成步堂龙之介 |
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成步堂龙之介是成步堂龙一的祖先,生活在明治时代的日本。While he was a second year student at Imperial Yumei University, Naruhodo was put on trial for a murder he did not commit. After successfully defending himself in court, he traveled to London, where he and his judicial assistant Susato Mikotoba roomed with the Great Detective Herlock Sholmes, as well as his adoptive daughter Iris Wilson. Naruhodo went on to defend clients in the British courtroom with Mikotoba.
早年生活[ | ]
As a young boy, Naruhodo slipped and sprained his ankle while playing with crutches. Additionally, at age five, he caught a cold, the only one he would have up to the trial that would change his life. Naruhodo had also been studying English ever since he was a child.
冒险的序章[ | ]
- Main article: The Adventure of the Great Departure
On November 19 in the late 19th century, Naruhodo met and chatted with his friend Kazuma Asogi at the La Carneval restaurant, congratulating Asogi on securing his position in a foreign exchange program. After Asogi left the restaurant, Naruhodo saw John Wilson sitting nearby, recognizing him as a British professor at his university. Naruhodo walked up and greeted Wilson, talking with him for a bit. Afterwards, he was preparing to leave when he noticed a handgun on the floor. When he picked up the weapon, Naruhodo heard a nearby gunshot and found Wilson dead. Because he was holding onto the gun, the witnesses nearby believed that he was the murderer, and he was promptly arrested by Detective Satoru Hosonaga.
Three days later, Naruhodo was put on trial with Asogi as his defense attorney. However, Naruhodo learned from Professor Yujin Mikotoba that his friend's chance to study abroad in England via the foreign exchange program was in jeopardy -- if Asogi did not achieve a "not guilty" verdict for Naruhodo, Asogi would be deemed unworthy of the program. Thus Naruhodo decided to represent himself. Asogi stood as his co-counsel instead.
Despite being extremely nervous at the beginning of the trial because of his lack of experience with the law, Naruhodo stood firm against Prosecutor Taketsuchi Auchi. He figured out that the witnesses, Kyurio Korekuta and Iyesa Nosa, were concealing the important fact that Wilson was with a British exchange student, Jezaille Brett, at the time of his death. When he successfully summoned Brett to the courtroom, she repeatedly denied killing Wilson, but Naruhodo was able to hold his ground against her. At one point when the witness had the upper hand, he and Asogi were assisted by Professor Mikotoba's daughter, Susato Mikotoba, who gave them Wilson's research documents on the foreign poison curare. Against all odds, Naruhodo proved that Brett poisoned the professor with curare and framed Naruhodo by shooting the corpse with her hidden handgun. Thus, he was able to secure his innocence, and he and Asogi won the trial.
Naruhodo was congratulated for his victory and acquittal, but soon learned from Professor Mikotoba and Detective Hosonaga that Brett would be heading for Shanghai and not be put on trial in Japan due to the invocation of the “trial consul's authority.” Asogi complimented Naruhodo's defense, stating Naruhodo had the makings of a great attorney. His friend then said he had a request for him.
偷渡的悲剧[ | ]
- Main article: The Adventure of the Unbreakable Speckled Band
Asogi's request was for Naruhodo to join him on his journey to London and study law alongside him. His friend not only wanted to revolutionize the law in Japan, but also to let Naruhodo realize his true potential as an attorney. Thus Asogi smuggled him onto the steamship, and Naruhodo hid in the closet to avoid others' eyes. But a month after they left Japan, Asogi was found apparently dead in his cabin, and Naruhodo was found and charged for murdering his friend. The fact that no one had known he was on the ship only made Naruhodo look more suspicious.
Wanting to clear his name, Naruhodo asked Susato -- also traveling to England as Asogi's judicial assistant -- if they could try to figure out the truth together about Asogi's death. Despite Susato's doubts of Naruhodo's innocence, she agreed under the condition that Naruhodo remain under her supervision. It was during their investigation that they met Herlock Sholmes, the Great Detective of London, who was also looking into the murder case.
With Susato and Sholmes' help, which involved two dances of deduction, Naruhodo figured out that Asogi's supposed murderer was Nikolina Pavlova, a Russian ballet dancer who was seeking asylum and snuck onto the ship. With his friend dead, Naruhodo was informed by Hosonaga that they had to return home since there was now no attorney for the exchange program. Naruhodo initially accepted this, but noticed Susato's grief at losing both Asogi and the prospect of acting as a judicial assistant in London. Both for Susato's sake and for his own determination to fulfill Asogi's dream of revolutionizing Japanese law, Naruhodo declared that he would take Asogi's place as an attorney and study law on the ship, even though they only had forty days left until they reached London. Susato gave him Asogi's sword Karuma, and she helped him study British law until they arrived.
Unbeknownst to Naruhodo and Susato, Asogi was in fact alive and had only suffered a broken neck and memory loss.
