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成步堂龙一 |
插图画廊 | 立绘画廊 |
- “成步堂”条目被重定向到此页,关于家族本身的信息详见成步堂(家族)。您也可能在寻找本系列的游戏第一作 逆转裁判,或者是 逆转裁判系列 。
成步堂龙一 |
对于生物来说,保护自己的生命是很普遍的。 但是,让我们成为人类的是我们为他人而战。 但是你又为谁而战呢? 你要对抗的人有多不好对付? 这是人类生命价值的真正衡量标准。 我们的辩护律师是经常受到这个问题而挑战的斗士。 即使战斗结束了,连接我们的纽带也随之被切断了……但我们总会一次又一次地回归…… |
早年[ | ]
成步堂龙一从小作为一名独生子长大。 有一次他告诉王泥喜法介他是在乡下长大的,以解释他在医院病床上的邋遢行为,而且他本人喜欢拿这事开玩笑。在他人生的某一个时候,成步堂曾经闯入了一个牧场并给里面的一群奶牛挤奶。[1]
在他读四年级时的某一天,成步堂被指控偷窃了一个同学——御剑怜侍的午餐钱。由于缺乏不在场证据,所有人都认为成步堂就是那个小偷。但御剑和他的另一个同学,矢张政志,一同为其辩护。御剑说到,如果没有证据就无法证明成步堂有罪。 在那之后,三人成为了形影不离的好友。据十五年后的说法, 虽然那天矢张没来上学,但他就是那个偷了御剑怜侍午餐钱的小偷。
当时,御剑一直都有密切的关注他的父亲御剑信,一个辩护律师界的传奇人物。在成步堂的律师生涯中,成步堂也是受到了那场学级裁判的启发从而想成为一名律师。 在造成了御剑怜侍的父亲御剑信死亡的DL-6事件后,御剑怜侍转学并搬家离开了城镇。
大学生活[ | ]
- 主条目:回忆的逆转
成步堂龙一 |
啊啊…… *阿嚏* *阿嚏* 离我的小千远一点! *阿嚏* *咳* |
成步堂在勇盟大学修读艺术系和法律系时,他注意到一篇新闻报道,报道的标题是“恶魔检察官的阴暗猜疑”。这篇报道里提及到御剑怜侍被怀疑伪造证据和威胁证人以伪造证词等手段取得胜利。 成步堂发现,御剑已经不再是他儿时所认识的那个人,而是成为了一个冷酷无情的检察官。成步堂尝试过私下与他联络,然而被御剑无视了。因此成步堂立志要成为一名律师,希望以后会在法庭上再次遇到他,并帮他解决他的问题。
早期律师生涯[ | ]
裁判长 |
成步堂,你真的是我所知道的最难以预测的辩护律师。 |
新人律师[ | ]
- 主条目:逆转裁判
勾玉[ | ]
- 主条目:逆转裁判2
成步堂的半退休状态因雾崎哲郎的到来而被永久地打破,雾崎需要真宵为他灵媒。因此,成步堂来到了真宵的故乡仓院之里,并遇到了真宵的表妹绫里春美。 成步堂随即陷入了涉及春美的夺权阴谋中:雾崎遭到谋杀,真宵因此被控告。成步堂在法庭上见到了狩魔豪之女狩魔冥,回味到与狩魔豪的许多经历。成步堂在调查谋杀案时,真宵给了他勾玉,春美已把灵力注入了这个勾玉,所以成步堂可以通过精神枷锁窥测到他人的秘密。成步堂令狩魔冥获得了第一次无罪判决,这件事就像摧毁御剑一样摧毁了她。
为有罪者辩护[ | ]
- 主条目:再会了,逆转
Wright tried to accuse Engarde's manager Adrian Andrews of the murder in court, but Edgeworth forced Andrews to admit to trying to frame Engarde, but not actually committing the murder. For the first time, it seemed that Wright's accusation was wrong, and during his investigation, he confronted Engarde, only to realize to his horror that Engarde was "the culprit", in that he had hired de Killer to commit the murder. Wright told Edgeworth about his plight: By giving into de Killer's demands, a killer would go free, and the wrong person would be convicted for the murder, but by pursuing justice against Engarde, Wright would lose Maya. Edgeworth told Wright that he had left the country to learn what it really meant to be a lawyer, and that now it was Wright's turn to do the same.
Edgeworth then called on the [[police department]] to chase down de Killer while he and Wright stalled for time in court in an attempt to help release the attorney from the no-win situation he found himself in. Although de Killer managed to evade the police, he left behind crucial evidence, which Detective Gumshoe hurried to deliver to the courtroom. Wright eventually ran out of time, and was almost forced to make the terrible choice of which verdict to pursue, when Franziska burst into the courtroom with Gumshoe's evidence. Among this evidence was a videotaping of Corrida's murder, which Engarde had planned to use to blackmail de Killer. Upon finding out about this betrayal, an enraged de Killer freed Maya and made Engarde his next target. Engarde, with the tables turned against him, had no choice but to accept a guilty verdict in an attempt to escape the assassin's wrath.
戈多之谜[ | ]
- 主条目:逆转裁判3
Some months later, a Fey clan heirloom, the Sacred Urn, was stolen, and Ron DeLite turned himself in as the mysterious masked thief Mask☆DeMasque. Wright took DeLite's case and faced another masked man in court named Godot. Wright won the case by exposing Mask☆DeMasque's arch-nemesis, Detective Luke Atmey, as the real Mask☆DeMasque, but DeLite was immediately thrown into a murder case, the victim being his ex-boss Kane Bullard. Wright faced Godot again and found that DeLite really was Mask☆DeMasque, and that Atmey had merely pretended to be the thief to avoid the murder charge for killing Bullard. Wright noticed throughout the trial that Godot seemed to have a vendetta against him, though he couldn't explain why.
Wright faced Godot again in an appeal trial in which Maggey Byrde was convicted of the murder of Glen Elg following the shoddy handling of the first case by someone posing as Wright. Wright investigated the vicinity of a loan company called Tender Lender and found that the murder that had been witnessed had been staged, and that the real murder had occurred earlier. Wright confronted the owner of Tender Lender, Furio Tigre, who himself was in debt to mob boss Bruto Cadaverini. In court, Wright tricked Tigre into implicating himself for the murder as well as the red herring and the impersonation of Wright in the first trial.
背水一战[ | ]
- 主条目:华丽的逆转
A month after Byrde's trial, Maya gave Wright a magazine article about a spirit medium training temple, Hazakura Temple. Wright refused to accompany her to the temple at first, but then he saw one of the nuns in a picture, who looked like Dahlia Hawthorne. Wright then agreed to go with Maya and Pearl. At the temple, Wright met Larry Butz again, as well as the "twin", who was a nun named Iris. Wright also met the head nun, Bikini, and Butz's new "teacher", Elise Deauxnim. Iris gave Wright her hood for warding off demons. In the middle of the night, however, Bikini witnessed Iris stabbing Deauxnim with the Shichishito sword, and she told Wright to call the police using a phone near Dusky Bridge. Wright found the bridge burning; fearing for Maya, who was training in the Inner Temple at the other end of the bridge, told Butz to call the police while he ran across the bridge. The bridge broke under Wright, and he fell into Eagle River below.
Edgeworth found out about the accident and visited Wright in the hospital. Fortunately for him, Wright suffered only minor injuries and a cold, and Edgeworth found him shivering and wearing Iris's hood. Wright gave Edgeworth his attorney's badge and his magatama, asking him to fill the defense's bench for Iris until he got better. As Edgeworth left to investigate the murder, Wright researched his mentor's first case, which had seen Hawthorne nearly get implicated for a murder, but the defendant had killed himself, stopping the trial.
