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Steel Samurai
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Taurusaurus's head was a piece of evidence in Miles Edgeworth's investigation into Di-Jun Wang's murder.

"Di-Jun Wang's" murder[]

While practicing at the Global Studios empty lot outside Bigg Building, Shaun Fenn turned on a heater. However, after his adoptive mother, Verity Gavèlle, called to check up on him, Fenn left the lot without turning off the heater. The lot subsequently caught fire, due to a flammable container left near the heater, which in turn caused the Taurusaurus head to fall.

At that moment, Simeon Saint was searching for a place to get rid of the body of Di-Jun Wang's body double. Upon seeing the film lot and fallen head, he lowered the body down with a rope and left it where the head had fallen. All this went unnoticed by Fenn at the time, as he was busy speaking with Gavèlle over the phone.

When Fenn returned to the lot, he found the fallen Taurusaurus head and "Wang's" corpse, who had seemingly been crushed by it. After extinguishing the fire and throwing away a bouquet of flowers on the body that reminded him of his late birth mother, Fenn then disassembled the head and carried it back to the roof.

