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《逆转裁判:复苏的逆转》逆转裁判系列的第一款游戏。它最初于2001年10月12日以《逆转裁判》为名,作为一款Game Boy Advance游戏在日本发布。最初版本的游戏,分为四个章节,讲述了新人律师成步堂龙一经手的前四起案件。

再发行[ | ]

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发布于Nintendo DS的重置版,以《逆转裁判:复苏的逆转》为名,和新增的第五章复苏的逆转一起,于2005年9月15日在日本发布。这次的重置版也进行了本地化并以Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney为名在国际上发布。这个版本以NDS拥有的麦克风和触屏功能代替了部分在GBA上基于按键的操作。例如,玩家可以通过触屏选择证物,也可以通过按住Y并大喊“异议!”、“等等!”或者“看招!”来追问证人或出示证物。日版的游戏包含日文和英文以供选择,而欧版的游戏有多种欧洲语言的翻译版本。


该游戏也已移植到iOS,并于2010年5月24日在App Store发布,包含所有DS版的案件。iOS版改进了一个控制系统,但其他方面不变。该游戏也是Nintendo 3DS逆转裁判123:成步堂精选集的一部分,包括该游戏以及三部曲中的另外两部

2018年东京电玩展(TGS)宣布在Nintendo SwitchPlayStation 4SteamXbox One平台推出逆转裁判123:成步堂精选集

章节[ | ]

  1. 第一次的逆转:在他第一个辩护的案件中,成步堂龙一在老师绫里千寻的指导下,为他的儿时玩伴、被指控谋杀其前女友矢张政志辩护。
  2. 逆转姐妹:绫里千寻被杀,她的妹妹真宵被指控犯罪。成步堂需要对阵臭名昭著的御剑怜侍并在法庭中洗涮自己的冤屈。
  3. 逆转将军超人:成步堂和真宵为荷星三郎——一个热门儿童电视节目中的明星——辩护,他被指控谋杀扮演反派演员
  4. 逆转,并且再见:御剑被指控谋杀,成步堂为他辩护,对决传说级的检察官狩魔豪,同时调查DL-6号事件.
  5. 复苏的逆转:首席检察官宝月巴被指控谋杀多田敷道夫搜查官。尽管她认罪了,但在她妹妹的要求下,成步堂接下了委托。在DS重制版中添加了使用触摸屏和麦克风的科学调查功能。

主要角色[ | ]



  • 成步堂龙一 - A rookie defense attorney who is the main character and playable protagonist of the game.
  • 绫里真宵 - Wright's second client and Mia's younger sister. After the events of Turnabout Sisters she becomes his defense aide. She is a spirit medium-in-training who is able to channel Mia after her death in Turnabout Sisters.
  • 御剑怜侍 - The main antagonist for most of the game. He prosecutes against Wright in Turnabout Sisters, Turnabout Samurai and Rise from the Ashes. He is also Wright's client in Turnabout Goodbyes.
  • 绫里千寻 - Wright's mentor and defense counsel during The First Turnabout. Despite being murdered in Turnabout Sisters, she continues to help Wright out of tight spots via the channeling abilities of her younger sister Maya.
  • 糸锯圭介 - The bumbling detective in charge of the latter four episodes.
  • 矢张政志 - A childhood friend of Wright and his first client.
  • The unnamed judge presides over all of Wright's trials in the game.
  • 狩魔豪 - The prosecutor and antagonist in Turnabout Goodbyes.
  • 宝月茜 - Wright's defense aide in Rise from the Ashes. She aspires to be a forensic investigator someday and loves forensic investigation. She introduces and explains the final case's DS-exclusive investigative techniques.

各章节角色[ | ]

第一次的逆转[ | ]

  • 亚内武文 - The prosecutor.
  • 山野星雄 - A newspaper salesman and key witness.
  • 高日美佳 - Butz's ex-girlfriend and the victim of murder.

逆转姐妹[ | ]

  • 男服务生 - A member of staff at the Gatewater Hotel.
  • 星影宇宙之介 - A veteran defense attorney who was Mia's mentor.
  • 松竹梅世 - A flirtatious young woman.
  • 小中大 - Head of information gathering conglomerate Bluecorp.
  • 绫里舞子 - Maya and Mia's long missing mother.

