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Sasha Buckler[1] is an aquarium trainer working with the orca Orla Shipley.

It is later revealed that Sasha has the same heart condition as Azura Summers.


Buckler is enthusiastic and cheerful like Athena so the two girls got on very well. She insisted that Cykes, Justice, and Wright and herself refer to each other using first names. She downright loves working at the Shipshape Aquarium, often jumping in character even during a trial, she treats both orca partners as sisters. She had a high amount of trust for Wright, initially merely due to his name being "Wright" but was later so moved by his and Cykes' resolve that she cried. She initially kept her heart condition a secret, not wanting it to hinder the show, a trait she shared with her mentor which cost the latter her life. She held no ill will towards Rimes and even let him join her show after his rehabilitation was finished and her heart condition had been stabilized.



Sasha Buckler's mugshot.

  • "Umi" (海) means "sea" and "shouko" (証拠) means "evidence", making her full name based on "evidence of the sea".
  • Her full English name is a play on "swashbuckler", which is a pirate term, referring to the fact the aquarium is pirate-themed.


  • When Sasha becomes shocked and her inner tubes pop, the skull and crossbones on her hat also becomes gawk-eyed.


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