英国的时光[ | ]
- Main article: The Adventure of the Runaway Room
Arriving in London, Naruhodo and Susato met with Lord Chief Justice Mael Stronghart in order to prove to the man that he was worthy of taking Asogi's place. As a test of his aptitude, Naruhodo was immediately assigned to take on a case and win a "Not Guilty" verdict at the Old Bailey. He and Susato met their first client: Magnus McGilded. Although he was a well-liked businessman, no lawyer had taken his case because the prosecutor was the "Reaper of the Bailey," Lord Barok van Zieks. It was during this trial that Naruhodo learned about the jury system. When all six jurors decided on a "Guilty" verdict, Naruhodo felt all hope was lost, but Susato was able to call for the almost-forgotten procedure of the summation examination to continue the trial. Naruhodo would use summation examinations in every trial going forward.
As the trial progressed, Naruhodo nearly had his victory until van Zieks pointed out that someone had tampered with the carriage and had created fake evidence. He indicated that the ones responsible were McGilded and Gina Lestrade, a pickpocket who caused a smoke explosion earlier. It was here that Naruhodo began to question McGilded's innocence, but the trial could not continue because McGilded pointed out that the prosecution lacked decisive evidence that the crime scene had been tampered with. Thus, Naruhodo won the "Not Guilty" verdict, despite his internal conflict on the truth of the case. Soon after the trial ended, McGilded said he was being summoned back to help the investigation on the carriage, but the carriage caught fire and McGilded's burnt body was found within.
布莱雅路的鬼魂[ | ]
- Main article: The Adventure of the Clouded Kokoro and The Memoirs of the Clouded Kokoro
The next day, Naruhodo and Susato met with Stronghart, who congratulated the former on his victory and acknowledged him as an attorney. Naruhodo admitted that he wasn't satisfied with the trial's conclusion. Stronghart then informed them about McGilded's death, to both Naruhodo and Susato's shock; they also learned that Scotland Yard had not actually arranged for McGilded to inspect the carriage. Shortly afterwards, Stronghart assigned the pair to a new case, with the trial set for the next day. After meeting with Detective Tobias Gregson, they learned that Naruhodo was to defend Soseki Natsume, a fellow Japanese exchange student who was accused of stabbing Olive Green in the back.
As they started to conduct their investigation, Naruhodo and Susato met Sholmes' assistant and autobiographer, Iris Wilson, and the owner of Natsume's flat, John Garrideb. Together with Sholmes, Naruhodo deduced that John's maid was actually his wife, Joan, and that they had had a heated argument during the time of Green's stabbing.
On the following day, Naruhodo and Susato were shocked that Joan was the fourth juror. Throughout the trial, whatever advantage they found was countered by van Zieks. However, Naruhodo found his turnabout when he realized that the patrolman, Roly Beate, had moved the crime scene from his patrol area so that he could spend time with his wife, Patricia. After indicting Joan as the criminal, Naruhodo found that she had thrown the knife during her fight with her husband, unintentionally causing it to fly out the window and stab Green as the victim was picking up John's fallen book on the street. Thus, Naruhodo won the case through fair means.
Afterwards, Naruhodo and Susato were invited by Sholmes to live at his home, and the three of them and Iris had a celebration with Natsume on his acquittal.
Natsume's freedom was short-lived, however, as he found himself once again being arrested for the attempted murder of William Shamspeare. As he took up the defense once again, Naruhodo proved that Shamspeare was trying to get Natsume out of the flat with a gas leak to get a treasure left behind by Selden. Naruhodo also revealed that Green, the victim of the previous case, had attempted to get revenge on Shamspeare for her fiance's death by poisoning the lamp pipe he used to cause the gas leak, making her the true perpetrator of the attempted murder.
After Green and Shamspeare were arrested for their crimes and Natsume was acquitted once again, Naruhodo and his friends searched the flat for Selden's treasure and discovered that it was an expensive dog collar. But to everyone's surprise, Sholmes reacted strangely to the collar, forbidding Iris from publishing a story based on the case and allowing Gregson to confiscate the collar.
短暂的告别[ | ]
- Main article: The Adventure of the Unspeakable Story
Following two months without any cases, Naruhodo and Susato accompanied Sholmes to the pawn shop of Pop Windibank. As they were taking a look around, they were caught in a fight between Lestrade -- the pickpocket from McGilded's trial -- and "Eggert Benedict", who were both trying to claim the same items: a coat and music disc. After a dance of deduction with Sholmes, Naruhodo and Susato discovered that the items in question once belonged to McGilded, who left them at the shop before his trial and death. Naruhodo was then held at gunpoint by Benedict for the disc, but was saved by Gregson's timely arrival. After Benedict's escape, Naruhodo was asked by the inspector to give McGilded's disc to the Yard as evidence and the shop was closed for inspection.
Returning to the flat, Naruhodo enjoyed a relaxing evening with Susato, Sholmes, Iris, and unexpectedly, Lestrade. But things turned for the worse at around midnight when there was a break-in at the shop. In the ensuing chaos, Sholmes was hit by a gunshot, Windibank was found dead in the shop's storeroom, and an unconscious Lestrade was found next to the corpse with a gun in her hand.
