the noodle stand under a painting in his residence. This revealed that the victim had been watching Justice closely.
