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《逆转检察官1&2:御剑精选集》(逆転検事1&2 御剣セレクション)是《逆转检察官》与《逆转检察官2》两部曲的合集,于2024年6月18日对外公开宣布其将由Capcom发售于Nintendo SwitchSteamXbox OnePlayStation 4平台。它和《逆转裁判456:王泥喜精选集》都由西田峻佑担任制作人,尽力为每款原版“逆转裁判”游戏带来现代系统, as well to fulfill a desire by him to make 2024 the year of "Edgeworth Fes".[1]。因合集包含《逆转检察官2》,所以合集的发售标志着所有逆转裁判游戏都已在全球发售。

The main director and game planner was Satoru Sakai, who grew up on the Game Boy Advance and had gotten hooked on the early Ace Attorney games.[1]由于本合集中包含的“逆转检察官2”是“逆转裁判”系列最后一部没有被本地化的作品,Janet Hsu作为本地化总监回归,用他近20年来形成的对系列的理解,帮助保持其与系列其他游戏的连贯性,特别是“逆转检察官2”中包含的大量对前作的致敬。[2]岩崎弘典是艺术总监,负责将游戏向高分辨率过渡。主要的变化是,这两款游戏独有的大地图立绘是由岩元辰郎——两款游戏的主要角色设计者之一——领导的艺术团队从头开始重新绘制的。[3]但是,游戏允许通过主界面的设定切换原版和重绘版立绘。


设定[ | ]


The events of the Ace Attorney Investigations games take place in the two-month period between the ending of the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy and the earliest trial of the Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy. Phoenix Wright's old friend and rival, Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth, becomes embroiled in a series of murder cases that are seemingly disconnected from one another, but in reality hide a deeper truth behind them. Assisted by the ever-loyal Detective Dick Gumshoe and the "Great Thief" Kay Faraday, it is up to Edgeworth to find the culprit by using his own brand of deductive reasoning to piece together the mystery, before arguing his stance against those who doubt him.

While there are some shared plot threads, unlike other collections there is very little cast overlap between the two Ace Attorney Investigations games outside of the three aforementioned main characters. Furthermore, while a few of the most prominent characters in Miles Edgeworth do reappear in Prosecutor's Gambit, their roles are greatly diminished in comparison.

游戏玩法[ | ]

Like The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles and Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy before it, Ace Attorney Investigations Collection features dialogue backlog and chapter selection, which were not present in the Nintendo DS or Android releases of the games, as well as a gallery for the artwork and music, with both soundtracks being officially translated for the first time. A word bubble appears when near an examinable object or a character who can be talked to, with a checkmark appearing in its corner when all current relevant information has been perused, another feature not present in the other releases. Autoplay Mode and Story Mode are also included, but if they are initiated during an investigation segment, the game will restart from the beginning of the segment. Director Satoru Sakai has explained that trying to implement pathfinding for these modes proved too difficult for the time and resource constraints that they were given.[1]

The saving system first introduced in the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy and improved by Chronicles is yet again carried over, with Miles Edgeworth save files being colored red, while Prosecutor's Gambit save files are colored orange. Like Chronicles and Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, the title screen background changes depending on the last save. However, this idea is taken further by using a variety of images including both background maps and cutscene illustrations, with special effects added. For example, the courtroom background pans and eventually there is a sunlight effect. Another new track based on both games' Pursuit themes is used for the title screen, titled "Prelude to Pursuit - Search for the Truth".[1]

Gallery[ | ]

The Gallery is accessible from the main title screen, with its design based on the Gyakuten Kenji Orchestra Mini Album.[1] Each time a new episode is completed for the first time, more content is unlocked.

  • The Photo Album section contains all key pieces of artwork for each case (such as cutscene stills and black-and-white flashback/event reconstructions).
  • The Character Compedium section catalogs the sprites of all characters met during the completed episode, alongside their name (and age when available). Most of the sprite animations are present, including ones that are obscured in the main games, but others, such as Miles Edgeworth sliding down a pole in The Kidnapped Turnabout, had to be excluded.[1]
    • The Investigation sub-section offers the sprites seen on the map, with the ability to switch between both artstyles.
    • The Confrontation sub-section archives the sprites seen during major dialogues, with the major characters even being able to play their voiced lines when they have them.
  • The Accolades section is an achievement list like the two previous collections.
  • The Documentation section archives various pieces of development and promotional artwork.
  • The Music Collection section contains three sub-sections for the music of Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Prosecutor's Gambit, and Orchestral arrangements of some of the tracks, both in their original form as well the new "Arranged" version exclusive to the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection. Through an option in the corresponding menu, these arranged tracks can also be heard while playing the game, or the original can instead be heard if one so chooses. Five of these new musical arrangements were only available as a pre-order bonus: specifically the tracks "Confrontation - Allegro 2011", "Confrontation - Presto 2011", "Miles Edgeworth - Objection! 2011", "Pursuit - Uncover the Truth", and "Pursuit - Uncover the Truth (No Intro)". The Music Collection also offers quick ways to switch between adjacent tracks, as well as three play options: loop the same track indefinitely, loop the entire OST of the sub-section chosen, or randomly shuffle between said tracks. While in the Accolades, Photo Album, Character Compendium, or Documentation section, the Music Collection section can be quick-selected with a button in order to change the background music playing while perusing the Gallery's content.

发展[ | ]

We also figured that this would be a lot of people's first time experiencing them too, so this is what the producer tasked me with: "This may be a port, but I don't want it to just be a carbon copy of the original games. I want it to be something that looks and feels like a modern game. I want to do something about the things that cause players stress so that they can play it with minimal frustration through to the end."


