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"Catching Z's is now super easy with Sleepy zZz!"

The sedative "3 Zs" was a piece of evidence in Miles Edgeworth's investigation into the murder of Di-Jun Wang.

"Di-Jun Wang's" murder[]

The drug was used by Simeon Saint to incapacitate both Kay Faraday and Shaun Fenn in order to kidnap them. It was later added to Miles Edgeworth's organizer as evidence not long after deducing that the mastermind behind his recent cases may have had a role in Wang's murder. It was later used to prove that Faraday and Fenn's kidnappings were done by the same person.


  • Japanese - Suyamin 3Z (スヤミン3Z ):
    • The first part is a play on "suya suya" (スヤスヤ) and "suimin" (睡眠); "suyasuya" is an onomatopoeic phrase for "soundly/peacefully/fast" (within the context of sleeping), while "suimin" is the Japanese term for "sleep". "3Z" is in reference to the use of "z" (typically with multiple z's, i.e., "zzzz") in English to represent the act of sleeping, more specifically as an onomatopoeia for snoring.
      • The drug's slogan was originally: "Suyasuya suimin, <Suyamin 3 Z>!" (スヤスヤ睡眠、《スヤミン3Z》!), meaning "Sleep tight with Suyamin 3Z!" The slogan was also a tongue twister due to the constant series of "su" sounds, with "3Z"'s pronunciation as "surī zetto".
  • English - 3 Zs:
    • Derived from the original Japanese, as well as named to maintain consistency with Dual Destinies (see below), which was localized first.
  • English (Unofficial) - Sleepy zZz:
    • "Sleepy" refers to the drug's intended use, while "zZz" is an onomatopoeia for snoring. The drug's slogan uses the phrase "catching z's", which is a synonym for sleep. "Super easy" was added to emulate the "tongue twister" essence of the original Japanese.


  • In Turnabout Reclaimed there is a sleeping pill named "3 Zs" Sleeping Pill; it shares the same brand name, as well as its Japanese name as this sedative, "Suyamin 3Z", implying they are the same substance.