逆转将军超人[ | ]

  • 宇在拓也 - The leet-speaking director of The Steel Samurai: Warrior of Neo Olde Tokyo.
  • 大场熏 - A talkative and abrasive old security guard at Global Studios.
  • 荷星三郎 - Star of The Steel Samurai.
  • 大泷九太 - A young boy who is a fan of The Steel Samurai.
  • 衣袋武志 - The victim who played the Evil Magistrate on The Steel Samurai.
  • 间宫由美子 - Studio assistant.
  • 姬神樱 - An aloof and taciturn producer at Global Studios.

逆转,然后再见[ | ]

  • 大泽木夏美 - A fiery young woman looking for the lake monster "Gourdy".
  • 生仓雪夫 - The victim who was the defense attorney for the DL-6 Incident.
  • 小百合 - A pet parrot belonging to Yanni Yogi.
  • 灰根高太郎 - The suspect in the DL-6 Incident.
  • 御剑信 - Father to Miles Edgeworth, veteran defense attorney, and the victim in the DL-6 Incident.

复苏的逆转[ | ]

  • 原灰进 - A young and overly-excitable police officer.
  • 岩徒海慈 - The extroverted district Chief of Police.
  • 多田敷道夫 - A police detective found murdered.
  • 罪门恭介 - A police officer obsessed with the wild west.
  • 宝月巴 - Chief Prosecutor, Ema Skye's older sister, and the defendant.
  • 市之谷响华 - A lunch box saleswoman with two sides to her personality.
  • 青影丈 - A deceased spree killer who was convicted for the SL-9 Incident.
  • 罪门直斗 - A deceased prosecutor, Jake Marshall's younger brother, and a victim in the SL-9 Incident.

制作人员[ | ]

Gyakuten Saiban 1[ | ]

Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney 15 4695

The game's English language title screen.

  • Concept-Script-Direction:
    • Shu Takumi (巧 舟 Takumi Shuu)
  • Graphics:
    • Kumiko Suekane (末包 久美子 Suekane Kumiko)
    • Tatsuro Iwamoto (岩元 辰郎 Iwamoto Tatsurou)
  • Main Programming:
    • Noriyuki Ootani (大谷 規之 Ootani Noriyuki)
  • Programming:
    • Masakatsu Endō (遠藤 正勝 Endō Masakatsu)
  • Music:
    • Masakazu Sugimori (杉森 雅和 Sugimori Masakazu)
  • Sound Effects:
    • Atsushi Mori (森 敦史 Mori Atsushi)
  • Publicity:
    • Hiroshi Nakatani (中谷 洋 Nakatani Hiroshi)
    • Ayumi Terada (寺田 歩未 Terada Ayumi)
  • Manual:
    • Yumiko Uchida (内田 裕見子 Uchida Yumiko)
  • Producer:
    • Atsushi Inaba (稲葉 敦志 Inaba Atsushi)
  • Executive Supervisor:
    • Shinji Mikami (三上 真司 Mikami Shinji)

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Gyakuten Saiban: Yomigaeru Gyakuten)[ | ]