The next day, Wright left the hospital and took over where Edgeworth had left off. The bridge was repaired, but Maya was locked inside the Inner Temple. Wright met Godot here, and Godot told him that he should have protected Mia. As Wright wondered about this remark, he found that Hawthorne had been executed a month before, and that Iris really was Dahlia Hawthorne's twin sister. He also found that Elise Deauxnim was actually Maya's mother Misty Fey, who had disappeared after the DL-6 Incident.
Wright faced Godot in court again. Iris suddenly offered herself up as a witness against Maya Fey, but Wright eventually realized that "Iris" was actually Hawthorne, who was being channeled. Hawthorne claimed that Maya was dead, having killed herself out of guilt for murdering her own mother, but Wright realized that Maya had, in fact, channeled Hawthorne to protect herself, after channeling Mia to ask for her help. As Mia appeared in Pearl's body to tell Hawthorne that she would never win against her, Hawthorne left Maya's body. Godot then demanded that Wright face him alone, without the help from Mia that had saved Wright in his previous trials. Wright took on this final challenge and implicated Godot as the killer.
Godot had been Mia's fellow lawyer Diego Armando, whom Hawthorne had poisoned before meeting Wright in the courthouse, which explained Godot's vendetta against Wright. It was also revealed that Iris had been the one to meet Wright for the whole time in which he had dated Hawthorne, except for the first and last encounters. Wright forgave Iris for lying to him all those years ago, and he told her that he had believed in her somehow, even after the result of the trial. Godot then shared one last cup of coffee with Wright before the trial ended.
Wright and the others later visited Iris in the detention center. Wright showed some lingering feelings for her (he had his eyes on her the whole time), but Pearl slapped him for what she saw as disloyalty to Maya, giving him a nosebleed.
被看到[ | ]
- 主条目: 逆转检事 & 逆转检事2
About two weeks later, Wright and Maya were spotted once again near a crime scene, which was being investigated by Edgeworth. They were looking at the Grand Tower skyscraper, astonished by the wonders of concrete masonry. However, they were prevented from encountering the scene (and Edgeworth) by a large barrier put in place around the filming lot where the investigation was taking place.
During the investigations into an international smuggling ring and several older cases, Wright's friends and associates would occasionally refer to him, but never by name. Instead he was mentioned in various vague, indirect ways ("him", "the man in the blue suit", "a certain defense attorney", and so on).
失去律师资格[ | ]
- 主条目:逆转的继承者
In April of 2019, Zak Gramarye, a famous magician at the time, called Wright to his detention cell. Zak challenged him to a game of poker, which Wright won. Zak then asked Wright to be his lawyer, as he was suspected of having killed his master, Magnifi Gramarye. He had just recently fired his previous lawyer, and the trial was to occur the next morning, but Wright reluctantly agreed to take the case.
The next day in court, Zak Gramarye's daughter Trucy gave Wright a piece of paper that seemed to have been ripped out of a journal. He took it into court with him, where he faced rookie prosecutor Klavier Gavin. Wright was able to show that Zak's stage partner Valant Gramarye had the opportunity and motive to kill Magnifi. In the end, Gavin presented Magnifi's journal, which had a page ripped out. Wright presented the page that Trucy had given him, as it seemed to be the missing page, but Gavin declared that the evidence was fraudulent, calling a forger, Drew Misham, to the stand who confirmed that he had made the page. The trial abruptly ended soon after, but when Zak took the stand to receive his sentence, he disappeared into thin air, and no verdict was ever given.
Wright was then put before a hearing conducted by the Bar Association of other lawyers in his field. They determined that he was responsible for the forgery and all of them except Kristoph Gavin voted for Wright's disbarment. Even after losing his badge, however, it was apparent that the judge and those involved with the law still carried him in somewhat high esteem. This event became the foundation of what was to become known as the "dark age of the law", with the trial of Simon Blackquill the following year starting this so-called "age" in earnest.
间歇期[ | ]
- 主条目:逆转裁判4
成步堂龙一 |
我的过去就像我的逻辑,直截了当而真实。什么都没变。我所做的只是把正义之手引向正确的方向。 |
Two weeks after the Gramarye trial, Wright took in Zak's abandoned daughter Trucy and raised her as his own, after failing to find any close kin. He also made friends with Kristoph Gavin, and the two of them met often over the next seven years. Wright had a sneaking suspicion that Kristoph was somehow related to the forged evidence, but having no proof at the time, he continued his investigation.
Wright questioned the bailiff who had chased Zak after he disappeared, confirming that Trucy had helped her father with his disappearing act. He then questioned Drew Misham, finding out that his daughter Vera Misham was the real forger and confirming among other things that Kristoph had requested the forgery. Wright then questioned Valant, who had fallen under suspicion due to speculation that Zak had disappeared to protect him. He found out about a certain "Zak & Valant's Quick-Draw Shootem" trick, which had resulted in the serious injury of Thalassa Gramarye, Magnifi's daughter. Thalassa had disappeared after the incident.
In the years that followed, Wright's office was reformed as the Wright Talent Agency, which was mostly a place to store the materials for Trucy's magic shows. Wright was hired as a poker champion at the Borscht Bowl Club, but also posed as their piano player. The poker games were purely for the competition, however, as his main source of income was Trucy's magic shows. He also learned that Trucy could read subtle body language, and so used her in his poker games to beat all of his opponents.
雾人的败露[ | ]
- 主条目:逆转的王牌
Finally, the time came seven years later in which Zak Gramarye reappeared to Wright, posing as "Shadi Smith". Wright questioned Zak about his intentions and about the Gramarye family, learning that Kristoph's new student Apollo Justice was Magnifi's grandson. Magnifi and his descendants had the power to read subtle body language, and Justice had a bracelet that allowed him to use this ability much more easily. Wright decided to use him to come to the truth about his last case. In addition, Zak wrote a letter confessing to Magnifi's death (though he had not actually done it) and handed Wright a will passing on the legal rights to Magnifi's magic tricks to Trucy. A reporter named Spark Brushel was there to notarize the will.
Zak challenged Wright to a poker game. Zak cooperated with the dealer, Olga Orly, whom he had planted earlier, to plant extra cards on Wright to make it look like he was cheating, but by sheer luck Wright came across the card planted on his person and stowed it away. Furious at the failed trap, Zak hit Orly with a bottle, knocking her out. Wright moved upstairs to call the police; when he came back down, Zak was dead.
Wright called Kristoph Gavin to defend him, but when Kristoph mentioned Zak's baldness, Wright realized that something was wrong, since he should not have seen the man without his hat on. Wright replaced the hat on Zak's head, put a drop of the victim's blood on an ace of spades, and left to call the police. He was shortly thereafter arrested on suspicion of "Shadi Smith's" murder.
Wright surprised Kristoph by hiring his student Apollo Justice as his lawyer. The judge recognized Wright, but Wright insisted that the past not be discussed for the moment. With Justice at the helm of the defense team, Wright was able to convince him that the case wasn't as clear-cut as Kristoph was trying to make it out to be. Orly, the sole witness, hadn't killed Shadi Smith; someone else had. Wright had Trucy give Justice the ace of spades that he had picked up, which would turn out to be decisive evidence. Wright and Justice, with the help of Justice's power to "perceive" Orly's nervous twitches, eventually exposed Kristoph as the real killer. In closing, Wright told the court that the legal system was entering dark times, and that the law would have to be changed.
After the trial, Wright revealed to Justice that the card had been a fake. Justice was horrified at this and punched Wright, but Wright merely answered that there was no reason for him to care about what people thought of him anymore. Justice intended not to talk to Wright after that, but Wright had other plans for him.
