Ace Attorney Wiki

Gyakuten Kenji 2 and Layton-kyōju VS Gyakuten Saiban have been announced! If wiki activity from Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth has told us anything, it's that we really need contributions from people who will import these games once they're released in Japan. So tell as many people as you can about this upcoming game and this wiki!


Ace Attorney Wiki

A paper seal was evidence in Ryunosuke Naruhodo's investigation regarding what had happened to Kazuma Asogi onboard the SS Burya. It was an ofuda paper amulet reading "keep out" in Japanese, intended to look creepy. Susato Mikotoba described the writing as "bold and vivid", while Herlock Sholmes called it "a crude attempt".

The wardrobe seal[]

Main article: The Adventure of the Unbreakable Speckled Band

Asogi brought Naruhodo as a stowaway to his voyage on the Burya to the United Kingdom. Naruhodo would live inside the wardrobe of Asogi's cabin. In an effort to prevent visitors from looking inside, Naruhodo made a seal using paper and pulverized rice from one of the dinners. Asogi would affix the seal to the wardrobe whenever Naruhodo went inside. It seemed that the seal worked as intended, despite Burya crew members not being able to read Japanese.

On January 9, a little past midnight, Nikolina Pavlova visited Asogi's cabin. Later, she alerted Bif Strogenov to an incident at the cabin, where Asogi's lifeless body lay. Strogenov searched the cabin to make sure that there would not be any evidence that Pavlova had been there, and found Naruhodo sleeping in the wardrobe. Strogenov decided to frame the stowaway, closing the wardrobe, putting the paper seal back, and triggering an emergency stop on the ship to slide the lock on Asogi's door shut from outside. This would make it seem that the perpetrator must never have left the cabin after the incident.

That morning, Naruhodo was "found" and placed under arrest for murdering Asogi. However, he was able to convince Susato Mikotoba that he could not have committed the crime, because the paper seal had still been affixed to the wardrobe after the incident. By the same logic holding that the locked door proved that Naruhodo was the only possible culprit, the paper seal proved that Naruhodo could not be the culprit. This left Mikotoba with a conundrum, but she decided to at least let Naruhodo investigate the cabin for clues as to what had really happened.