The next morning, Naruhodo took Iris along as his assistant in his investigations, as Susato had to return to Japan the next day due to her father's illness. Although Stronghart was certain of Lestrade's guilt, Naruhodo gained his permission to be the attorney for the trial because the pickpocket had turned away all other attorneys so far. Afterwards, the three headed for the gaol, where Lestrade confessed to lying during McGilded's trial -- McGilded had truly been the killer of Mason Milverton, and he had blackmailed her into becoming his accomplice. Although Naruhodo now knew for certain that he had been betrayed by her and McGilded two months ago, Naruhodo still believed in Lestrade's innocence in this case and was set on defending her in court. That night, he received from Susato a binder containing her notes on McGilded's trial as her last duty as his assistant -- she would have to leave at dawn to board a ship for Japan and see her father. Before Naruhodo could say anything to her, he was tossed by Susato, who asked him not to say goodbye: she wouldn't be able to hold in her crying otherwise. She left Naruhodo still upside-down, as his vision started to blur with tears.
At the trial, Naruhodo was joined at the defense bench by Iris, who wanted to support him in place of Susato. Once again, the attorney found himself immediately at a disadvantage as van Zieks easily convinced the jurors and the crowd that Lestrade was guilty. Naruhodo had to win two summation examinations to continue the trial after concluding that someone broke into the shop with the Skulkin brothers to retrieve McGilded's disc. After the recess, Naruhodo cross-examined Ashley Graydon, who had gone by the name "Eggert Benedict" two days earlier, and Lestrade. In the process of cross-examining the latter, it was revealed to the court that McGilded had really been guilty in that case two months ago -- making Lestrade guilty of perjury and Naruhodo himself guilty of involuntary presenting of forged evidence. Nevertheless, Naruhodo pressed on to prove that McGilded's pledged items were a music box and two discs that played a message in Morse code. Naruhodo also figured out that Graydon was Milverton's son, and that the two of them stole government information to sell it to McGilded.
After Naruhodo indicted Graydon as Windibank's killer, he found himself cornered when tests on McGilded's coat found splattered blood on the front, prompting the jurors to give a “Guilty” verdict to Lestrade. But when Sholmes unexpectedly arrived in court, Naruhodo found his turnabout when the Great Detective gave him Iris' “Cat-Flapomat” -- the morning she'd left for Japan, Susato had asked Sholmes to do so. With this evidence, Naruhodo broke down Graydon and Gregson's lies. Despite Gregson's warnings that playing the Morse code message in court would be tantamount to treason (since it would expose government secrets), Naruhodo -- determined to find the truth at any cost -- played it aloud, proving that it was Morse code. Graydon was finally exposed for his crimes, and after Lestrade was given a “Not Guilty” verdict, Naruhodo had a talk with van Zieks, earning the respect of the prosecutor.
Before Lestrade was taken back to the prison, Naruhodo exchanged gratitudes with her. He then learned from Iris that Susato's departure was delayed due to the rainstorm. They, along with Sholmes, rushed to the port, where they spotted Susato about to throw a book on British law into the ocean. Naruhodo was shocked to learn that she was quitting law due to the guilt she felt at having tampered with the crime scene with the Cat-Flapomat, and he assured her that her actions were what saved Lestrade. When they suddenly heard Iris saying Asogi's name, Naruhodo and Susato were shocked to find that McGilded's discs were playing with Japanese Morse code, Iroha. It contained four names, which were Asogi, Gregson, Dr. Wilson, and an "A. Shin." Before Susato boarded her ship, Naruhodo made her promise to return as his legal assistant, to which she happily agreed.
重回法庭[ | ]
- Main article: The Return of the Great Departed Soul
Following Lestrade's trial, Naruhodo was punished with a legal license suspension and was forbidden from defending clients. During the suspension, he kept himself busy by further studying British law, submitting reports to Stronghart, reading Sholmes' past cases, and going over Natsume's second case with Iris. Six months later, Naruhodo's suspension was lifted by the Chief Justice and he was immediately assigned to defend a scientist named Albert Harebrayne, who was accused of murdering Odie Asman during his experiment. While on a visit to Esmeralda Tusspells's wax museum with Iris and Sholmes, Naruhodo came to learn of the string of murders that had taken place ten years ago, known as the Professor Killings. He also learned that the Professor's final victim was van Zieks' older brother, Klint. Additionally, on a visit to van Zieks's office, Naruhodo noticed that van Zieks now had an assistant -- the Masked Disciple, who had been assigned to van Zieks by Mael Stronghart. Van Zieks explained that Stronghart had ordered the Disciple to wear a mask and stay silent at all times, for reasons unknown to van Zieks. Naruhodo noted that for some reason, the Masked Disciple felt familiar.