继承人[ | ]
- 主条目:逆转连锁的街角&逆转的小夜曲
On June 14, Wright was running some errands when a car hit him. He was admitted to the Hickfield Clinic with minor injuries to his head and legs, and he called a very reluctant Apollo Justice, who was now out of a job, to help him out. Wright asked him to find the individual who had hit him, and to find out who had stolen a certain Guy Eldoon's noodle cart; Trucy's "magic panties" were also stolen. During Justice's investigation, he came across a murder, which tied all three incidents together. It also turned out that Ema Skye had been hired as a detective, so Wright gave Justice a fingerprinting set to give to Skye to warm her up to him. Wright then watched as Justice took on Klavier in court and won his case.
Wright then began to put his plan into motion, using his influence over the judicial system to bring about the Jurist System. He visited Justice in his third courtroom battle, which involved a singer named Lamiroir, and told him that the old system wouldn't allow him to get a not guilty verdict through conventional means. Justice would eventually have the defendant admit to criminal activity to implicate the real killer.
陪审团系统[ | ]
- 主条目:逆转的继承者
On October 6, Drew Misham was killed through atroquinine poisoning, and Wright, as the chair of the Jurist System Simulated Court Committee, had the courts use this case as the test case for the Jurist System. Justice was appointed to the defense's bench, defending Vera against Klavier. Wright was also able to pick the jurists himself. Wright gave Trucy Zak's will, but he told her not to open it until the right time. As Justice conducted his investigation, Wright began the final stages of his own long investigation.
Wright visited Kristoph's prison cell and attempted to get information out of him, only to see five black Psyche-Locks around him. He then met Brushel and Valant, telling the latter about Zak's will. Valant admitted that Magnifi had, in fact, killed himself, and Valant had tried to frame Zak out of jealousy. Finally, Wright came back to Kristoph's cell and tried to take an envelope that Drew had sent to Kristoph, which had on it the murder weapon: a poisoned stamp. Kristoph caught him in the act, but Wright had already recorded his entire investigation with a hidden video camera.
Wright compiled his recordings into a game program called the MASON System, which he showed to the jury deliberating on Vera's trial. Although the recordings didn't count as decisive evidence under the old system, the jury decided unanimously that there was considerable reason to believe that someone else had committed the murder, and thus Vera received an innocent verdict and Wright's name was cleared.
Lamiroir, who was one of the jurists, visited Wright to thank him and turned out to be the long-lost Thalassa Gramarye. Wright told her that he would keep her children safe until she could reveal her identity to them.
招募希月心音[ | ]
- 主条目:逆转的百鬼夜行
Sometime after Vera's trial, Wright went to Europe to look into their legal systems. It was there that he met Athena Cykes, who was studying to become a lawyer. Learning she could sense subtle emotions from the voices of others, he assured her that this ability would be a great help to people. Cykes finished her studies and became a lawyer, and Wright invited her to join the Wright Anything Agency.
While meeting Cykes at the airport, Wright called Justice to accompany Trucy to Nine-Tails Vale. It was there that Justice accepted the job defending Mayor Damian Tenma for the murder of Alderman Rex Kyubi, and when Cykes eagerly rushed over to help with the investigation, Wright phoned Justice to head over to the village to find her. The next day, Wright met with them before the trial. He told his apprentices about his plan to retake the bar exam, and then warned them about the convict prosecutor Simon Blackquill, whose presence he himself was alerted to by now-Chief Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth.
After the first trial day, Justice and Cykes continued their investigation, but began to struggle. When they returned to the agency, Wright told them what Mia taught him: the worst of times are when lawyers have to force their biggest smiles, return to the basics whenever stuck, and to always believe in their client. His apprentices took his advice, and they successfully defended Tenma and exposed his aide, Florent L'Belle, as the real killer. After congratulating Justice and watching Tenma meet his fans as the Amazing Nine-Tails, Wright took his apprentices to Eldoon's Noodles to celebrate their victory. Wright later retook the bar exam and entered the legal world once more.
后期律师生涯[ | ]
我们需要更多的编辑来完成这篇文章 | |
这篇文章正在建设中。虽然它不短了,但它仍然需要拓展,如样式指南所述。 该文章有可能需要在标记部分或部分的末尾附近进行扩展。 |
法庭黑暗时代的终曲[ | ]
- 主条目:逆转裁判5
Wright's career took off with another bizarre case when he was asked to defend Orla Shipley, an aquarium orca who was accused of killing the aquarium's owner. Although Wright managed to prove the orca's innocence, he then had to defend her trainer, Sasha Buckler, who was accused of the same crime. Despite having to face Prosecutor Blackquill in court for the first time, Wright also ran into an old ally in the form of Pearl Fey during the investigation. By the end of the trial, Wright had managed to figure out that Orla had an older sister and indicted Marlon Rimes for the murder of Jack Shipley. However, when new evidence came up, Wright realized that the captain's death was an accident, and so Rimes was put into rehabilitation. Sometime after the trial, Wright, Trucy, Pearl, Cykes, and Justice returned to the aquarium to watch a new version of their famous stage show, with Rimes as one of the actors.
Wright was later invited by Themis Legal Academy to potentially give a seminar at the upcoming school festival, which he agreed to, and brought Justice and Cykes along with him. A mock trial would be held to determine who gave and who received a seminar; Wright would speak to the defense attorney students if the defense attorney won, while Klavier Gavin would speak to the prosecutor students if the prosecutor won. Wright was also due to have a meeting with Professor Constance Courte, but she did not show up. He decided to allow Justice to watch the mock trial in his place, while he and Cykes waited in the hallway.
However, while the trial was in full swing, the pair heard a crash outside. Upon investigating the sound, the two of them discovered Courte's body on the outdoor stage that was intended to be used for the festival. Cykes's immediate reaction was to alert everyone, but Wright stopped her and stated that they should take the opportunity to examine the body in order to gather evidence. Justice later arrived, and it was discovered that the murder had many similarities to the fictional murder that was being used in the mock trial. Later, as Wright was speaking to Professor Aristotle Means about the murder, it was revealed that Cykes would defend the prime suspect, Juniper Woods, as she was a childhood friend of hers. After Means left, Wright told Cykes about the so-called "dark age of the law" and how it had infected Themis Legal Academy.
After furiously fighting in the courtroom for her client, Cykes eventually revealed that Means was the true culprit, saving Woods. The whole Wright Anything Agency then attended the festival, which had been extended in honor of Courte. Since the defense attorney student, Hugh O'Conner, had won the mock trial, Wright gave his seminar to the defense students.
Wright later took on Woods's second case after both of his subordinates were unable to continue, with Woods standing accused of planting a bomb that destroyed one of the courtrooms in the District Court. Facing him was prosecutor Gaspen Payne, younger brother of the "Rookie Killer" Wright had defeated in trials past. After exonerating Woods, Wright took up the defense of the astronaut Solomon Starbuck, the defendant in the trial disrupted by the courtroom bombing, who had originally been Justice's client until the young lawyer was injured in the bombing, and stood accused of murdering fellow astronaut and close friend of Justice, Clay Terran.
Although Wright soon cleared Starbuck's name, he was shocked to find out that Athena was now being indicted for the same murder as Starbuck. Wright found himself not only defending Athena, but also having to clear both Athena and Blackquill's names in the UR-1 Incident, in which Athena's mother Metis Cykes had been murdered. The resulting trial took place in the ruins of Courtroom No. 4, where he faced off with his old friend and rival Edgeworth once again, who had risen to the position of Chief Prosecutor during Wright's disbarment. During the trial, Wright was forced to cross-examine Justice, who had earlier take a leave of absence from the Agency to investigate Terran's death on his own.
