Ace Attorney Wiki

Gyakuten Kenji 2 and Layton-kyōju VS Gyakuten Saiban have been announced! If wiki activity from Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth has told us anything, it's that we really need contributions from people who will import these games once they're released in Japan. So tell as many people as you can about this upcoming game and this wiki!


Ace Attorney Wiki

The poker hand of Phoenix Wright was a piece of evidence in Wright's trial for Shadi Smith's murder.

Smith's murder[]

Main article: Turnabout Trump

The two poker hands of Smith and Wright were brought in to be examined. Although Wright's hand revealed nothing helpful, Smith's revealed a blue card among the red-backed cards.


Not counting the non-significant Grand Grimoire entries in Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and the optional update to the description of The Fourth Book, this piece of evidence is the only entirely optional evidence throughout the entirety of the Ace Attorney franchise.
