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A silver original DS.

A white DS Lite.
Nintendo DS是由Nintendo開發的掌上視頻遊戲系統。自 2004 年首次發佈以來,它受到了廣泛歡迎,並推出了三次升級版: 2006 年發佈Nintendo DS Lite、2008 年發佈 Nintendo DSi (日本以外地區為 2009 年)和 2009 年發佈 Nintendo DSi XL(日本為 LL)(日本以外地區為 2010 年)。 其後繼機型是Nintendo 3DS。
Interface[ | ]
The Nintendo DS has two screens, one that is sensitive to touch it also has Wireless and Wi-Fi connection compatibilities, although the latter wasn't used until later games. It also has a Game Boy Advance game slot.
DS Lite[ | ]
The Nintendo DS Lite is very similar to its predecessor, the difference being that more colors are available, it is smaller, lighter, and the backlight on the screens is brighter.
DSi[ | ]
The Nintendo DSi is the latest upgrade to the Nintendo DS. Exterior appearances are similar to the DS Lite, although major differences are that it has a 1.3 Megapixel camera, Channels (practically cloning Nintendo's home console, the Wii), and that the GBA slot has been replaced by an SD card slot. It also has internal storage memory.
Relation to the Ace Attorney series[ | ]

The DS ports of the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy were the first to be released outside of Japan. The DS release of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney came with an extra episode, Rise from the Ashes, which took full advantage of the new capabilities of the DS. Three subsequent games in the series were originally released exclusively for this console.
特別版遊戲機和配件[ | ]
在日本發售了一個特殊版本的 Blue Badger DSi,與逆転検事捆綁銷售。

The AAI: ME DSi case.
An Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth CSI case was available on the Capcom Store page, designed to hold a Nintendo DSi. The design includes a metal casing with the game logo on the front and with black foam padding inside with a metal lock and handle. Apparently, only 200 of these cases were made and, of those 200, only 150 were made exclusively available for sale on the Capcom Store.[1]
名字[ | ]
- DS 既指 「雙屏幕(Dual Screen)」,也指 「開發者系統(Developer's System)」。
- Lite means "Light", referring to the lighter weight and the brighter light of the screens
- "i" may refer to "eye", as in the camera function, as well as how it is intended for independent gamers, in relation to the two "i"s in Wii.
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