Wright eventually figured out that a third party had been responsible for fabricating the evidence that had been used to indict Athena. Wright accused Bobby Fulbright, a detective assigned to Blackquill, of the murder of both Metis Cykes and Clay Terran. After clearing Blackquill of suspicion, Wright proceeded to question Fulbright, with the help of Justice and his bracelet to discern the truth behind the murder weapon. Blackquill, who had claimed the prosecutor's bench from Edgeworth after being declared innocent, sliced at Fulbright and struck his face; the impact left a tear on his face, which was revealed to be a mask. The person on the witness stand was actually an international spy known only as the "phantom", who had been posing as Fulbright for an unknown period of time. Wright indicted the phantom on charges of killing Athena's mother and Terran, as well as being responsible for the bombing of the Cosmos Space Center. The decisive piece of evidence turned out to be a fragment of moon rock, which had blood residue from a wound the phantom suffered while escaping the scene of Metis Cykes' murder. Wright used Athena's earring, which had been made from the same moon rock, to prove that the two samples were from the same stone. Thus, the fragment which contained the phantom's blood was from Metis' lab, and he was responsible for the murders involved.
After the phantom's incarceration and Athena's acquittal, Wright returned to running his agency as per usual. Some time later, he and his apprentices watched from the space center as Starbuck was launched into space in the HAT-3 rocket launch.
The Court of Resignation[ | ]
- 主条目:逆转裁判6
Four months later, Wright traveled to the Kingdom of Khura'in to visit Maya, who was visiting the country as part of her spirit medium training. However, trouble soon reared its head when his tour guide, Ahlbi Ur'gaid, was arrested for murdering a guard and stealing a precious relic called the Founder's Orb.
Watching the ensuing trial, it was revealed that there were no defense attorneys in the country's court system because of the Defense Culpability Act. Instead, verdicts were decided via the spirit medium powers of Khura'in's mystic princess Rayfa Padma Khura'in, which allowed for the viewing of the victim's final moments. Faced with seemingly overwhelming evidence, Ur'gaid was declared guilty. However, Wright then appeared at the empty defense's bench and declared that a verdict without a defense was unacceptable, and so he would take on Ur'gaid's case. Despite the overwhelming odds and hostility from the courtroom gallery, Wright proved that Ur'gaid was innocent and that the head monk, Pees'lubn Andistan'dhin, had committed the murder and stolen the Founder's Orb. After the trial, Wright met the Justice Minister Inga Karkhuul Khura'in, who told him to keep out of the courtroom.
After Ur'gaid's case, Wright heard that Trucy had been accused of murder back home in America, and called Justice in a panic. From the phone call, he learned that the Wright Anything Agency office was in danger of financial ruin thanks to the schemes of Take-2 TV producer, Roger Retinz. When Justice stated that he and Cykes were on the case, Wright told his subordinate that he had grown a lot and that he was confident enough to put his trust in him to save both his daughter and the agency. After Justice won the case, Wright congratulated him and acknowledged him as a real full-fledged lawyer.
A few weeks after Trucy's trial, Wright learned that Maya was once again accused of murder, albeit this time with head priest Tahrust Inmee as the victim. He immediately took on the case to save her, going up against international prosecutor Nahyuta Sahdmadhi in the process. Wright conducted his investigation under the watchful eye of Rayfa, with Detective Ema Skye providing assistance where she could.
However, despite his best efforts, the odds were too heavily weighed against then and Wright lost the trial, with the pair being declared guilty under the Defense Culpability Act. Luckily, they were given another chance to prove their innocence when Inmee's acolyte Puhray Zeh'lot was also found dead; as Maya was also accused of this murder as well, the trial was extended. Wright was again watched by Rayfa for most of his investigation, and eventually discovered a secret rebel hideout at the Inner Sanctum. The following day, Wright had Maya channel Inmee's spirit in order to get his testimony about his and Zeh'lot's deaths. Wright was subsequently able to figure out that Zeh'lot was actually Rheel Neh'mu, a government spy who hunted rebels while disguised as Lady Kee'ra. More importantly, Wright was able to deduce that the priest had committed suicide to protect his wife, Beh'leeb Inmee from the Defense Culpability Act and prevent the police from discovering the base. After his and Maya's acquittal, Wright caught a glimpse of the rebel leader, Dhurke Sahdmadhi, who was helping Beh'leeb escape with the help of Datz Are'bal.
目睹大革命[ | ]
- 主条目:逆转的大革命
A few days later, Maya was kidnapped by Inga, thereby forcing Wright to obey the commands of Paul Atishon as he was blackmailed for Maya's safety once again. This "agreement" coerced him into disagreeing on the identify of an artifact known as the Founder's Orb that Justice had found during a trip to Kurain Village, prompting the two to have a civil trial against one another. Although they were on opposite sides of the courtroom, Wright was still hesitant to face off against Justice. However, Justice figured out that Maya was needed to channel the Khura'inese religious figure known as the Holy Mother, whose face was revealed in the orb. This meant that Atishon was holding the wrong person captive, as harming her would render the orb useless to him. Freed from the shackles of blackmail, Wright resigned as Atishon's lawyer and the politician was arrested for the murder of Archie Buff. After the trial, Wright received a call from Inga, who demanded the orb in exchange for Maya.
After the civil trial, Wright, Justice, Cykes, Dhurke, and Miles Edgeworth traveled to Khura'in to conduct the exchange. But while they found Maya weakened but safe, Inga was dead and Dhurke was arrested for his murder. Wright investigated with Edgeworth at his side, meeting with Queen Ga'ran Sigatar Khura'in and learning of Inga's plans for a coup d'etat.
After reuniting with Justice, Wright stood alongside his apprentice as his co-counsel during Dhurke's trial. Together, they faced off against both Ga'ran and Nahyuta. Several revelations were made during the trial, including the fact that Dhurke was killed by Inga while he was rescuing Maya many days earlier. Wright learned that Maya had been safe all along as she was channeling Dhurke's spirit so he could meet with Justice back in the States. Wright then watched as his apprentice solved the case and accused Ga'ran of having no right to the throne, attempting to assassinate her older sister, and murdering Inga.
After the trial, Justice was asked to stay in Khura'in in order to help rebuild their court system and reopen Dhurke's old law office, to which he agreed. Wright traveled back home with Maya, Cykes, Trucy (who had stowed away in Edgeworth's luggage), and Edgeworth, knowing that Justice would be fine in Khura'in. He later met up with Lamiroir and showed her a photograph of her late first husband, Jove Justice. He suggested that it was time to tell her Apollo and Trucy of their shared parentage, to which she agreed.
婚礼谋杀案[ | ]
- 主条目:跨越时空的逆转
Several months later, Wright took on the defense of Ellen Wyatt, who was accused of murdering a servant after her own wedding reception; Wyatt was to be married to the heir of the famous Sprocket Aviation company, Sorin Sprocket. After the Sprocket family placed a great deal of pressure on the prosecutor's office to drop the case, Edgeworth decided instead to personally prosecute it. Wright was joined in his investigation by Maya Fey and Larry Butz, the latter of whom had been convinced that Wyatt was going to marry him, leading to a reunion of sorts. Wyatt and Butz were both convinced that some sort of time travel had occurred during the wedding, as they had seen two separate wedding receptions.
During the trial, Wright determined that the "time travel" had actually been an elaborate ruse set up by the Sprocket family to cover up the murder, where the reception was merely re-enacted at a later time. After much deliberation, Wright concluded that the true killer had committed the crime during the wedding ceremony as part of an attempted revenge plot on Sorin. After Wyatt was declared not guilty, Wright attended her wedding alongside Edgeworth, Butz, Fey, Cykes, and Ema Skye.
