Ace Attorney Wiki
"Hmph. I don't like the sound of that. "Fox in the duck pen". Yes, I think that is how you say it in English."
LaBlanc Aloof 1 This page concerns a music track from an Ace Attorney game that does not yet have an official English title. The title used is unofficially localized, but follows naming conventions used in official title track names.

Hugh O'Conner
And to think... I should have known better than to doubt my best friends.

"Proof of Friendship" is a music track in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies that plays only during the cutscene in Turnabout Academy where Hugh O'Conner talks about the friendship bands Robin Newman made herself, O'Conner, and Juniper Woods as "proof of friendship" between them.

"Pleeeeease! Expand meeeeee!"
Ron-Shouting-HD This article is a stub or is otherwise incomplete. You can help the Ace Attorney Wiki by expanding it.