During the trial, Naruhodo managed to stand his own as he faced off against van Zieks. Yet he began to doubt himself when the defendant, Harebrayne, told Naruhodo that he would rather be declared guilty than expose his experimental machine to public eyes. Naruhodo was unsure what a proper defense attorney should do in this circumstance, feeling as though he would betray his client no matter what he chose. In the middle of this indecision, Naruhodo was unexpectedly reunited with Susato -- back from Japan after six months. She encouraged him to continue pushing for the truth, and so he resolved to prove Harebrayne innocent despite the man's own protests.
After the conclusion of the trial for the day, Naruhodo continued investigating with Susato. While meeting with van Zieks, Susato was also shocked at the appearance of the Masked Disciple; like Naruhodo, she felt as though she knew him from somewhere. When the Disciple was about to leave, she called out Kazuma's name. The Masked Disciple turned around and repeated, "Kazu… ma…?" Naruhodo and Susato thus came to the conclusion that Kazuma Asogi had not actually died on their steamship trip to England. This led them to doubt Sholmes, as he was the one to declare their friend dead nine months ago; however, beyond confirming that "great detectives lie," Sholmes refused to give them any answers.
In the end, Naruhodo proved that Harebrayne was framed by coroner Courtney Sithe, who was working with Enoch Drebber to get their revenge on Asman. After the presiding judge acquitted Harebrayne, Naruhodo and Susato learned from van Zieks that the Professor had been a Japanese exchange student. Van Zieks revealed the face of the Professor's wax figure, prompting the Masked Disciple to scream. The Disciple had regained his memories, and he removed his mask to reveal that he was, in fact, Kazuma. Moreover, the man accused of being the Professor was his father, Genshin Asogi. Kazuma did not stay long to reunite with Naruhodo and Susato, but he did thank Naruhodo for having taken care of his sword, Karuma, for him.
觉悟[ | ]
- Main articles: Twisted Karma and His Last Bow & The Resolve of Ryunosuke Naruhodo
About a week after Harebrayne's acquittal, Naruhodo and Susato were reunited with Yujin Mikotoba and Judge Seishiro Jigoku, whereupon they learned more about their deceased friend Genshin Asogi. They also confronted Sholmes about their friend's death being a lie, with the detective replying that he knew that Asogi was just unconscious but did not expect him to escape and head to London on his own. After Naruhodo and Susato looked into the disappearance of Daley Vigil, they, Sholmes and Iris received the tragic news from Lestrade that Gregson had been murdered, and that van Zieks had been arrested for the inspector's death.
Despite being initially rejected, Naruhodo later came to defend van Zieks. The trial was far from a standard one, however, because it was a top-secret case by order of the Queen. Asogi took the prosecutor's bench, there were no jurors, and the people in the audience were only those who were part of the judiciary. With Gregson's watch as a vital clue, Naruhodo was able to prove that the time of the inspector's death was thrown off and that he died at an earlier point in time. Then, using Gregson's missing ID and the picture of Evie Vigil, Naruhodo revealed that the inspector caught by Fabien de Rousseau and Peppino de Rossi was the missing Daley, also known as “Gossip” and “Hugh Boone”. But the trial had to be halted when the former chief jailer -- possibly responsible for the initial escape of the Professor from the prison ten years ago -- was forced by Asogi to recall his repressed memories from that time and collapsed as a result.
When Iris later joined Naruhodo and Susato in their investigations, they gathered more information about the Professor Killings and Genshin's final moments, and learned from van Zieks that Gregson was part of the “Reaper” syndicate, alongside the assassin Asa Shinn. Later, Naruhodo was shocked when Yujin asked if he could return to Japan after the trial. Yujin explained that there was a severe lack of defense attorneys in Japan and Naruhodo's expertise was sorely needed, but Naruhodo was allowed time to consider the request, since it would mean that he would have to part ways with the friends he had made in London. He later met with Asogi at the Prosecutor's Office, finding his friend determined to punish van Zieks for sentencing his father to death.
When they returned home, Naruhodo and Susato discovered that Iris had stolen Klint's autopsy report from coroner Maria Gorey to verify the writing of her father. Susato noticed, however, that the writing was actually of her own father, Yujin Mikotoba. This led Naruhodo and Susato to realize that Sholmes' true partner, who helped the detective in solving cases until the Professor Killings, was Yujin. This prompts Sholmes to declare that they have both "mastered the art of deduction."
The next day, Naruhodo and Susato were shocked to find Stronghart on the judge's seat. The facts of the Professor Killings that had been brought up the previous day had led the Queen to give the Chief of Justice authority over the trial. The day was spent by Naruhodo arguing against Asogi about Gregson's role in the Reaper's syndicate; Naruhodo then uncovered the fact that his friend had been on the same steamboat as the Inspector on a mission to assassinate Jigoku. As the trial had to go to recess to locate the Japanese judge, Naruhodo and Susato used the good luck charm given to them by Iris, which turned out to be a makeshift radio to Sholmes and Yujin, who were tracking Jigoku in Dunkirk. When the trial resumed, Naruhodo requested that the trial be put on hold for one day, to allow Jigoku to testify the following day.