性格[ | ]
Miles Edgeworth |
I'll admit it, I'm impressed, Wright. You were always single-minded in your work, though. Once you start on something, you always see it through, don't you? |
Phoenix Wright is generally quite easy-going in his outlook. His relaxed attitude usually leads to his friends leading him around or taking advantage of his good nature, usually by making him foot the bill of large celebratory meals. Wright also has somewhat of a sarcastic side that he usually keeps to himself. This tends to manifest when dealing with the eccentric characters (including his friends), objects, and situations he comes across. Despite his usually relaxed attitude, he is a rather harsh critic when it comes to art, possibly due to his time as an art student, to the point of openly mocking his friends art pieces on several occasions.
Wright has repeatedly shown himself to be a loyal friend and lawyer who refuses to back down once his mind is made up. Known for this trait even in childhood, it has been a valuable asset for him, especially as it has translated into his dedication to defending and believing in the innocence of his clients. Wright's loyalty is such that he has often ended up risking his career, and even his life, for his friends and clients on several occasions. For instance, in the trial that got him disbarred, he showed calm concern for the fate of his client, even in the midst of allegations of fraud. Drew Misham in particular was intrigued by this, claiming that despite Wright being the center of the problem, he was the only one who had not made a commotion.
That said, Wright's loyalty has clouded his better judgment on a few occasions. In university, he went through great lengths to protect his girlfriend, Dahlia Hawthorne, during his own trial. When his lawyer, Mia Fey, accused Hawthorne of poisoning Diego Armando and giving her bottle of poison to Wright disguised as a necklace, Wright refused to believe her and ate the necklace, though, fortunately for him, it had been emptied. Years later, he attempted to cross a burning bridge in an attempt to save Maya, whom he believed to be trapped on the other side with a killer. Despite Larry Butz begging him not to, Wright went as far as to push him out of the way to get to the bridge, which immediately broke, sending him plummeting down into the river below.
成长与成熟[ | ]
喜好与厌恶[ | ]
- 成步堂曾说他每个星期天都会收看儿童杰作剧场。
- 儘管成步堂一再宣称对大将军没什么兴趣,但成步堂的铃声是“大江户战士将军超人”的主题曲,而且他似乎对大将军有所了解。成步堂处理过两个涉及大将军的案件,而且身边有两个忠实大将军粉丝可以解释这一点。
- 成步堂是一个毫不掩饰的食肉者,他声称唯一喜欢的海洋生物就是他可以吃的海洋生物。话虽如此,成步堂并不像他的助手真宵那样疯狂,他说自己比较偏向“烤鸡肉三明治人”。他还很喜欢葡萄汁,在他被夺走律师徽章的七年间一直在喝。
- 蓝色是他最喜欢的颜色,他的标志蓝西装是最明显的体现。
- 成步堂没有汽车和驾驶执照。他似乎以出租车为主要交通工具。
- 成步堂拥有一部蓝色的直板手机,显然他在整个法律生涯中都一直使用。
- 成步堂说自己的数学能力很差,当他遇到任何形式的先进技术时,他只能利用别人提供给他的信息。
- 成步堂恐高。他把美贯去了一个游乐园骑过山车,儘管最后他开始反对这种游乐设施。
- 成步堂在检查星影宇宙之介办公室桌上的打火机后,表示自己“并不是很喜欢吸烟
与美贯的关系[ | ]
成步堂龙一 |
美贯还是个小孩子呢。 |
成步堂美贯 |
爸爸!我都说了多少次了,美贯不是小孩子啦! |
成步堂 龙一 |
哈哈哈,真是说不过美贯啊 |
声望与遗产[ | ]
但是,这样的策略使成步堂在他的一些敌人(例如牙琉雾人和 芝九藏虎之助)中声誉不佳。牙琉甚至称成步堂为“二流律师”。尽管如此,总的来说,他以赢得似乎无法胜诉的案件而闻名。成步堂的律师资格被取消一事令他的这种声誉受损,媒体很快将他称为“歪曲的律师”,但不管怎么说,他甚至他的律师事务所,在某些圈子里甚至在黑社会中都被称为“传奇人物”。司法系统对他显然是宽容的,以至于让他可以领导陪审团系统模拟法院委员会,甚至赋予他选择案件,陪审员,辩护律师,法庭甚至审判中法官的权力。
The Wright Way Lunch[ | ]
Angel Starr named one of her lunches in honor of Wright called the "Wright Way Lunch". Apparently, the top tastes as bitter as defeat but the bottom is as sweet as victory; Starr has suggested to "be careful not to eat it backward." According to Starr, it's popular with kids around exam time due to its turnabout theme. This is a reference both to the general naming of the cases and how Wright's trials usually progress.
杂项[ | ]
- 虽然在波鲁哈吉餐厅当了7年的钢琴师,成步堂钢琴弹得还是很烂。
- 成步堂拥有打扑克的诀窍,在波鲁哈吉餐厅打了7年没有输过一局(虽然有时要靠美贯的帮助)。
- 成步堂字写得很差,在他想要通过连接罐子上的点来写出名字和复制一封信里的文字时因这一点遭到了批评。
名字[ | ]
- 他的日文姓氏 "成步堂" (Naruhodou), 与日语中"原来如此(naruhodo)"发音相似
- 他的日文名字,"龙一"(Ryuuichi),来源于受巧舟钦佩的日本作曲家、歌手、作家及演员坂本龙一(Ryuichi Sakamoto)[2]。这一名字最初并无其他特殊含义,直到逆转裁判3推出了一个叫 芝九藏虎之助(日语罗马字为Shibakuzō Toranosuke)的角色——"龙一"(Ryuuichi)暗指龙,"虎之助"(Toranosuke)则暗指虎,在东方神话传说中,龙和虎是天敌。游戏中虎之助的夹克衫上绘有老虎咬龙的图案,即为这一神话的体现。
- 他的英文名字"Phoenix",指的是凤凰,传说中能从尸体的灰烬中复活的鸟。成步堂能闻名于世,正因为他在法庭上到了似乎失去一切的时候,都能创造出几乎不可能实现的逆转。(复苏的逆转的标题更明显地体现了凤凰鸟的能力)。凤凰神鸟也可以用来形容“出类拔萃的人”,或许是指成步堂善良的本性和对真相的追求。
- 他的英文姓氏"Wright"可能与日文姓氏有着相似的效果(英文版中有句台词"Isn't that right, Wright?",其中right和Wright谐音) ,或是体现了成步堂正直的本性和正义感 (即,做正确"right"的事)。该姓氏是一种职业,来源于英格兰,词源是古英语"wryhta"或"wyrhta",意为"工人"或"木头造型者"。英文版回忆的逆转中,成步堂向千寻介绍自己:“Wright……和飞行兄弟同姓”,飞行兄弟即指莱特兄弟。
- 民间巴西葡语化版中,他的名字[3]是"Fênix Verissimo";"Fênix"来自英文版名字(Phoenix)而"Verissimo"可能来自"verdade"(真相)或"ver"(看)。
开发[ | ]
- Wright was designed to be the player's avatar, and so was made without a clear-cut personality or a detailed history outside the games so that he would be easy to relate to. Shu Takumi has intentionally refused to establish details irrelevant to the games, such as birth dates, blood types, or favorite foods. This is why Phoenix Wright's bedroom only makes a brief appearance at the beginning of Turnabout Samurai, and even then only in pitch darkness. In the original trilogy, his often sarcastic inner monologues are meant to be like Takumi's own thoughts on the situations being presented in the games.[4]
- He was given his distinctive "spiky hairstyle" in order to provide him with a unique look.[5] It also serves to give Wright a distinctive silhouette, which Shu Takumi would repeat with Sissel, the main character of Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective.[6]
- During production, the name "Souka Naruhodou" (which translates to "Oh, yes, I see now") was suggested, but quickly dismissed. It was decided to settle for just "Naruhodou".
