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Gyakuten Kenji 2 and Layton-kyōju VS Gyakuten Saiban have been announced! If wiki activity from Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth has told us anything, it's that we really need contributions from people who will import these games once they're released in Japan. So tell as many people as you can about this upcoming game and this wiki!


Ace Attorney Wiki

Wocky Kitaki's check-up report was a piece of evidence in Apollo Justice's investigation into the murder of Pal Meraktis.

Meraktis' murder[]

Main article: Turnabout Corner
Wocky's medical records

Due to the original report being torn up by Kitaki in a fit of rage, the report provided by Klavier Gavin during Kitaki's trial was actually a copy the prosecutor had to request.[1]

The copy later appeared during the trial 2 days after the actual check-up as evidence submitted by Prosecutor Gavin. He used this as a motive for why Kitaki would kill Merkaktis; as he didn't inform him or his family of the bullet in his heart, he would want to kill him for endangering his life.


  • Patient's Name
    Wocky Kitaki (Age: 19), Male
  • Report Filed
    June 14
  • Notes
    Metallic object found near heart. Urgent exam needed.

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  1. Alita: He was furious! He ripped up his report into shreds...
    Klavier: Incidentally, I had to request another copy to file as evidence.
    Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney. Capcom. Episode: Turnabout Corner (in English). 2008.