逆转裁判 is a franchise centered around a series of visual novel / adventure hybrid video games developed and published by Capcom. It began as a trilogy of comedic legal thrillers known as Gyakuten Saiban (逆転裁判, lit. "Turnabout Trial") created by Shu Takumi and released for Nintendo's Game Boy Advance handheld in Japan between 2001 and 2004. The trilogy was later ported to the Nintendo DS between 2005 and 2007 and released internationally. These games follow the exploits of a passionate rookie defense attorney named Phoenix Wright (Ryūichi Naruhodō in Japan) who fights for his clients in a courtroom setting loosely resembling that of the Japanese legal system, using investigative skills, cross-examinations and evidence. Subsequent games have branched off and altered the formula of the original trilogy, as well as starring different protagonists. Among these, two detective games collectively known as Ace Attorney Investigations (逆転検事 Gyakuten Kenji, lit. "Turnabout Prosecutor") place the player in the role of Phoenix Wright's rival, a genius prosecutor named Miles Edgeworth, as he investigates crime scenes using evidence collection, logic and arguments. Also in progress is a series taking place in Meiji-era Japan and Victorian London, called Dai Gyakuten Saiban (大逆転裁判, lit. "Great Turnabout Trial"), starring Ryūnosuke Naruhodō and a version of the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. As well, the original trilogy has been ported to Microsoft Windows, WiiWare, iOS and the Nintendo 3DS, and the original Gyakuten Saiban formula has continued with Apollo Justice and Athena Cykes as new recruits seven years after Phoenix Wright's original adventures.more
Valant Gramarye is a highly prolific magician who was a member of Troupe Gramarye, a famous group of magicians.
Valant Gramarye, along with Zak Gramarye and Roger Retinz (as Mr. Reus), was an apprentice of the legendary magician Magnifi Gramarye. Together with Thalassa Gramarye, the group Troupe Gramarye was formed. Troupe Gramarye became a household name as their popularity rose to great heights.
However, beneath all the fame and hype, there was a dark side to the Troupe. Rumors of a love triangle between Zak, Valant, and Thalassa persisted. Thalassa left the group when she married Jove Justice, a guest performer, but returned to the group after he died in a fire. She ultimately married Zak and had a daughter called Trucy with him. Meanwhile, Retinz was expelled from the group after accidentally injuring himself while practicing a reckless trick and then defiantly showing up for the next show, despite being told not to do so by Magnifi Gramarye.more