- In Turnabout Sisters, Wright was originally supposed to first encounter April May in court (rather than in her hotel room). Upon seeing her for the first time, he was supposed to get "heart-eyes". However, due to changes to the plot, her appearance was brought forward, and so the sprite was cut from the final game.
- In the original art, Wright has brown eyes as he does in-game. However, in the official art created for the DS release, he has blue eyes.
- Shu Takumi has speculated that the reason Wright was studying art at college was to become a Shakespearean actor. However, character artist Kumiko Suekane prefers to think that Wright was studying to become a manga artist.
- His hair is not as spiky as a college student as it is when he is a lawyer; this difference was to add distinction between the stages of Wright's life.[5] Additionally, his college student design has his initials ("P" and "W") as part of the design on his shoes.
- Of the five defendants in Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, Wright is the only client of Justice's first four to not face the possibility of death during the course of his trial: Wocky Kitaki had a bullet in his heart that was still threatening his life; Machi Tobaye faced the possibility of the death penalty in his homeland of Borginia if he did not confess to cocoon smuggling at the time he did; and Vera Misham miraculously survived atroquinine poisoning.
- The initial concept for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies was Wright's return to law. However, it was felt that his story arc had been fully explored in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations, and so his role was instead changed to that of the "newbie chief" of the Wright Anything Agency. His new character design had to be similar to his appearance in Trials and Tribulations, while at the same time showing how the flow of time had changed him. Many potential designs were put forward, including versions that had glasses, wore his pendant around his neck, wore a sweater hand-knitted by Trucy, or had a small goatee. It was decided that it was important that he should be well-dressed in a suit, but even the design of said suit had many variations. In the end, Takuro Fuse (the game's art director) settled on making him a little older-looking, altering his suit design slightly, and allowing a single lock of his hair to hang in front; the lock of hair was meant to add a little wildness to his design, while the addition of a waistcoat and pendant are meant to give an additional air of maturity. The balance between his face and expressions was also tweaked in the illustrations and 3D models for the game. The game's scenario director, Takeshi Yamazaki, feels that Wright is the embodiment of the "revival" theme of Dual Destinies.[7]
- The main clothing color themes of Phoenix Wright, Apollo Justice, and Athena Cykes are the three primary colors (blue, red, and yellow, respectively).
- Phoenix Wright is the only character to appear in all Ace Attorney games to date (excluding Dai Gyakuten Saiban: Naruhodō Ryūnosuke no Bōken), including the Edgeworth spin-off games and the Professor Layton crossover game Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. Additionally, Wright appears in more episodes (31) than any other character in the series to date, followed by the judge (28), Dick Gumshoe (23), and Miles Edgeworth (21).
- Of the speech bubbles used in the series so far, Wright has used 6 of them (Objection!, Hold it!, Take that!, Got it!, Hang on!, and Welcome!), which is tied with Ryūnosuke Naruhodō for the most out of any other character in the series (although Naruhodō does not use "Welcome!", "Hai!" is unique to him).
- In the Japanese version of the games, almost all characters address Wright by his surname or a corruption of it. In Japanese parlance, one's first name is only used by family members, lovers, and extremely close friends. In Wright's case, however, even close friends like Larry Butz and Maya Fey still just use his surname. The only characters in the entire series to call him by his first name are Dahlia Hawthorne / Iris (while they were dating), Desirée DeLite, and Ponco.
- Wright has endured a large amount of physical trauma. He has chewed and swallowed a necklace made of glass and metal that potentially contained a fatal poison. He has been physically assaulted by a murderer, almost taken out by mobsters, shocked by a 600,000 volt stun gun, hit over the head with a fire extinguisher (with temporary amnesia as the only consequence), had a tiger (playfully) jump on him, and had a near deadly encounter with a loan shark. He also once fell from a 40-foot cliff into a fast-flowing river - one notorious for washing its victims away, never to be seen again - in the middle of winter, only to escape with a fever that just left him bedridden for two nights. In court, Wright has had a toupee thrown at his face, been frequently whipped, pecked by birds, had seeds thrown at him, and had numerous cups of boiling hot coffee thrown at his face. Even after being disbarred, he was punched by Apollo Justice and later hit by a speeding vehicle and thrown head first into a telephone pole, but walked away from the latter with just a sprained ankle. Unfortunately, the situation did not much improve after recovering his attorney's badge, as he had tiny pieces of his hair sliced off, had his arm squeezed by thrown prayer beads, was knocked unconscious and was then threatened by a machete, faced the possibility of execution twice (including on the spot execution via guns trained on him), and had paper airplanes thrown at him. Considering what has happened to him, he is often considered lucky for surviving some of his experiences, and hardy for taking the physical abuse he experiences in court so well.
- Gyakuten Saiban: Sono “Shinjitsu”, Igiari!, the anime adaptation of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All, adds a couple of pieces of information about Wright that are not mentioned in the games, but also do not contradict them.
- Wright uses a bicycle as his main method of transportation.
- He is said to have watched the entire run of The Steel Samurai: Warrior of Neo Olde Tokyo for information that could help him with the defense of Will Powers.
Capcom vs. series[ | ]
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars[ | ]
Phoenix Wright and Franziska von Karma were originally supposed to be playable characters in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars. However, Wright had only one notable move, his "Objection!" In-game, the attack would create the Objection! speech bubble, which would attack opponents. The main reason Wright was ultimately cut was that localization would enlarge the Objection! attack, going from four to ten characters, making the move impossible to avoid and creating serious balancing issues.[8]
Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds[ | ]
Producer Ryota Niitsuma later expressed a desire to implement Wright into future Capcom fighting games.[9] He also stated that, due to his popularity, especially in Europe, he was near the top of the list of planned Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds downloadable characters if the game sold well enough.[10] Although Wright as a downloadable character never came to fruition, both Wright and Miles Edgeworth do make a cameo appearance in the game, namely during She-Hulk's ending. In said ending, Jennifer Walters (She-Hulk's alter-ego) becomes the host of a courtroom reality series entitled "Jen's Justice", which co-stars Wright and Edgeworth. When she accidentally smashes the judge's bench with her gavel, both lawyers can be seen cowering in fear. The ending can be seen here.
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3[ | ]
- Main article: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Phoenix Wright was confirmed as a playable character in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 when a character profile image of Wright was accidentally uploaded onto the game's website.[11] On October 13th 2011, Wright was officially revealed and three video trailers featuring in-game footage of the defense attorney were released.[12]
Unlike the other characters in the game, Wright does not actually fight directly, instead fighting by searching and throwing evidence, rummaging and throwing papers, and sneezing at his opponents (a reference to the cold he had when he was on trial as a student) as a launcher or an air combo/aerial rave finisher. He has three styles of "combat" to switch from. "Investigation Mode" is focused on finding clues to use against his foes in court, which is represented by three document folders. While searching, Wright can either find legitimate evidence or junk, which can be thrown away, with each individual piece of evidence having its own special effects, such as varieties of projectiles or even pieces of meat that can be used to restore health. Wright can call on Maya as an Assist to protect him while he searches for evidence. Missile can also be used as a throw, as well as an Assist, when not in use. "Trial Mode" is a more combat-oriented style. Injection speech bubbles are also used as attacks that can stun Wright's opponent if they connect three times in a row. Once Wright has gathered three viable clues, he can go into his third mode, "Turnabout Mode", by connecting with his Questioning. Upon doing so, the current stage's background music changes to the Pursuit theme, Wright's special attacks become much more powerful, he has access to his signature finger pointing which releases ghostly pointing fingers that possesses juggling abilities, his projectiles become faster and stronger, and he becomes able to use his Level 3 Hyper Combo: "Ace Attorney". For this attack (tied with Vergil's Dark Angel as one of the strongest Hyper Combos in the game), Wright accuses his opponent until they breakdown, dealing massive damage. His Level 1 Hyper Combos include "Steel Samurai Maya Smelting!", which summons Maya to charge towards his opponent while wildly flailing her arms, and "Order in the Court" which summons the nightmare judge to smash both Wright and his opponent with his gavel. Being hit with the gavel will knock Wright back into Investigation Mode if he is currently in Courtroom Mode.