During an evening feast with Sholmes, Iris, and Yujin, Naruhodo learned of an assassination plan that involved Asogi killing Gregson, and that Sholmes lied about Asogi's death to prevent him from reaching London while having Naruhodo replace him. The next day, Naruhodo returned to court the next day to question Jigoku, ultimately proving that the Japanese judge was Gregson's true killer. But then Naruhodo had to go on to defend van Zieks from Asogi's accusations of being the Reaper and the mastermind of the assassination exchange program.
It was later revealed that the true Reaper was Stronghart, who was trying to end the trial to save himself until Sholmes arrived at court to rally the audience for the trial to continue. The detective's actions gave Naruhodo the opportunity to cross-examine Yujin, Daley, and Barry Caidin. Their testimonies proved that Klint's autopsy was fabricated and that Genshin's “final weapon” was Klint's will. But the biggest revelation was that the true “Professor” was Klint (as Klint had confessed in the will), which prompted Stronghart to admit to his secret dealings with Genshin -- the plan was for Genshin to take the fall for Klint's crimes, in exchange for a fake death and escape back to Japan. When the Chief Justice tried to end the trial there, Naruhodo found Klint's will hidden inside the handle of Karuma, proving that Klint, as the Professor, was being blackmailed by Stronghart to commit the murders: Stronghart had been behind everything the whole time. However, the judiciary agreed that exposing these findings to the public would cause chaos in London, which left the court still in Stronghart's favor. At that moment, Naruhodo used Iris' good luck charm to contact Sholmes, who revealed that he and Iris had made a transmission device to show the Queen the full trial and Stronghart's role as the Reaper. After Stronghart was stripped of all of his titles and power, van Zieks was given a “Not Guilty” verdict by the regular judge of the Old Bailey.
After the trial, everyone learned from Yujin that he fulfilled a final request from Genshin: to help Klint's wife in delivering their child. That child was none other than Iris, as Yujin had named her after his deceased wife, Ayame. Naruhodo then exchanged words of gratitude with Asogi and van Zieks, and then enjoyed a celebratory party with Susato, Sholmes, Iris, Yujin, and Lestrade. Later that night, Naruhodo announced to Yujin his decision to return to Japan as a defense attorney; as he had originally traveled to London as Asogi's substitute, he felt that he was no longer needed in England anymore and needed to follow his own path as an attorney. Naruhodo then asked Susato to help Asogi as his judicial assistant, thinking that it would be unfair for him to ask Susato to stay as his own judicial assistant considering that she had come to England on the basis of being Asogi's assistant.
A few days later, Naruhodo was surprised to find that Susato was returning to Japan with him and Yujin -- she had already discussed it with Asogi the evening after van Zieks's acquittal. He accepted her request of staying as his judicial assistant with joy. Asogi then gave Karuma to Naruhodo for safekeeping, and Naruhodo vowed to his friend that he would face him in court again one day. After saying their goodbyes to their friends, Naruhodo decided with Susato to open their own attorney's office back in Japan.
个性[ | ]

When Naruhodo is first introduced, he's shown to be a somewhat uptight young man that lacks confidence in both his skills and identity. He is initially characterized by his strong desire to meet people's expectations of him as Asogi's substitute following Asogi's alleged death. This is shown through him learning British law in only forty days under Susato for the express purpose of helping Susato get to England and making sure that Asogi's "mission" doesn't end prematurely.
Naruhodo is typically very polite and caring, tending to keep his thoughts to himself despite being easy to read through his facial expressions. He’s often exasperated with the eccentric situations that happen around him. In many cases his snarky inner thoughts leak out loud, often being heard by those around him and therefore being chastised for his comments -- though he will sometimes openly make snide comments about things or people, such as with Herlock Sholmes. Naruhodo is also noted to be especially clumsy and bumbling, such as when he loses his university badge for the third time and when he mentions never remembering where he places his belongings.
In spite of his inexperience, Naruhodo takes his occupation as a lawyer seriously and enthusiastically. Due to his pre-existing skill in speech and debate, he's able to take advantage of his right to a summation examination, a method that's widely considered obsolete in British law, in order to turn his trials around. This, combined with his determination and people such as Susato, Iris, and Sholmes's assistance, nets Naruhodo multiple victories in court in only a small matter of time.

Naruhodo seeing Susato off on her voyage back to Japan.
However, it's important to note that Naruhodo's identity is strongly tied to his role as a substitute, as shown by how his most notable accessories (his armband and katana) are both "inherited" from Asogi. Soseki Natsume, for instance, always refers to him as Locum Student Mr. Naruhodo Esquire. This is especially problematic because Naruhodo, while aware of some of Asogi's flaws such as his temper, isn't aware of the real reason why Asogi is going to Britain in the first place. When Asogi "dies" and Naruhodo replaces him, he therefore often struggles with the meaning of being a defense attorney, Asogi's broad goal of bringing change to the legal system, and what Asogi would want Naruhodo to do if he were there. Naruhodo develops his identity as an attorney throughout the duology, however, and by the ending of Resolve, he is ready to become an attorney in his own right back in Japan. Contrary to Asogi's goal of justice, Naruhodo's goal is truth: he believes that no matter how ugly and dark it is, the truth must always come out.
