Ace Attorney Wiki

The Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations Original Soundtrack is a digital soundtrack album released on Steam to coincide with the release of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy, consisting of the music from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations.

The album is notable in being the official debut of the game's music in the West, and thus provides the first official English track titles. The music itself, originally composed by Noriyuki Iwadare, is re-authored from the original, high quality source material and is available in MP3 (V0), FLAC (16-bit), and AAC (VBR) formats.

Track list[]

No. Japanese title English title Length
1 逆転裁判3・序章 Trials and Tribulations - Opening 1:20

2 法廷休憩室 ~終わりなき序曲 Defendant Lobby - So it Will Always Begin 1:40

3 逆転裁判3・開廷 Trials and Tribulations - Court is Now in Session 2:22

4 尋問 ~モデラート 2004 Cross-Examination - Moderato 2004 1:50

5 成歩堂龍一 ~異議あり! 2004 Phoenix Wright - Objection! 2004 2:03

6 尋問 ~アレグロ 2004 Cross-Examination - Allegro 2004 2:43

7 追求 ~とっつかまえて Pursuit - Catch the Culprit 2:01

8 真実は告げる 2004 The Truth Revealed 2004 2:08

9 追求 ~とっつかまえて/バリエーション Pursuit - Catch the Culprit (Variation) 1:55

10 美柳ちなみ ~遠い面影 Dahlia Hawthorne - The Visage of What Once Was 2:22

11 ゴドー ~珈琲は闇色(やみいろ)の薫り Godot - The Fragrance of Darkness; That is Coffee 2:30

12 ジングル ~あんな日々には戻れない Jingle - There's No Going Back 0:08

13 捜査 ~序盤 2004 Initial Investigation 2004 2:03

14 『盗まれた逆転』 The Stolen Turnabout 1:24

15 高菱屋百貨店 Lordly Tailor 2:21

16 留置所 ~とらわれ人のエレジー Detention Center - The Prisoner's Elegy 2:16

17 怪人☆仮面マスク ~聞いてくださーーーい! Mask☆DeMasque - Please Listen to Meeeee! 1:42

18 星威岳哀牙 ~愛がほしいだけさ Luke Atmey - Look at Me 1:46

19 矢張政志 ~事件の影にやっぱりオレ Larry Butz - When Something Smells, It's Usually Me 2:00

20 『逆転のレシピ』 Recipe for Turnabout 0:43

21 吐麗美庵 Trés Bien 1:50

22 五十嵐将兵 ~せつなき哉、軍歌のしらべよ Victor Kudo - Martial Anthem of Misery 1:50

23 芝九蔵虎ノ助 ~スウィンギン・ゼニトラ Furio Tigre - Swingin' Tiger 1:47

24 追憶 ~うらみます、あなた Reminiscences - Violetta Vitriol 2:51

25 『始まりの逆転』 Turnabout Beginnings 0:55

26 追憶 ~おぼろ橋の見える風景 Reminiscences - The View from Dusky Bridge 2:07

27 葉桜院 Hazakura Temple 2:58

28 天流斎エリス ~やさしいメロディ Elise Deauxnim - A Gentle Melody 2:42

29 捜査 ~中盤 2004 Further Investigation 2004 2:11

30 追憶 ~真実の苦い味がする Reminiscences - The Bitterness of Truth 2:37

31 追求 ~追いつめられて 2004 Pursuit - Corner the Culprit 2004 1:37

32 勝訴! ~終わりなき勝利 Victory! - An Eternal Win 2:39

33 逆転裁判3・終幕 Trials and Tribulations - Ending 3:43

34 着信メロディ/ゴドー Ringtone (Godot) 1:42

Total length: 68:46

External links[]