When playing in the game's "Simple" mode, Wright will only have access to the Investigation and Courtroom Modes and cannot collect any sort of evidence, therefore locking out Turnabout Mode, and his Ace Attorney Hyper Combo. However, Wright makes up for this by still having access to his other two Hyper Combos ("Steel Samurai Maya Smelting" in Investigation Mode, and "Order in the Court" in Courtroom Mode), whereas other characters only have access to the one in Simple mode.
As is standard with fighting games, Wright has a number of alternative costumes he can wear, the color schemes of which are which are all references to other characters, namely 御剑怜侍, Dick Gumshoe, Larry Butz, Godot, and Sissel from Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective. A downloadable "Feenie" (a.k.a. as a college student) costume is also available.
雷顿教授VS逆转裁判[ | ]
- 主条目:雷顿教授VS逆转裁判
我们需要更多的编辑来完成这篇文章 | |
这篇文章正在建设中。虽然它不短了,但它仍然需要拓展,如样式指南所述。 该文章有可能需要在标记部分或部分的末尾附近进行扩展。 |
At some point during his original career, Wright was approached by the Legal League of Attorneys and asked to take part in a business exchange trip to London. He agreed, and so set off for England accompanied by Maya. However, not long after arriving, Wright was asked to defend a mysterious schoolgirl called Espella Cantabella on charges of theft and assault. Although he had not expected to be defending anyone for the exchange, Wright took the case and not only proved Cantabella innocent, but also proved the person she had been charged of assaulting was a jewel thief. However, not long after the case was over, both Wright and Maya were suddenly transported to the mysterious medieval town of Labyrinthia that Cantabella called home. Once there, the trio lost all memory of their previous meeting, with both Wright and Maya also losing their memories of their previous occupations and lives, instead believing they had worked in the local bakery alongside Cantabella for the last five years.
It was also at the bakery that Maya and Wright would meet Hershel Layton and Luke Triton, who had also been transported to Labyrinthia. Despite having no memory of his former life, Wright once again found himself defending Cantabella in court, albeit this time for murder and being a witch after she was accused of using a fire spell to burn to death two thugs who had attempted to mug her. In the process of proving her innocence, both Wright and Maya regained their memories. The pair then decided to team up with Layton and Triton to solve the mystery behind Labyrinthia. However, it didn't take long for Maya to get herself into trouble; whilst investigating the death of an alchemist that had occurred three months prior, she found herself under suspicion of being a witch after Layton was apparently transformed into a gold statue. Although Wright was able to prove Maya's innocence, Cantabella then admitted to being the "Great Witch Bezella" in an attempt to stop any more people being executed as witches; if Bezella was killed, then there would be no more need for witch trials as she was the source of all witches. However, while freeing Cantabella from the cage that would be dropped into the flames below, Maya ended up switching places with her. Pinned down by knights, Wright could only watch in horror as Maya was dropped into the fire pit used for executing witches and seemingly killed.
交叉领域计划2[ | ]
- 主条目:交叉领域计划2
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After being asked by Heihachi Mishima to defend him on charges of smuggling illegal substances, Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey traveled to Japan and headed to Kamurocho, where they had agreed to meet. Whilst waiting, however, the area became infested with zombies. The two were eventually rescued by Mishima and the yakuza Goro Majima, but were forced to retreat down a nearby manhole as the number of zombies increased. The manhole lead to Makai, where Wright eventually met up with Demitri Maximoff and Morrigan Aensland, who agreed to help the duo return to the human world. After rendezvousing with the rest of their group, Wright and Fey were attacked by Baby Bonnie Hood, who was under contract with Shadaloo to kill Wright before he could clear Mishima's name. As the others would be unable to effectively fight off any enemies and protect them at the same time, Aensland supercharged Fey's magatama with spiritual energy, allowing her and Wright to defend themselves. Hood was eventually forced to retreat and the group safely made it out of Makai.
It was here that Reiji Arisu and Xiaomu, members of the special organization Shinra, revealed a threat posed by rival organization Ouma that would have dire consequences for the world. Although initially refusing to assist them, Wright eventually relented after an enthusiastic Fey pointed out that Hood was still after them and that they could use the protection.
Eventually, Arisu, Xiaomu, and their allies were able to defeat Ouma, thereby allowing Wright and Fey to return to their old lives. Not long afterwards, the two were invited to a reunion at Maximoff's castle alongside all their allies. During the party, a fight broke out between Heihachi Mishima, his son Kazuya, and grandson Jin Kazama, which they agreed to settle in a three-on-three fight. Wright failed to realize until it was too late that he had been selected to fight on Kazuya's team, much to his dismay.
Cultural references[ | ]
- In The First Turnabout, when asked for evidence to prove why the clock was running slow, if Wright presents anything other than Stone's passport, the judge will challenge him, who then thinks: "D'oh! That wasn't it!" "D'oh!" is a catchphrase often used by the fictional character Homer Simpson in the long-running American animated sitcom The Simpsons, normally when something has gone wrong for him.
- At one point during "Ini Miney's" testimony in Reunion, and Turnabout, Wright is interrupted by Franziska von Karma then sarcastically thinks "Well, excuuuse me, Princess." "Excuuuuuuse me, Princess!" was the sarcastic catchphrase of Link in The Legend of Zelda television show, an American animated series loosely based on the video games series of the same name. In the cartoon, it was often used by Link (29 times in 13 episodes) when retorting to Princess Zelda's comments.
- During Turnabout Big Top, when Wright asks Regina Berry about Benjamin Woodman, only to realize that she has no idea that Woodman and the puppet Trilo are the same person, he thinks: "Like sand through the hourglass, so are the Days of the Circus". "Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives" is the trademark voiceover used during during the title sequence of the long-running daytime soap opera Days of our Lives.
- When Wright accuses Adrian Andrews of being the murderer in Farewell, My Turnabout, he exclaims: "Ms. Adrian Andrews! I choose you! You are Mr. Corrida's killer!"; "I choose you", followed by the name of a Pokémon, is often shouted by characters in the Pokémon anime when sending out their chosen Pokémon.
- In Farewell, My Turnabout, when Wright suddenly comes across Wendy Oldbag in her "spacesuit" outfit while investigating Corrida's hotel room, he is initially startled and exclaims "Zoinks! It's the alien!!" This is a reference to the character Shaggy from the long-running American animated franchise Scooby-Doo, during which Shaggy uses his catch phrase "Zoinks!" whenever he's surprised or scared, which is frequently.
- In The Stolen Turnabout, after Godot presents the DeMasque's Broach, Wright says "Uh-oh... ...Phoenix, we have a problem." This is a reference to a quote made famous in the 1995 film adaptation of the 1970 Apollo 13 lunar mission. After an oxygen tank explosion that forced the crew to abort their mission and made their safe return extremely dangerous, the Command Module pilot Jack Swigert reported back to mission control in Houston, Texas: "Houston, we've had a problem." The more famous "Houston, we have a problem" version was a change made for the film.
- On first meeting Lisa Basil in Recipe for Turnabout, Wright is surprised that she is a human, and comments that she "looks more like a ghost in a shell". This is a reference to the anime series Ghost in the Shell, specifically Basil's superficial resemblance to Major Motoko Kusanagi, the cyborg protagonist of said series.
