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Trés Bien
Link to the template page
Organization info
Organization type Small business
Leader Jean Armstrong
Organizational structure Former staff:
Affiliated groups Tender Lender
Established 2017
Relevant cases Rise from the Ashes (cameo in the form of a leaflet)
Recipe for Turnabout
Location info
People to meet Jean Armstrong
Maya Fey
Dick Gumshoe
Furio Tigre
Viola Cadaverini
Maggey Byrde (during ending credits)
Available evidence Newspaper
Linked locations Kitchen
Detention center
Vitamin Square
Jean Armstrong
Bienvenue! Welcome to my petite restauranté!

Trés Bien [sic] is an extremely unpopular French restaurant owned by Jean Armstrong that opened around the beginning of 2017. It has only one regular, and the unpopularity is due to the horrible taste and extremely high price of the restaurant's food (e.g., $20 for a lobster lunch set, $45 to include a drink, side salad, and dessert, and $8 for a cappuccino). The restaurant was the scene of a murder that took place in 2018.

Crime scene[]

Main article: Recipe for Turnabout
Tres Bien MapKitchen

Floor plan.

In 2018, Glen Elg borrowed $50,000 from loan shark Furio Tigre, due to his addiction to gambling. Because of the incredible interest rate of Tigre's loan shop, this soon doubled to $100,000. With the deadline coming up and no cash on hand, Elg used his skills as a computer programmer to create a computer virus, which Tigre could then sell on the black market for millions of dollars. The scheduled meeting took place on December 3rd at Trés Bien, before which Elg had his virus attack the Criminal Affairs servers. However, Elg won the half-million-dollar local lottery, winning more than enough money to pay off his debts, but not anywhere near enough to take care of Tigre's own debt; some weeks prior to Elg and Tigre's meeting, Tigre had crashed his moped into the car of Viola Cadaverini, the granddaughter of the powerful mob boss Bruto Cadaverini. Bruto had demanded that Tigre pay the $1 million for surgery to save Viola's life. As Tigre desperately needed the computer virus in order to sell it, he poisoned Elg using potassium cyanide and took it. In order to clear himself of suspicion, he re-enacted the crime with himself as Elg and Viola as a waitress, in order to provide a false witness for court. He disguised himself as defense attorney Phoenix Wright and took up the defense of Maggey Byrde, the prime suspect. Byrde soon got a guilty verdict thanks to Tigre's staged witness and deliberately terrible defense.

One month later, the real Phoenix Wright learned of the case and decided to appeal it. He visited Tigre's loan shop and learned of his deep debt to Bruto, as well as meeting Viola. He then took the case to court, and after tearing apart the testimony of the staged witness and reassuring the judge that he was the real deal, he called Jean Armstrong onto the stand. Wright was able to learn that someone had coerced the owner into helping with the fake crime and hiding the real body; Wright indicted Tigre as being that someone, after the latter was summoned to testify. Wright was then able to establish Tigre's guilt by showing a bottle that contained Elg's ear medicine. He had collected it from a box where Armstrong stocks some sort of aromatherapy bottles, but their shapes were different from the medicine. After showing the bottle to the court and saying it really contained the potassium cyanide used to kill Elg, Tigre fell right into the trap and tried to correct Wright by revealing details about the cyanide bottle (small, brown color, the poison was in powder), which he could not have possibly known were he not the real killer. Maggey Byrde was subsequently declared not guilty, and Furio Tigre was taken away.


  • In the Japanese version of the game, the restaurant's name is written as "吐麗美庵" (Tore Bian). This is a highly unconventional way to write the name, as kanji is rarely used for loan words; the standard way of writing the name would be in katakana, as "トレビアン" (Tore Bian). Using kanji to phonetically represent a foreign name or word like this is called "ateji".
  • The "trés" in the restaurant's name should really be spelled "très" (note the accent direction). This is an example of the terribly flawed usage of French by Jean Armstrong, who is not actually from France.[1] If spelled correctly, the full name means "very well/good" in French.
  • In the French version of the game, the restaurant is Italian and called "Bellissima", which is the Italian word for "very beautiful".


Trés Bien Flyer

A flyer advertising the restaurant's grand opening.


  1. Hsu, Janet (2014-10-31). Ace Attorney Trilogy - Surprising Tidbits You Never Knew! Capcom Unity. Retrieved on 2014-11-02.