Development of the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection began in 2022, after wrapping up the development of the Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy. Three months of development time were dedicated to conducting tests to determine the best way to convert the original graphics to modern resolutions, as well as redraw certain graphics to fill out the screen with additional details.[4] These modern resolutions required the small map sprites to be larger than would have even fit in the Nintendo DS screen. While many different options were explored to try to expedite the work, including various filters and 3D models, ultimately it was decided that the only realistic and stylistically fitting option was to redraw and reanimate the sprites from scratch, using a pseudo-chibi proportion of 5.5 heads. Iwamoto focused on the main characters while other staff handled the rest. These new sprites, free from the limitations of the original hardware, could be drawn closer to their correct relative heights. A lighting effect was also added to help the sprites blend in better with the background.[3]

The redesigned UI elements were inspired by the Art Deco art style.[3] The graphical panels, originally rendered as separate graphical assets, were converted to text rendered over shared blank panel graphics. This made it much easier to implement and edit text in multiple languages and animate the panels. The increased resolution also meant that objects implied to contain text that was originally too small to read had to explicitly show text that fit with the dialogue triggered by examining them.[5]

本地化[ | ]

The localization of Prosecutor's Gambit was conducted in partnership with Shloc.[6] Hsu stated that the main challenge of localizing Prosecutor's Gambit was in trying to replicate the feel of the localizations of the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy and Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, which had been done between 2005 and 2009. They also highlighted the complexity of the mysteries, with one episode requiring the use of event timelines to keep track of the many moving parts and bits of foreshadowing. The team did not play the unofficial translation released in 2014, and did not want to be influenced by it; it was easier for them to start from scratch due to various internal processes.[4] While the increase in horizontal space allowed the fitting of longer lines of dialogue than would have been previously possible, an effort was made to maintain consistency with the original Miles Edgeworth script in this regard,[5] with said script only receiving the most essential changes for the most part (the main exception being "iFly Airlines", which was changed to GoYou Airlines).[4]

勋章[ | ]

Investigations Collection All Accolades

All accolades awarded in the gallery.

Like the other compilations that preceded it, the Ace Attorney Investigation Collection contains multiple achievements for players to earn as they play the games, called Accolades in the corresponding in-game list; they are marked with a King of Prosecutors Trophy icon. Here is a list of all the Accolades the player can get:

  • Miles Edgeworth: Ace Investigator: For being awarded all other accolades.
  • Turnabout Visitor: For completing Episode 1 of AAI: ME from without using Story Mode.
  • Turnabout Airlines: For completing Episode 2 of AAI: ME from without using Story Mode.
  • The Kidnapped Turnabout: For completing Episode 3 of AAI: ME from without using Story Mode.
  • Turnabout Reminiscence: For completing Episode 4 of AAI: ME from without using Story Mode.
  • Turnabout Ablaze: For completing Episode 5 of AAI: ME from without using Story Mode.
  • Turnabout Trigger: For completing Episode 1 of AAI2: PG from without using Story Mode.
  • The Captive Turnabout: For completing Episode 2 of AAI2: PG from without using Story Mode.
  • Turnabout Legacy: For completing Episode 3 of AAI2: PG from without using Story Mode.
  • A Turnabout Forsaken: For completing Episode 4 of AAI2: PG from without using Story Mode.
  • Turnabout for the Ages: For completing Episode 5 of AAI2: PG from without using Story Mode.
  • A Well-Worn Organizer: For unlocking everything in the Gallery.
  • 我的做法: 不使用故事模式首次成功整合“逻辑
  • 检方提出反对!: 不使用故事模式首次在追问中成功“出示”
  • 将军: 不使用故事模式首次完成“逻辑象棋
  • 转念一想: 将角色显示设置更改为“现代”后游玩游戏。
  • 原来如此,就在这!: 发现天野河光之后,移动至正门前的桥,见到似曾相识的人(逆转检察官 第3话)
  • 原来如此,就在那!: 调查2次空地的后门,见到似曾相识的人(逆转检察官2 第5话)
  • Ladders and Step-Ladders: For looking into the true nature of ladders and stepladders.
  • Friendship... or Pity?: For listening to Gumshoe talk in the hallway about where he thinks "Jim" came from in AAI: ME, Episode 1.
  • 检察官的隐私: 跟糸锯刑警一起调查了御剑的机舱内座位(逆转检察官 第2话)
  • The Blue Badger's Daddy: For having met the creator of the Blue Badger in front of the Gatewater Land Main Gate in AAI: ME, Episode 3.
  • Promises 6 and 7...?: For presenting Kay's Promise Notebook to her in AAI: ME, Episode 4.
  • Behind Each Bench: For examining all three benches - the prosecution's, the defense's, and the judge's - in AAI: ME, Episode 4.
  • Lang Zi Says!: For examining both the sword and the shield on the Primidux Statue with Agent Lang in AAI: ME, Episode 5.
  • Fond Memories, Detective: For examining the signpost on the left hand side of the Spectator area in AAI2: PG, Episode 1.
  • A Winner's Education: For pressing every single one of Eustace's Statements and forcing him to correct them all in AAI2: PG, Episode 2.
  • Like Father, Like Son: For examining the teapot as both Miles and Gregory in AAI2: PG, Episode 3.
  • Glasses Battle: For listening to Ema Skye talk in the Storeroom about how her studies abroad are going in AAI2: PG, Episode 4.
  • How Could You, Sir!?: For saying the worst thing possible to Eustace during his Mind Chess match in AAI2: PG, Episode 5.

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《逆转检察官1&2 御剑精选集》介绍短片合集
