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Ace Attorney Wiki
This article is about the piece of evidence in Turnabout Corner. For similarly-named evidence, see Pistol (disambiguation). For similar firearms used as evidence, see Revolver (disambiguation) or Gun (disambiguation).

A pistol was a piece of evidence in Apollo Justice's investigation into the murder of Pal Meraktis.

Pal Meraktis's murder[]

Main article: Turnabout Corner
Kitaki handgun

The pistol was from the Kitaki family stash. Wocky Kitaki took it to use against Meraktis after discovering that he never removed the bullet from the gunshot wound he received from the Rivales family. However, his fiancée Alita Tiala managed to get the gun and go in Wocky's place, as she was after his family's fortune and thought them seeing her name on the medical report could jeopardize her goals. Tiala held Meraktis at gunpoint and forced him to open the safe which contained Wocky's chart. Meraktis did so, but then suddenly attacked her, causing her to fire a bullet into the safe.

Afterwards, she woke up in a noodle stand Meraktis stole so he could dump her supposed corpse in the river near People Park. As he turned to look at a yelling Wesley Stickler, Tiala fired a second bullet into his right temple using the pistol, killing him.

The pistol was submitted as evidence by Prosecutor Klavier Gavin. It would later be used to help point out a lie in Wesley Stickler's testimony, as he claimed that the pistol had been simply tossed aside, when it had clearly been wiped clean of fingerprints. It would later be revealed that although Stickler's claim of having seen Wocky throw something was true, he had confused the pistol with a shiv.

It was later used to get information about what Wocky did on the night of the crime.

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