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Ace Attorney Wiki

Zak's confession

A confession written by Zak Gramarye was a piece of evidence in Apollo Justice and Phoenix Wright's investigation into the murder of Drew Misham.

Clearing a guilty conscience[]

Phoenix Wright
But he left one thing behind before he parted... This. His "confession". ...To use as I saw fit. ...Of course, he'd killed no one. This was his way of tying up loose ends with his old partner, Valant Gramarye.

While working at the Borscht Bowl Club, Phoenix Wright was visited by Spark Brushel and "Shadi Smith", the latter of whom was his former client, Zak Gramarye, who had disappeared during his trial seven years prior. Gramarye requested to play a game of poker with Wright, and before the game the two discussed matters relating to Gramarye's disappearance. When the conversation led to Valant Gramarye, Wright told Zak of the rumors surrounding his former colleague about his suspected involvement in Magnifi Gramarye's death. In response to this, Zak wrote a false confession in order to clear Valant's name. He gave this written confession to Wright.

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