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Robbs was a criminal living in Labyrinthia who worked alongside his friend Muggs. The two of them were the victims in Espella Cantabella's first witch trial, where they were seemingly killed by an Ignaize spell. In reality, the pair became Shades working for Darklaw, with their apparent fiery demise being staged.


  • When combined with that of Muggs, Robbs' Japanese name is a play on "Arisutoteresu" (アリストテレス), which is the Japanese name for the Greek philosopher Aristotle.
  • His English name comes from "robber".
  • His French name "Gruge" comes from the word "gruger", which means "to cheat/con/rob" in French.
  • His Spanish name, "Caco", is a synonym for thief in Spanish.
  • His Italian name, when combined with that of Muggs ("Dal"), is a play on "vandalo" (vandal).
  • His Dutch name, "Gapper", is a slang term for a thief.

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