- You may be looking for the Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth episode Turnabout Reminiscence.
"Reminiscences" (追憶), also commonly translated as "Recollection", "Reminiscence", or "Reminiscing", is a prefix title for several pieces of background music in the Ace Attorney series. These tracks play during flashbacks or mentions of past events that are generally tragic in nature. Although thematically different, they are all composed in minor keys and express a melancholy or nostalgic mood.
Most of the numbered Incidents in the series have "Reminiscences" themes associated with them. The only ones that do not are the UR-1 Incident and the briefly mentioned AI-16 Incident.
Main series[]
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney[]
- Reminiscences - Maya's Sorrow (追憶 ~傷心の真宵)
- Reminiscences - The Two Faces of a Studio (追憶 ~撮影所の光と影)
- Reminiscences - The DL-6 Incident (追憶 ~DL6号事件)
- Reminiscences - The Class Trial (追憶 ~学級裁判)
- Reminiscences - The SL-9 Incident (追憶 ~SL9号事件)
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All[]
- Reminiscences - Fire-Licked Scars (追憶 ~炎が刻んだ傷跡)
- Reminiscences - Pure Pain (追憶 ~純粋な痛み)
- Reminiscences - Ballad of The Steel Samurai (追憶 ~トノサマンのバラード)
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations[]
- Reminiscences - Violetta Vitriol (追憶 ~うらみます、あなた)
- Reminiscences - The View from Dusky Bridge (追憶 ~おぼろ橋の見える風景)
- Reminiscences - The Bitterness of Truth (追憶 ~真実の苦い味がする)
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney[]
- Reminiscences - Wounded Foxes (追憶 ~傷ついたキツネたち)
- Reminiscences - Fates Smothered in Secrets and Schemes (追憶 ~タネとシカケにまみれた運命)
- Reminiscences - A Forgotten Legend (追憶 ~忘れられた伝説)
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies[]
- Reminiscences - Wandering Heart (追憶 ~さまようココロ)
- Reminiscences - Melancholy Memories (追憶 ~悲しい思い出)
- Reminiscences - Setting Sail from Regret (追憶 ~後悔からの船出)
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice[]
- Reminiscences - Always Keep a Smile on Your Face (追憶 ~いつでも笑顔で)
- Reminiscences - Final Words (追憶 ~最後の語らい)
- Reminiscences - Saying Our Farewells Once More (追憶 ~サヨナラをもう一度)
- Reminiscences - Differing Feelings (追憶 ~それぞれの想い)
- Reminiscences - An Enduring Love (追憶 ~受け継がれる想い)
Side games[]
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth[]
- Reminiscences - A Relationship Built on Lies (追憶 ~偽りの関係)
- Reminiscences - The KG-8 Incident (追憶 ~KG8号事件)
- Reminiscences - A Country Torn in Two (追憶 ~引き裂かれた国)
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Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Prosecutor's Gambit[]
- Reminiscences - The IS-7 Incident (追憶 ~IS7号事件)
- Reminiscences - The Girl with No Memories (追憶 ~記憶喪失の少女)
- Reminiscences - The Fall of the House of Lang (追憶 ~狼家の没落)
- Reminiscences - The SS-5 Incident (追憶 ~SS5号事件)
The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures[]
- Reminiscences - Ryunosuke's Flashback (追憶 ~龍ノ介の記憶)
- Reminiscences - Sympathy for the Sinner, but Not the Sin (追憶 ~罪をニクんで人をニクまず)
- Reminiscences - Fallen Angel (追憶 ~消えた妖精)
- Reminiscences - An Ashen Waltz (追憶 ~灰色の舞踊)
The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve[]
- Reminiscences - Killers' Crossroads (追憶 ~殺意の交差点)
- Reminiscences - Disproved Formulas (追憶 ~砕け散った数式)
- Reminiscences - In Search of Family (追憶 ~絆をたどる旅)
- The Reminiscences of Barok van Zieks (追憶のバロック・バンジークス)
- Reminiscences - The Fruits of Ambition (追憶 ~野望の果てに)
Crossover games[]
Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney[]
- Reminiscing - Fated Magic (追憶 ~運命は魔導)
- Reminiscing - A Golden Message (追憶 ~黄金のお告げ)
- Reminiscing - The Legendary Fire (追憶 ~伝説の大火)