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逆转裁判中文 Wiki

Maya Fey

But wait... What does this case have anything to do with Mr. Edgeworth?
Marvin Grossberg

It has everything to do with Mr. Edgeworth, my dear! The victim in the DL-6 Incident was none other than his father, Gregory Edgeworth!

——“Turnabout Goodbyes

"Reminiscences - The DL-6 Incident" is a music track originating in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney that is associated with the DL-6 Incident, and thus plays in Turnabout Goodbyes when said incident is discussed. It is part of the recurring "Reminiscences" tracks used throughout the Ace Attorney series.

The track makes a return in Rise from the Ashes when Miles Edgeworth faces his past mistakes after the trial, and the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All episode Turnabout Big Top when Edgeworth's "death" is brought up, as well as featuring in the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations episode Bridge to the Turnabout after Wright encounters a terrified Edgeworth following a sudden earthquake.

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Although the DL-6 Incident is referenced in Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Prosecutor's Gambit, "Reminiscences - The IS-7 Incident" is used instead of "Reminiscences - The DL-6 Incident". The two tracks have a similar motif owing to the fact that the events of the IS-7 Incident directly led to the DL-6 Incident.

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