Naruhodo is shown to be a rather intense person, which is both a strength and weakness of his. It makes Naruhodo a very courageous young man, as he's not only willing to chase after two armed robbers when Sholmes is shot, but also to make an enemy out of anyone or anything that attempts to harm his client in the same case. However, his fervent pursuing nature leads him to take Sholmes's advice of not letting any doubts about the truth out of his sight to its extreme. When he realised Asogi's intentions to recover Daley Vigil's memories are to expose the truth, he cooporates willingly in forcing Vigil to remember his trauma until he breaks down. Naruhodo wonders afterwards if he went too far and later says he isn't sure if exposing the truth while hurting their client is what a lawyer should do. Ultimately, however, he learns that the only way to fight crime is to strive for truth.
In stark contrast to Asogi or even Barok -- two people repeatedly shown to dislike and actively oppose authority -- Naruhodo displays a surprising lack of awareness towards social issues. When Asogi brings up defense attorneys' bad reputation in Japan, Naruhodo confirms his guess that he doesn't read the newspaper. Furthermore, it is only after his trial that Naruhodo begins to consider that authority figures, such as the police or government, can be corrupt. This is once again developed through the duology, as Naruhodo begins to uncover the level of corruption throughout the British and Japanese courts.
Tying into his natural talent for defending, Naruhodo is also a surprisingly theatrical person. Outside of speech and debate, Asogi states that he has an interest in rakugo and vaudeville theatre—two very comedy-centered types of theatre—and as noted by Susato, he is quick to correct Sholmes' deductions with enthusiasm.[5] His previous anxiety and stiffness gives way to dramatic confidence, with his sprite animations becoming much more "hammy" and vivacious.
In terms of hobbies, Naruhodo displays a proficiency with tongue twisters, archery, and shogi puzzles. He also has a fondness for keeping prawns and anemones as pets, and is not fond of the taste of onions.
He only knows of three types of flower: plum blossom, peach blossom, and cherry blossom. Phoenix Wright, his descendant, would come to show a similar lack of floral knowledge.
姓名[ | ]
- Ryūnosuke Naruhodō (成歩堂 龍ノ介):
- Like his descendant Phoenix Wright, Ryūnosuke Naruhodō's Japanese surname "Naruhodō" (成歩堂) is a reference toward the Japanese expression "naruhodo" (なるほど), which roughly means "I see", "I understand", or "indeed", and is usually used to agree with other people's ideas.
- His given name "Ryūnosuke" (龍ノ介) happens to be a combination of Phoenix Wright's and Apollo Justice's Japanese names Ryūichi (龍一) and Hōsuke (法介) respectively, but since the suke (介) character is a generic boy's name ender, it is probably coincidental.
非官方[ | ]
- Brazilian Portuguese - Iennisuke Benrishimo (弁理死喪 以遠似助): [6]
- Adaptation that refers to its descendant.
- "Iennisuke" is a reference to the "phoenix" respecting Japanese phonemes.
- It has the kanji for "além" (beyond) and "parecido" (similar), in addition to the ending "-suke", common in the construction of archaic male names, and which has the sense of "assistente" (assistant).
- "Benrishimo" is an adaptation of "Veríssimo" (Wright's Portuguese surname) that contains the kanji for "advogado" (lawyer), "raciocínio" (reasoning), "morte" (death) and "luto" (mourning).
- In kanji writing, the entire name also has the meaning of "advogado de luto" (grief lawyer), "muito além de um assistente semelhante" (far beyond a similar assistant), among others.
发展[ | ]
- Ryunosuke is written similarly to his descendant Ryūichi (Phoenix Wright), with the different setting providing enough to distinguish them while still making the former easy to get used to by series veterans and new players alike.[7]
- Ryunosuke was given a student uniform designed to distinguish his look from Phoenix Wright's. Art director Kazuya Nuri had the most trouble with the hairstyle due to the limited selection of plausible hairstyles of the period.[8]
- Ryunosuke is one of two protagonists who have multiple animations for the same actions. During his first case, he nervously slams the desk. This animation is kept in later cases; however, a more traditional desk slam animation is also added to show his growth. Up until the end of his second trial, Ryunosuke's "document animation" shows him nervously shuffling through documents. This is replaced with him confidentially tapping on a document during the middle of his third trial. Athena Cykes is the only other attorney with more than one animation for multiple actions, with several desk slamming variants.
- Ryunosuke does not say "Objection!" until partway into the first case. At first, he uses "Yes!" for everything. ("Hai!" in the Japanese version, which is typically said in Japanese to mean something akin to "I have an opinion".) This is to reflect the fact that he was not supposed to be an attorney and feels out of place.