  • Planning/Script/Director:
    • Shu Takumi (巧 舟 Takumi Shuu)
  • Planning:
    • Takeshi Yamazaki (Yamazaki Takeshi)
  • Design:
    • Kazuya Nuri (塗 和也 Nuri Kazuya)
  • Art:
    • Yasuaki Kishimoto (Kishimoto Yasuaki)
    • Tetsuya Enomoto (Enomoto Tetsuya)
    • Koujirou Ogiwara (Ogiwara Koujirou)
    • Hirochika Nagaki (Nagaki Hirochika)
  • Animation:
    • Kouta Fukamachi (Fukamachi Kouta)
    • Takanori Ishikawa (Ishikawa Takanori)
  • Graphics:
    • Shuichi Muramoto (Muramoto Shuichi)
    • Kiyoko Takeda (Takeda Kiyoko)
    • Yasuhiro Morita (Morita Yasuhiro)
    • Kouji Aoki (Aoki Kouji)
    • Chie Nakajima (Nakajima Chie)
    • Toshihiko Yamamoto (Yamamoto Toshihiko)
  • Programming:
    • Fumiaki Sato (Sato Fumiaki)
    • Hitoshi Sakai (Sakai Hitoshi)
    • Shiro Mikata (Mikata Shiro)
    • Daisuke Kaneko (Kaneko Daisuke)
  • Sound:
    • Akemi Kimura (木村 明美 Kimura Akemi)
  • Localization:
    • Ben Judd
    • Brandon Gay
    • Kaori Funakoshi
  • Translation:
    • Bowne Global Solutions
      • J. Patrick Riley
      • Yuli Kim
      • Steve Anderson
      • Yoko Muto
      • Alexander O. Smith
      • Philip Soldini
  • Special Thanks:
    • Kimio Yamazoe (Yamazoe Kimio)
    • Ayatomo Tanimoto (Tanimoto Ayatomo)
    • Tatsuya Yoshikawa (吉川達哉 Yoshikawa Tatsuya)
    • Keiji Kubori (Kubori Keiji)
    • Tomohiro Masuda (Masuda Tomohiro)
    • Setsuo Yamamoto (山本 節生 Yamamoto Setsuo)
    • Hideaki Katagiri (Katagiri Hideaki)
    • Miho Kobayashi (Kobayashi Miho)
    • Kentaro Ohira (Ohira Kentaro)
    • Ryohei Koyama (Koyama Ryohei)
  • Producer:
    • Minae Matsukawa (松川 美苗 Matsukawa Minae)
  • Executive Producer:
    • Tatsuya Minami (三並 達也 Minami Tatsuya)

发展[ | ]

Shu Takumi wrote the very first planning proposal titled Attorney Game (Tentative) in August 2000.[1] Having grown up on detective novels and mystery games, he wanted others to experience the "fun" of detective novels in the form of a game, and sought to create a game that could appeal even to people who did not normally play games.[2] He used simple rules and controls in an attempt to accomplish this.[3]

Gyakuten Taizen 2001-2016 describes another game proposal titled Surviban - Bengoshi Tantei Naruhodō Ryūichi-kun (Surviban – Attorney Detective Naruhodō Ryūichi). The proposal contained designs for five main characters, including Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth, but with drastically different designs and backstories from the final product. There were also 40 pages explaining how the game would work, with a 3D model courtroom setting and extensive camera work, something that would not actually be realized until Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. One of the pages contains concept art of April May, the same drawings shown in Gyakuten Saiban 2 Investigate into the TRUTH.[4] The speech bubbles originally were not supposed to come with voice clips, but sound engineer Atsushi Mori insisted on including them.[5]

The title Surviban (サバイバン) was a portmanteau of "survival" and "saiban" ("trial"). The name represented the original game mechanics designed to force the player to be quick and attentive in order to survive. One of these mechanics was a "damage" system in which the witness would recover gradually in real time, compelling the player to perform "combos" by proving the witness wrong in rapid succession.[6] Trials themselves had a strict time limit from start to finish, and any slip-up would result in a guilty verdict. Witness testimonies were also added to the court record, and had to be presented when they contradicted with fresh testimony.

Such was the concept behind the first playable demo that was presented to various higher-ups in November 2000 after two months of development. At this point, all that they knew to expect was a "detective game", and they were shocked and interested in the concept of a game about a defense attorney in a trial. Unfortunately, the game proved too difficult to understand, and nobody was able to do anything other than get an instant game over. At the end of the year, one of the seven staff members working on the game quit for personal reasons.[7][8][9] That loss made such an impact on such a small team, threatening to get the project canceled entirely, until someone from the Resident Evil team was recruited.[10] Some interviews also describe the departure specifically of Masakazu Sugimori, the composer, "near the end of the project".[1] The remaining developers were left trying to implement his tracks into the game, being forced to bring in previously scrapped material, as well as the unfinished "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Ending".[1]

According to producer Atsushi Inaba, the original demo could have worked as a mystery story, but not as a game. Over time, he also critiqued the original character designs, which had to be redone from scratch. As well, the Surviban title was rejected, and Gyakuten Saiban was chosen from hundreds of candidates that Takumi came up with. The game was also originally targeted toward children, but this did not work out, and various elements of the game were subsequently changed to target older audiences.[8] The core gameplay was reworked and finalized by the end of 2000. After that, Takumi worked on the episode scripts, finishing Sisters in February, Samurai in March, and Goodbyes in April.[9]

Takumi was focused on the story and not on the characterization. Kumiko Suekane was involved in the characterizations of all of the characters.[1]

