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A seal was a piece of evidence in Gregory Edgeworth's investigation into the murder of Artie Frost. A small silver crest, it was found next to Frost's body inside Samson Tangaroa's contest room within Tangaroa's mansion. It was intricately designed and featured the initials "PH", for "Paul Halique", the man's pseudonym that he used to sign his work.

It later made a minor appearance during Miles Edgeworth's investigation into Bronco Knight's murder and returned during the investigation into Di-Jun Wang's murder as one of Knight's possessions.

Frost's murder[]

Main articles: Turnabout Legacy & IS-7 Incident

Prior to his murder, Artie Frost worked as a sculptor in France under the pseudonym Paul Halique. He used the crest to stamp his seal into his creations as a signature. At the time of his death, he had the seal with him as he normally did. Upon the discovery of his body, Judy Bound realized Frost's identity from the seal. This motivated her to steal Frost's sherbet sculptures, as they had now become the final masterpiece of Paul Halique.

Later, Gregory found the signet crest at the scene of Frost's murder. He later used it and Tangaroa's teapot to show why Frost's sculptures had special meaning to Bound.

At the scene of another murder[]

Main article: The Captive Turnabout

The Seal, now a ring.

After the IS-7 incident occurred, the crest was eventually given to Frost's next of kin, Bronco Knight. He fashioned the crest into a ring and kept it with him until he died. Upon Knight's death, Frank Sahwit attempted to steal the ring from his body, although the attempt would be cut short by a large number of prisoners going back to their cells after the Animal Show. Miles Edgeworth would later find it, although he did not recognize it at the time. The fact that the ring was hidden from sight by a tarp was crucial to prove that Sahwit was able to examine the body from up close, contrary to what he had initially stated.

The mastermind[]

See also: Knight's Possessions

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