- Of the speech bubbles used in the series so far, Ryunosuke has used 6 of them (Objection!, Hold it!, Take that!, Got it!, 'Scuse me!, and Yes!), which is more than any other character in the series to date -- though he shares this distinction with Phoenix Wright, who has also used the same speech bubbles (since "'Scuse Me" is the same speech bubble as "Hang on!" in Japanese), except for "Yes!"; Phoenix uses "Welcome!" instead.
- Ryunosuke is the only protagonist in the series to date who has canonically won an onscreen acquittal for a guilty defendant. However, said defendant did not get to enjoy his freedom for long, being incinerated alive before he even had a chance to exit the courthouse.
- Unlike his descendant Phoenix Wright, as well as the latter's pupil, Apollo Justice, Ryunosuke is quite afraid of bicycles, due to a traumatic first experience, even coming to consider the popularity of bikes a temporary, reckless fad; as such, he strictly prefers using public transportation, such as carriages.
- Much like Phoenix and Apollo, Ryunosuke is also afraid of heights, with his fear being on the stronger side much like Apollo, becoming nervous at the mere sight of hot air balloons and Ferris wheels.
引用[ | ]
- ↑ Capcom: The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles Official Website - Persons of Interest Retrieved 2021-09-04.
- ↑ "Twitter / nurikazu_: え~、りゅうのすけ168、あそうぎ174、すさと153、ほーむず183、あいりす120、じーな160cm…となっております。 オマケで…ほそなが178、ばんじーくす192、ボルテックス196cmでございます。あくまで僕のなかでですが。" Twitter. 2015-12-15. Retrieved 2015-12-23.
- ↑ The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles - Announcement Trailer | PS4
- ↑ Meiji-Era Ace Attorney Game to Bundle Sherlock Briefcase. April 6, 2015. Anime News Network. Retrieved on April 16, 2015.
- ↑ Asōgi: But you only ever talked about rakugo and vaudeville acts from the theater.
The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures. Capcom. Translated by Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 on Youtube. 2020. - ↑ "Nomes - Jacutem Sabão". Advogados de Primeira. Retrieved on 2022-03-21.
- ↑ Ash. Takumi Special Interview. Court Records Forums. Retrieved 2015-10-22.
- ↑ Ash. Capcom Legends interview with Nuri (art director DGS). Court Records Forums. Retrieved 2015-07-26.
《大逆转裁判:成步堂龙之介的冒险》角色 | ||
伟大起航的冒险 |
亚双义一真 · 亚内武土 · 洁泽尔·布雷特 · 细长悟 · 法官 · 园日暮三文 · 御琴羽寿沙都 · 御琴羽悠仁 · 成步堂龙之介 · 涡久丸九郎丸 · 涡久丸泰三 · 约翰·H·华生 | |
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好友与斑点带子的冒险 |
亚双义一真 · 迪米特里·迪米格拉斯基 · 小黑 · 细长悟 · 御琴羽寿沙都 · 成步堂龙之介 · 妮可米娜·波尔希比奇 · 皮罗西克 · 夏洛克·福尔摩斯 · 米特洛夫·斯特罗加诺夫 · 爱丽丝·华生 | |
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疾走之密室的冒险 |
亚双义一真 · 贝波 · 奥斯卡·菲亚普雷 · 亚当·雷迪法斯特 · 托拜厄斯·格雷格森 · 法官 · 1号 · 2号 · 3号 · 4号 · 5号 · 6号 · 吉娜·雷斯特雷徳 · 柯泽尼·梅根达尔 · 御琴羽寿沙都 · Mason Milverton · 成步堂龙之介 · 夏洛克·福尔摩斯 · 哈特·沃尔特克斯 · 巴洛克·班吉克斯 · Queen Victoria · 爱丽丝·华生 | |
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吾辈与雾之夜的冒险 |
亚双义一真 · Patricia Beate · Roly Beate · 奥斯卡·菲亚普雷 · Joan Garrideb · John Garrideb · Olive Green · 托拜厄斯·格雷格森 · 法官 · 2号 · 3号 · 5号 · 6号 · 吉娜·雷斯特雷徳 · 柯泽尼·梅根达尔 · Adron B. Metermann · 御琴羽寿沙都 · 成步堂龙之介 · Soseki Natsume · William Shakespeare · William Shamspeare · 夏洛克·福尔摩斯 · 哈特·沃尔特克斯 · 巴洛克·班吉克斯 · Queen Victoria · Wagahai · 爱丽丝·华生 · 约翰·H·华生 | |
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不可说之故事的冒险 |