- During Recipe for Turnabout, if Wright presents irrelevant evidence to Lisa Basil, she responds with: "I'm sorry. That data is SuPer Admin Restricted Desktop Access password-protected". Maya then exclaims: "SuPer Admin Restricted Desktop Access password-protected!? What!? This is madness!", while Wright calmly states: "No, Maya. That is SPARDA. She won't tell us unless we say the right code word". This exchange is a reference to the movie 300, namely the exchange between a messenger and King Leonidas (Messenger: "This is blasphemy! This is madness!" Leonidas: "Madness?... This! Is! SPARTA!"). Additionally, spelling it "Sparda" may be a reference to Capcom's Devil May Cry series, where it is the name of the demon father of the series' main characters Dante and Vergil. This reference is itself later referenced in Turnabout Reclaimed.
- After investigating Professor Constance Courte's body in Turnabout Academy, Wright says to Cykes, "Nice work, Athena. Your face only turned five shades of pale. I was expecting fifty." This is a reference to the title of the novel Fifty Shades of Grey.
- After Simon Blackquill comments on Apollo Justice's theory of a third party during the second trial in The Cosmic Turnabout, Wright thinks to himself, "As long as we aren't punished in the name of said moon..." This is a reference to the Sailor Moon franchise, where the titular character's catchphrase is: "In the name of the Moon, I'll punish you!"
- When examining the "shark cannon", Athena Cykes mentions that seeing sharks "flying and whirling through the skies" would be a sight to see. Wright at this point thinks to himself, "A tornado full of sharks? Not even Hollywood could conjure up something that insane." This is a reference to the 2013 made-for-television disaster B-movie Sharknado.
Other media[ | ]
- Near the end of the episode "Remote Island Syndrome Part 2" of the anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, the mannerisms of a few of the characters mirror those of the sprites of some Ace Attorney characters. The scene in question is when Haruhi Suzumiya confronts the other characters with the truth about a "murder" that had taken place. Haruhi performs a number of actions that are identical to those that Wright performs in-game. The most obvious reference however, is when she is making her final statement which consists of an extreme close up (with a blue dramatic background) immediately followed by Wright's iconic finger point. The scene can be viewed subbed here or dubbed here.
- The episode "1 Angry Ghost" of the anime Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt makes a heavy reference to the Ace Attorney trials. The main characters, Panty and Stocking, are defendants in a sort of twisted game show style trial, accused of murdering a Ghost named Husband Petter. When they are sent to the electric chair, their lawyer, a monkey named Mr. Abrams, is accidentally electrocuted along with them and suddenly becomes intelligent. This is followed by Wright's iconic finger point and a declaration that the prosecution's claims are contradictory, much like in the trailer of Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. Additionally, the witness, Mrs. Wife Petter, breaks down and confesses to the crime. The scene can be viewed here.
- Phoenix Wright, Mia Fey, Miles Edgeworth and Franziska von Karma were all featured as Character Cards in SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters DS.
- The adventures of Phoenix Wright have also been turned into manga, musicals, and a live-action film.
- Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective features a minor blue-suited detective character only known as "The Blue Detective" who is partnered with the green-suited Detective McCaw. The blue detective's suit and tie (blue suit, red tie) match those worn by Phoenix Wright during his time as a lawyer and McCaw's suit and tie (green suit, red tie) match Winston Payne's own in Turnabout Memories. McCaw also wears opaque glasses with rectangular frames, much like Payne does. These similarities are very likely nods to the Ace Attorney series, as Shu Takumi, the main developer of Ghost Trick, is also the main developer of the core games of the Ace Attorney series.
- In the first chapter/episode of the manga/anime Arakawa Under the Bridge, the protagonist Kou Ichinomiya briefly appears (in an inner monologue) wearing a suit and tie while pointing his finger and objecting. The anime make the reference to Wright even more obvious by making the suit blue, the tie red, and showing him wearing an attorney's badge. In the manga, the scene in question can be seen here.
- Wright appears alongside other Capcom characters in Minna to Capcom All-Stars, a Japan-only social RPG card game for cell phones.
- In episode eight of the anime Meganebu!, Mitsuki Kamatani is seen questioning Hotaka Shirogane whilst wearing a blue suit, white shirt, red tie, and an attorney's badge on it's left side, as well as performing Wright's distinctive objection pose (screenshot).
- In episode 24 of the anime My Bride is a Mermaid, the character Mawari Zenigata at one point gives Phoenix Wright's iconic finger point pose before starting an investigation.
- In the third episode of the anime No Game, No Life, the main character Sora interrupts the coronation of Chlammy Zell by yelling "Objection!" (complete with Ace Attorney-style speech bubble) and playing music on his smart phone that is strongly reminiscent of "Pursuit ~ Cornered" (with the image on his phone showing the game's logo, having "Game Soundtrack" as its genre, and giving its title as "Pursuit ~ I'll Corner You!"; incidentally, the track's name on the anime's official soundtrack is entitled "Reverse?", which is a reference to the "Turnabout" theme of the Ace Attorney series.). There is even an elderly official present who bears a striking resemblance to the usual judge encountered in the Ace Attorney games. A similar scenario occurs in the fourth episode during an argument between Sora and his stepsister Shiro during the coronation, in which both the same music and elderly official are once again present, only this time with the addition of the "Hold it!" interjection. While these interjections are being shouted, the characteristic speech bubbles of the Ace Attorney series flash across the screen.
- In the second chapter (Sea and Punishment, Sin and Coconuts) of the murder mystery visual novel video game Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair, the character Ibuki Mioda references Wright and the Ace Attorney series by stating, "Gravel *inside* the swimsuit?! Even the ace attorney would be astonished by such a fantastic idea!"
- In the special "Tanabata Festival Live" episode of the anime Inazuma Eleven GO Chrone Stone, Matsukaze Tenma points out that there is "clearly a contradiction" in the claims made by Alpha. While doing so, he points while shouting "Objection!", with Tsurugi Kyousuke telling him that he has the "wrong series". After Tenma points out that Alpha's very existence contradicts his own claim, the latter screams in horror while gripping his head, akin to the over-the-top breakdown animations used in the Ace Attorney series. Incidentally, the Inazuma Eleven and Professor Layton series are both Level-5 franchises, with Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney being released in Japan at roughly the same time as the aforementioned episode was aired.
References[ | ]
- ↑ Phoenix: I'll have you know, back in the day I once broke into a cattle ranch and tipped -
Judge: M-Mr. Wright! What are you saying!?
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. Capcom. Episode: Rise from the Ashes (in English). 2005. - ↑ "GYAKUTEN SAIBAN 3 Investigate into the TRUTH" page 112 ISBN 4-575-16419-4
- ↑ Nossa tradução de Ace Attorney Jacutem Sabão. Retrieved on 2019-02-08.
- ↑ Ash. Takumi on Columbo (Kono Manga ga Sugoi interview). Court Records Forums. Retrieved 2015-08-29.
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 (2009). "The Art of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney". UDON. ISBN 1-897376-19-7.
- ↑ GamesRadar. Ghost Trick – dev interview. Accessed on 2010-03-02.
- ↑ (2015). "The Art of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies -". UDON. ISBN 978-1927925447.
- ↑ http://www.eventhubs.com/news/2010/jan/28/tvc-uas-characters-didnt-make-cut/
- ↑ Fighting Talk with Ryota Niitsuma, Tatsunoko vs Capcom's producer. Accessed on 2009-08-14.
- ↑ Frank West cut, Phoenix Wright considered for MvC3. Accessed on 2011-08-21.
- ↑ Phoenix Wright confirmed for Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3. Accessed on 2011-07-21.
- ↑ UMvC3: Phoenix Wright officially revealed. Accessed on 2011-10-13.
fr:Phoenix Wright it:Phoenix Wright ru:Феникс Райт