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A tail assumed to be from a stuffed Phony Phanty was a piece of evidence in the trial of Juniper Woods for the bombing of Courtroom No. 4 and the murder of Candice Arme.

Mistaken identity[]

Main article: Turnabout Countdown

In actuality, the tail belonged to a Bum Rap Rhiny held by Juniper Woods as she watched Solomon Starbuck's trial for the murder of Clay Terran. During said trial, a supposedly deactivated bomb held inside a Phony Phanty doll was due to be presented as evidence, but suddenly reactivated. Although bomb disposal expert Ted Tonate was able to warn the courtroom in time for everyone to evacuate, Woods' own doll was lost in the confusion.

Unfortunately for Woods, only the tail of the doll was found during a search of the site after the explosion; as it was covered in her fingerprints and identical to the Phony Phanty doll tail, she was soon accused of the bombing. However, after Athena Cykes used her Mood Matrix on Woods, Phoenix Wright was able to prove its true origin.