Yomigaeru Gyakuten[ | ]

After finishing the game, Takumi asked Mikami whether it would be released outside of Japan, to which the latter replied, "Of course not. No way."[11] However, after the release of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations, it was decided that Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney would be ported to the Nintendo DS for the United States. Wanting not to upset their Japanese fans, the plan was eventually changed to add an extra episode and publish the game in both the U.S. and Japan. Because of this, the development of the port took as long as developing a new game. Rise from the Ashes became much longer than any of the original episodes, and Takumi was shocked at how short the original game was when playing it. The idea of shouting into the DS microphone came about during a meeting between the Japanese and American teams. Takumi did not like this idea, but was eventually convinced that the port needed microphone features, resulting in him coming up with fingerprint dusting.[12]

相关原声带[ | ]

  • Gyakuten Saiban 1 and 2 Original Soundtrack
  • Gyakuten Saiban: Yomigaeru Gyakuten Original Soundtrack
  • Gyakuten Saiban Orchestra Album ~Gyakuten Meets Orchestra~
  • Gyakuten Saiban Jazz Album ~Gyakuten Meets Jazz Soul~
  • Gyakuten Saiban Tokubetsu Hōtei 2008
  • Gyakuten Saiban Sound BOX
  • ​There is an additional unused track in the game which can only be found inside the game's ROM. This track is not found anywhere else and can be listened to here. It was intended to be used as either a "Victory!" theme or for an epilogue of each chapter.[13]

画廊[ | ]

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宣传画作[ | ]

引用[ | ]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Ash (2023-11-07). "Gyakuten Saiban, The Meaning of Design (2006)". Gyakuten Saiban Library. Retrieved 2023-12-09.
  2. Ash (2016-07-07). "The Development of the Locked Room in the 21st Century - Video Games and Locked Room Mysteries (2010)". Gyakuten Saiban Library. Retrieved 2023-06-28.
  3. Ash (2016-07-16). "Gyakuten Saiban 2 Blog Entry 2 : Gyakuten Saiban (2002)". Gyakuten Saiban Library. Retrieved 2023-06-28.
  4. Ash (2016-06-29). "From Surviban to Gyakuten Saiban (2017)". Gyakuten Saiban Library. Retrieved 2022-06-04.
  5. Ash (2022-05-21). "[Mari-Detective Brimming with memory-filled stories the fans had longed to hear! A report of the Gyakuten Saiban 10th Anniversary Special Court, where the new title Gyakuten Saiban 5 was also announced! (2012)]". Gyakuten Saiban Library. Retrieved 2022-10-11.
  6. Ash (2023-06-12). "Surviban Planning Document (Capcom Town Excerpts) / サバイバン企画書 (2023)". Gyakuten Saiban Library. Retrieved 2023-06-13.
  7. Ash (2016-07-20). "Gyakuten Saiban Entry 7: Breakdown At The End Of The Year (2001)". Gyakuten Saiban Library. Retrieved 2023-06-14.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Ash (2016-08-18). "The People of Capcom: Inaba Atsushi (2001)". Gyakuten Saiban Library. Retrieved 2023-06-28.
  9. 9.0 9.1 Ash (2021-10-23). "Turnabout Anecdotes and Memoirs of Two Decades (2021)". Gyakuten Saiban Library. Retrieved 2023-06-30.
  10. Ash (2016-07-20). "https://gyakutensaibanlibrary.blogspot.com/2016/07/gyakuten-saiban-blog-entry-8-adverse.html Gyakuten Saiban Blog Entry 8: Adverse Trial (2001)]". Gyakuten Saiban Library. Retrieved 2024-01-19.
  11. Hsu, Janet (2017-11-18). The Making of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, Feat. Shu Takumi. Capcom News. Retrieved on 2018-06-04.
  12. Ash (2016-07-30). "Turnabout Interview 2 – Development Staff Discussion (2005)". Gyakuten Saiban Library. Retrieved 2022-11-29.
  13. Sugimori, Masakazu (2022-11-19). "I was surprised. Someone noticed that it was in the ROM?w Yes, this is an unused piece of music I wrote for Ace Attorney. I composed it with the intention of using it for either the victory or the epilogue of each chapter." Retrieved 2024-08-03.

外部链接[ | ]
