Ace Attorney Wiki

Gyakuten Kenji 2 and Layton-kyōju VS Gyakuten Saiban have been announced! If wiki activity from Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth has told us anything, it's that we really need contributions from people who will import these games once they're released in Japan. So tell as many people as you can about this upcoming game and this wiki!


Ace Attorney Wiki

Klavier Gavin
It was a certain piece of evidence that decided his fate, you know. ...A certain diary.

The notebook page was a forged diary page created by Vera Misham at the request of defense attorney Kristoph Gavin. It is notable in that it is the piece of evidence that caused Phoenix Wright to lose his attorney's badge for eight years.


It seems Fate's clock will make me wait a little longer. ...At least, only less than ten swift minutes remain. To all those who have supported me in my life's work, I give thanks. Farewell!

Magnifi Gramarye


Forged page

In April of 2019, magician Zak Gramarye was put on trial under the charge of murdering his mentor, Magnifi Gramarye. Determined to win at all costs, Zak's defense attorney, Kristoph Gavin, decided to resort to forgery to ensure his victory. Noticing that the last page of Magnifi's Diary had been ripped out, Kristoph contacted Drew Misham, who sold forgeries created by his daughter, Vera. Kristoph had Vera create a fake page that made it look as if Magnifi had continued to write his diary after Zak left his room on the night of the murder, thus proving that Zak could not have been the killer. To this end, Kristoph sent the original page as a sample, to reproduce the edge and Magnifi's handwriting, along with a printed document with the new text to write. However, Zak ended up firing Kristoph before his trial after a game of poker deemed him untrustworthy, then he hired Phoenix Wright to defend him instead.

Used against Wright[]

Main article: Death of Magnifi Gramarye

Infuriated, Kristoph devised a plan to get revenge on both Zak and Wright. The night before the trial, he told his brother Klavier, who would be the prosecutor for Zak's trial, that Wright would present forged evidence in court. Before the trial, Kristoph handed the forged page to Zak's daughter Trucy, telling her to hand it to Wright. Not knowing that it was fake, Wright eventually presented it, at which point Klavier called Drew Misham as a witness and exposed it as a forgery. As a result, Wright was disbarred and had to turn in his attorney's badge, the first of two incidents that would help usher in the dark age of the law.

Haunting Klavier[]

Main article: Death of Drew Misham

Seven years later, Drew was poisoned to death and Vera was put on trial for the murder. She was called to the stand to testify about the forgeries that she had created, including the first one that was not a painting. Klavier began to realize that she was referring to the forged diary page and demanded she reveal who the client was. She replied that "the Devil" was the client, before falling unconscious from atroquinine poisoning. Apollo Justice, with the investigative help of Phoenix Wright, put forward an argument that Kristoph was responsible for both the forgery request and the murder, and were able to convince the jury to give a not guilty verdict.
