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Phoenix Wright

This picture was taken with professional, high quality film, correct? Yet even it could not capture the faces of the men on the boat! Yet you claim you saw Mr. Edgeworth! How!?

——“Turnabout Goodbyes

"Phoenix Wright - Objection! 2001" is a music track in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. It is used throughout the game when pointing out contradictions in initial sections of trial chapters, with "Pursuit - Corner the Culprit" being used later on. It is part of the recurring "Objection!" tracks used throughout the Ace Attorney series, and can be considered as one of Phoenix Wright's themes.

The track also features in Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney when Wright objects in Turnabout Trump and during the "Seven Years Earlier" section of Turnabout Succession.

Arrangements & remixes[ | ]

  • Arrangements feature in the albums Gyakuten Saiban Orchestra Album ~Gyakuten Meets Orchestra~, Gyakuten Saiban Tokubetsu Hōtei 2008, Gyakuten Saiban Orchestra Concert 2019, and Gyakuten Saiban 15th Anniversary Orchestra Concert.
  • Remixes of "Phoenix Wright - Objection! 2001" and "Pursuit - Corner the Culprit" are used as themes for Wright in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3.
  • An orchestrated version plays in the Ace Attorney film that includes an arrangement of "Apollo Justice ~ A New Chapter of Trials!"
  • Remixed into the tracks "Phoenix Wright - Objection! (English Turnabout Mix)" and "Phoenix Wright - Objection! 2012" in Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, as well as being incorporated into the ending theme.
  • Its leitmotif is used in the ending theme for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies.
  • Its leitmotif is used in the menu theme for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy.
  • Both the original and a remixed version are used as themes for Wright and Maya Fey in Project X Zone 2.
  • An arrangement is used in the Ace Attorney anime.