Genshin Asogi · 亚双义一真 · (Taketsuchi Auchi) · (Patricia Beate) · (Roly Beate) · Beppo · 迪米特里·迪米格拉斯基 · 奥斯卡·菲亚普雷 · 亚当·雷迪法斯特 · (Joan Garrideb) · John Garrideb · Ashley Graydon · 托拜厄斯·格雷格森 · (细长悟) · (Seishiro Jigoku) · 法官 · 2号 · 3号 · 4号 · 5号 · (Kyurio Korekuta) · 吉娜·雷斯特雷徳 · 柯泽尼·梅根达尔 · 御琴羽寿沙都 · 御琴羽悠仁 · Mason Milverton · 成步堂龙之介 · (Soseki Natsume) · (Aido Nosa) · (Iyesa Nosa) · Asa Shinn · 夏洛克·福尔摩斯 · Nash Skulkin · Ringo Skulkin · 哈特·沃尔特克斯 · 巴洛克·班吉克斯 · Queen Victoria · Wagahai · 爱丽丝·华生 · 约翰·H·华生 · Pop Windibank |
《大逆转裁判2:成步堂龙之介的觉悟》角色 | ||
辩护少女的觉醒与冒险 |
亚双义一真 · Taketsuchi Auchi · Jezaille Brett · Satoru Hosonaga · Judge · Rei Membami · Raiten Menimemo · 御琴羽寿沙都 · Yujin Mikotoba · 成步堂龙之介 · Soseki Natsume · Herlock Sholmes · Queen Victoria · Iris Wilson · John Wilson | |
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吾辈与雾夜的回想 |
Quinby Altamont · 亚双义一真 · Balmung · Bruce Fairplay · Joan Garrideb · John Garrideb · Olive Green · Tobias Gregson · Judge · Juror 2 · Juror 3 · Juror 5 · Juror 6 · Magnus McGilded · Adron B. Metermann · 御琴羽寿沙都 · Yujin Mikotoba · 成步堂龙之介 · Soseki Natsume · Duncan Ross · Selden · William Shakespeare · William Shamspeare · Herlock Sholmes · Barok van Zieks · Queen Victoria · Wagahai · Iris Wilson | |
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未来科学与亡灵的归还 |
John Henry Anderson · Odie Asman · 亚双义玄真 · 亚双义一真 · Taketsuchi Auchi · Jezaille Brett · King Christian VIII · John Clay · Charles Darwin · William Rutter Dawes · Enoch Drebber · Edward Everett · King Frederick VI · Maria Gorey · Gotts · Tobias Gregson · Fredrick Gye · Albert Harebrayne · Jane the Ripper · Seishiro Jigoku · Judge · Juror 1 · Juror 2 · Juror 3 · Juror 4 · Juror 5 · Juror 6 · Gina Lestrade · Balthazar Lune · Raiten Menimemo · 御琴羽寿沙都 · Yujin Mikotoba · Maria Mitchell · 成步堂龙之介 · Soseki Natsume · Ottermole · Madame Pluyette · Herlock Sholmes · Courtney Sithe · Bif Strogenov · Mael Stronghart · Toby · Esmeralda Tusspells · Unnamed attempted thief · Barok van Zieks · Klint van Zieks · Queen Victoria · Daley Vigil · Wilhelm Gottsreich Sigismond von Ormstein · Iris Wilson · John Wilson | |
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扭曲男人的最后问候 |
亚双义玄真 · 亚双义一真 · Taketsuchi Auchi · Barry Caidin · Charles Darwin · Peppino de Rossi · Fabien de Rousseau · Enoch Drebber · Albert Harebrayne · Gotts · Maria Gorey · Tobias Gregson · Jabez · Seishiro Jigoku · Judge · Gina Lestrade · 御琴羽寿沙都 · Yujin Mikotoba · 成步堂龙之介 · Soseki Natsume · Porter · Sandwich · Herlock Sholmes · Courtney Sithe · Mael Stronghart · Toby · Esmeralda Tusspells · Barok van Zieks · Klint van Zieks · Venus · Queen Victoria · Daley Vigil · Evie Vigil · Wilhelm Gottsreich Sigismond von Ormstein · Iris Wilson · John Wilson | |
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成步堂龙之介的觉悟 |
亚双义玄真 · 亚双义一真 · (Taketsuchi Auchi) · Balmung · Lady Baskerville · Jezaille Brett · Barry Caidin · (Peppino de Rossi) · (Fabien de Rousseau) · Enoch Drebber · Maria Gorey · Ashley Graydon · Tobias Gregson · (Albert Harebrayne) · (Satoru Hosonaga) · Seishiro Jigoku · Judge · Gina Lestrade · (Rei Membami) · Ayame Mikotoba · 御琴羽寿沙都 · Yujin Mikotoba · 成步堂龙之介 · (Soseki Natsume) · Nikolina Pavlova · Sandwich · Selden · Herlock Sholmes · (Courtney Sithe) · Bif Strogenov · Tchikin Strogenov · Mael Stronghart · (Toby) · (Esmeralda Tusspells) · Barok van Zieks · Klint van Zieks · Venus · Queen Victoria · Daley Vigil · (Evie Vigil) · Iris Wilson · John Wilson · Pop Windibank |